DBD should take ideas from Identity V and Last Year: The Nightmare



  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    @BACKSTABBER should take my advice and looking for a better examples than Ochido.

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    @PigNRun said:
    So, take what?

    I just watched some gameplays but I like that skill in Identity V that you can stun the killer with a gun, in DBD could be a baseball bat only found in in-game matches, ultra rare, 1 use. Also have a store in game, 8v2...

    LAST YEAR: THE NIGHTMARE: you can cook the killer with a flamethrower, but I only want stun, no need to kill the killer, can craft stuff found ingame (why not a 1-shot broken shotgun?), killer skill to drag with a chain, throw survivor to others....

    The point is, sure there are tons of new good ideas to renew DBD, now that (at least for me after +400 hrs) feel it a bit less fun than before, so only play trolling and taking risks cuz nothing is too exciting as before, we need more action.

    I would like a 2v8, perks fighting other survivors, perks to stun killer, more action, more competition!

  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    @BACKSTABBER said:

    @PigNRun said:
    So, take what?

    I just watched some gameplays but I like that skill in Identity V that you can stun the killer with a gun, in DBD could be a baseball bat only found in in-game matches, ultra rare, 1 use. Also have a store in game, 8v2...

    LAST YEAR: THE NIGHTMARE: you can cook the killer with a flamethrower, but I only want stun, no need to kill the killer, can craft stuff found ingame (why not a 1-shot broken shotgun?), killer skill to drag with a chain, throw survivor to others....

    The point is, sure there are tons of new good ideas to renew DBD, now that (at least for me after +400 hrs) feel it a bit less fun than before, so only play trolling and taking risks cuz nothing is too exciting as before, we need more action.

    I would like a 2v8, perks fighting other survivors, perks to stun killer, more action, more competition!

    You are basically asking for core elements of the game to be changed. DBD is not either of the suggested games. If DBD actually went around copying ideas from other games, the for one would get themselves in trouble and two it would just be a copy paste of other games. DBD has its own style and as much as we like to rag on it, it sets itself apart from the rest.

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    @Killigma said:

    @BACKSTABBER said:

    @PigNRun said:
    So, take what?

    I just watched some gameplays but I like that skill in Identity V that you can stun the killer with a gun, in DBD could be a baseball bat only found in in-game matches, ultra rare, 1 use. Also have a store in game, 8v2...

    LAST YEAR: THE NIGHTMARE: you can cook the killer with a flamethrower, but I only want stun, no need to kill the killer, can craft stuff found ingame (why not a 1-shot broken shotgun?), killer skill to drag with a chain, throw survivor to others....

    The point is, sure there are tons of new good ideas to renew DBD, now that (at least for me after +400 hrs) feel it a bit less fun than before, so only play trolling and taking risks cuz nothing is too exciting as before, we need more action.

    I would like a 2v8, perks fighting other survivors, perks to stun killer, more action, more competition!

    You are basically asking for core elements of the game to be changed. DBD is not either of the suggested games. If DBD actually went around copying ideas from other games, the for one would get themselves in trouble and two it would just be a copy paste of other games. DBD has its own style and as much as we like to rag on it, it sets itself apart from the rest.

    sure, but at certain time it may need a renewal, otherwise the vets will get bored and quit

  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    @BACKSTABBER said:
    sure, but at certain time it may need a renewal, otherwise the vets will get bored and quit

    I think you are overestimating how low this games player base is. Lots of people that are vets still play this game a large amount. Granted, yes this game can get boring, but what game does not? You simply take a break and come back. The game is constantly being updated, new DLC added and now we are seeing some mechanical changes, this game is anything but stagnant atm.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    This is an intersting topic. If you replicate features in other similar games, you kill their buzz.

    This would help dbd to remain the biggest and cement its place as the best. 

    I say you don't know if its a bad idea until you test it. Keep coming up with ideas to make it fitting to dbd. 

    I can imagine whacking the killer with a baseball bat stunning them in place for a few seconds giving the down survivor a chance to crawl away a little more. Should be fun and novelty and not frustrating like ds.
  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    @AshleyWB said:
    This is an intersting topic. If you replicate features in other similar games, you kill their buzz.

    This would help dbd to remain the biggest and cement its place as the best. 

    I say you don't know if its a bad idea until you test it. Keep coming up with ideas to make it fitting to dbd. 

    I can imagine whacking the killer with a baseball bat stunning them in place for a few seconds giving the down survivor a chance to crawl away a little more. Should be fun and novelty and not frustrating like ds.

    If you want features like that, pop on over to Friday the 13th, see how good that game is doing with its amazing features.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    @Killigma What I'm saying is that you won't bother going over to Friday. The baseball bat is an example. It shouldn't be a meaningful mechanic or strategy to use it. Just for novelty purposes. 
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    There needs to be more to the game in general... not just add perks, items that stun the killer more.... survivors life is boring.... gen and chase sim and if you're not getting chased you're not having fun... survivors could get new items that dont even need to help progress the objective or stun the killer.... it could be a flare that revealed scratches and theyd be intrigued simply because it's been years since they've gotten a new item implemented 
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Inspiration could be having something other than exit gates as an escape. Just some other options and variations to keep dbd less samey.
  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    @AshleyWB said:
    @Killigma What I'm saying is that you won't bother going over to Friday. The baseball bat is an example. It shouldn't be a meaningful mechanic or strategy to use it. Just for novelty purposes. 

    This is my point. You guys are suggesting core mechanic changes just for the purpose of novelty. I am not gonna sit here and pretend that this game is perfect or does not need more added. But, going around copying other games and just being another copy paste genre is not the way to go about it. If you want new mechanics then suggest something new, not just something because the other kids are doing it.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,224
    I could understand looking at IV for inspiration, but LY is uncompatible in my opinion.:-1:

    IV's stuff dbd could look at :
    -killer side abilities, secondary abilities (with cooldowns, rejoice fans of the newer killers) available to every killer like a sentry ward, a short blink in viewing direction, a teleport to generators or active hooks, the ability to "instantly regress a gen by X% OR repair a hook", oh and a listening ability for mapwide tracking.

    -blatantly rip off their killers ( lol ) or get inspiration. Cant do something wrong with a pudge hook.
    -real seasons and ranking? 
    -dwight in a maid dress.
  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 12,995

    OchiDO is not what you want for this, I used to watch him then I stopped cause he is a c*nt

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    @AshleyWB said:
    Inspiration could be having something other than exit gates as an escape. Just some other options and variations to keep dbd less samey.

    yep let's bring up some new items, game modes, features but without altering the core entity of DBD

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    If you are too lazy to type out your suggestion, then I wont bother giving feedback.
    Im not going to listen to pedochido, sorry

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    You do know that the DBD devs actively  helped the Identity V devs with there game, it was all talked about on a stream when people posted about it being a rip off of DBD.
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    The only thing that I want, and pretty much what I've been seeing suggested for a bit now, is a 2v8.

    Two survivors versus eight killers, oh I mean two killers versus eight survivors. Same difference really.

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    @Master said:
    If you are too lazy to type out your suggestion, then I wont bother giving feedback.
    Im not going to listen to pedochido, sorry

    If you are too lazy to read my 2nd post (5th post of thread) then go pedochide urself lol

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @BACKSTABBER said:

    @Master said:
    If you are too lazy to type out your suggestion, then I wont bother giving feedback.
    Im not going to listen to pedochido, sorry

    If you are too lazy to read my 2nd post (5th post of thread) then go pedochide urself lol

    You know that you can edit the OP?

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167
    edited January 2019
    None of these would fit the games plot, and mechanics. You shouldn’t be able to harm the killer in any other way than pallets, that’s it. Sure, flashlights and stuff, but that’s it. The game is supposed to be a despair wrenching experience for the survivors (in a plot sense), and so on. If I saw a survivor carrying a shotgun or flamethrower, I’d give up. Namely due to the fact that they would have no experience with said weapon, (with the exception of maybe Bill), but otherwise, I don’t agree. Other objectives and the end game need to be addressed before we introduce new items.
    EDIT: Maybe a 2v8, but that’s it.
  • ForeheadSurviors
    ForeheadSurviors Member Posts: 154
    Identity V is not even balanced lol and Last year is another Friday rip off which is failing..
    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    @Watery said:
    None of these would fit the games plot, and mechanics. You shouldn’t be able to harm the killer in any other way than pallets, that’s it. Sure, flashlights and stuff, but that’s it. The game is supposed to be a despair wrenching experience for the survivors (in a plot sense), and so on. If I saw a survivor carrying a shotgun or flamethrower, I’d give up. Namely due to the fact that they would have no experience with said weapon, (with the exception of maybe Bill), but otherwise, I don’t agree. Other objectives and the end game need to be addressed before we introduce new items.
    EDIT: Maybe a 2v8, but that’s it.

    I would love to throw a molotov cocktail at the killer, and more than 1 charge (unit)

    what DBD really misses is more fight-back perk or items from the survs, to stun only

    now as u said we need to prey for a noob killer to get stunned by a pallet, our weapons of massive destruction, ######### yeah

  • XavierBoah17
    XavierBoah17 Member Posts: 204

    @PigNRun said:
    So, take what?

    I just watched some gameplays but I like that skill in Identity V that you can stun the killer with a gun, in DBD could be a baseball bat only found in in-game matches, ultra rare, 1 use. Also have a store in game, 8v2...

    LAST YEAR: THE NIGHTMARE: you can cook the killer with a flamethrower, but I only want stun, no need to kill the killer, can craft stuff found ingame (why not a 1-shot broken shotgun?), killer skill to drag with a chain, throw survivor to others....

    The point is, sure there are tons of new good ideas to renew DBD, now that (at least for me after +400 hrs) feel it a bit less fun than before, so only play trolling and taking risks cuz nothing is too exciting as before, we need more action.

    I would like a 2v8, perks fighting other survivors, perks to stun killer, more action, more competition!

    I dont think this idea fits well with DBD. Adding more stuns tips the scale in balance and being able to fling a survivor makes no real sense in the game. The 8v2 is something I thought about but it contradicts alot of the in game mechanics that are used for 4v1. (For example Terror Radius) 
  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    @BACKSTABBER said:

    @PigNRun said:
    So, take what?

    I just watched some gameplays but I like that skill in Identity V that you can stun the killer with a gun, in DBD could be a baseball bat only found in in-game matches, ultra rare, 1 use. Also have a store in game, 8v2...

    LAST YEAR: THE NIGHTMARE: you can cook the killer with a flamethrower, but I only want stun, no need to kill the killer, can craft stuff found ingame (why not a 1-shot broken shotgun?), killer skill to drag with a chain, throw survivor to others....

    The point is, sure there are tons of new good ideas to renew DBD, now that (at least for me after +400 hrs) feel it a bit less fun than before, so only play trolling and taking risks cuz nothing is too exciting as before, we need more action.

    I would like a 2v8, perks fighting other survivors, perks to stun killer, more action, more competition!

    So... you want DBD to become a "bully the Killer" simulator? There are already ways to stun the killer, we don't need more.

    Also, Baseball Bat idea makes me think of Friday the 13th and anyone who knows anything about that will know this is a bad, BAD idea. I ran No Fear Jenny and I still feel bad about it.

    Fighting other survivors would buff Griefing. Which is also bad.

    You only play "trolling"? ... Ok.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    For what it's worth, I've adopted Identity V's system of determining a winner for when I play.  Assuming 4 Survivors, Killers win if 3 or more Survivors die, Survivors win if 1 or less Survivors die, draw if 2 Survivors die.  Wouldn't be opposed to DBD officially adopting that. :P
    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    @GodDamn_Angela said:

    @BACKSTABBER said:

    @PigNRun said:
    So, take what?

    I just watched some gameplays but I like that skill in Identity V that you can stun the killer with a gun, in DBD could be a baseball bat only found in in-game matches, ultra rare, 1 use. Also have a store in game, 8v2...

    LAST YEAR: THE NIGHTMARE: you can cook the killer with a flamethrower, but I only want stun, no need to kill the killer, can craft stuff found ingame (why not a 1-shot broken shotgun?), killer skill to drag with a chain, throw survivor to others....

    The point is, sure there are tons of new good ideas to renew DBD, now that (at least for me after +400 hrs) feel it a bit less fun than before, so only play trolling and taking risks cuz nothing is too exciting as before, we need more action.

    I would like a 2v8, perks fighting other survivors, perks to stun killer, more action, more competition!

    So... you want DBD to become a "bully the Killer" simulator? There are already ways to stun the killer, we don't need more.

    Also, Baseball Bat idea makes me think of Friday the 13th and anyone who knows anything about that will know this is a bad, BAD idea. I ran No Fear Jenny and I still feel bad about it.

    Fighting other survivors would buff Griefing. Which is also bad.

    You only play "trolling"? ... Ok.

    GodDamn_Angela you maybe didnt play enough hours or smth

    I still reafirm my ideas that would make the game way more fun:

    • 2v8 ( 1+4 blue vs 1+4 red team)
    • surv items in game onlly in chest, super rare 1 use baseball bat, molotov, broken shotgun...
    • perks to fight other survs: stealing items, punching in the face, shouting...
    • more body smileys (or whatever is called) to clap, taunt, middle finger...
    • perks to stun the killer, i.e. when transporting a surv you go all way like football player and hit...
    • distance based voice chat and VR support...

    From here to the +5yrs of life has DBD yet some of them will be implemented for sure!

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @BACKSTABBER in a game where time is vital and killers can already be stunned by pallets, DS, Flashlights, and fireworks don't you think that is enough. Come on shotguns and flamethrowers. If you want them to use similar map ideas like the 2 story school from last year. I'm for more two floor maps.

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    @fcc2014 said:
    @BACKSTABBER in a game where time is vital and killers can already be stunned by pallets, DS, Flashlights, and fireworks don't you think that is enough. Come on shotguns and flamethrowers. If you want them to use similar map ideas like the 2 story school from last year. I'm for more two floor maps.

    we can implement such progressively

    today a salty clown was throwing bottles at me just for trolling, really wanted to send a molotov back lol

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    Last Year: Survivors can kill the killer, with flame throwers, shotguns and the like. Why run? Why be scared? This goes from Slasher flick to buddy hunter/ghostbusters. No thnx.

    Identity V: What even am I looking at? Nooooo this looks baaaaadddd....

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    Stop right there criminal scum!

    No one tries to fix DBD without complaining about survivors or killers being OP!

  • Jed
    Jed Member Posts: 254



    Am I the only one that dosen't like how these games look? They both are cartoonish and generic looking.