Who else is loving the event right now?

Just wanted to make a thread for people who want to share positive experiences about the event (now that it's available on my platform and I can play it lol).

I've played mostly survivor matches so far because that's where the point bonus has been higher for me, but I did a couple of killer rounds just to get a sense of it before the bonus shifts and I have to say that I am loving both sides!

A few ultra boring survivor matches with the usual "Idk how to win if I don't tunnel/slug/proxy camp at five gens, this is the only strategy I know!" nonsense but most matches have felt fun. Even though I'm dying a lot more than I'm escaping lol, the majority of my trials are at least exciting and I've fortunately had mostly good teammates who have been fun to work with. And it did take me an embarrassing amount of time to fully appreciate what the invitations can do and stop wasting a perk slot on Lucky Break lol. But I love the random Tryks effects, I love the invitation effects, I love the decor. It's just a fun way to mix it up.

Overall I've been having more fun as a killer and it's been easier for me to get points. Remote hooks and pallet breaks have been so awesome. I've been aiming to get everyone hooked at least once or twice before I sacrifice anyone so that we can all max out our points (so joke's on you, people who suicide on first hook lol). But tbf, I've only played my main (Spirit) so far so I'll see if I still feel the same about loving killer side when I try to mix up who I play as later and do some trials with killers I'm less confident with.

The most BP I've gotten in one match thus far has been 221,000. I'm hoping to get at least one of my survivor mains and at least one of my killer mains to level 100 this event and am about to have all all characters to at least level 3, which has been my grinding goal for like a year.


  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,468

    Honestly, I've barely noticed the negatives because I'm swimming in bp. It seems to make all the difference, even in terrible games lol I've had a couple tunnelling killers (not me but i felt bad for the survivor missing out on bp), and a couple team mates teaming with the killer. Those have probably been the worst games.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,029

    event excellent! shame these type of threads never get much attention

  • HansLollos2
    HansLollos2 Member Posts: 178

    The Event is great,. The Voice Acting is cool after you do specific Things and Gameplay-wise it's a nice change for a limited Time, it's nice to have such a chaotic time. However the Event is really Killer sided. And i say that as someone that mostly plays Killer. The Hook Teleport and the Pallet Break just ridiculously strong. The only good Thing Survivors have is the Window block. That is also kinda overpowerd. But it's nothing compared to the Killer Powers in this Event.

    Oh and I like the BPs, Cakes and free Rewards

    And please bring Chaos Shuffle back and Mix a bit of Lights Out in it.

  • Xyphus
    Xyphus Member Posts: 139

    I absolutely love it. Survivor during daytime and Killer at night (depending on the bonus BP).

    Having so much fun and came across many cool and chill players :)

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,865

    As killer? Absolutely.

    As survivor? It's about as pleasant as bashing your head against a concrete wall.

  • Cryptikk
    Cryptikk Member Posts: 418

    I have ran into a few killers who are just vibing and memeing, and its leading to a lot of fun shenaningans and adepts earned, its a awesome time

  • Karth
    Karth Member Posts: 190

    its fun yes, but unfair that killers get 4 times the BP even with survivor bonusses being 150% lol

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 659

    I'm starting to like it. But it really still depends of the killer, his skills, gameplay & the map.

  • Pit_Bull_Love
    Pit_Bull_Love Member Posts: 43

    I love what the devs did with the event. I love the bag of tryks. They did a great job. What I don't like is the way killers are playing. I'm sure you think I'm lying or exaggerating, but 4ks every match. I just realized...does anything special or different happen if you escape? Do like streamer cannons go off or something? Honestly, no one escapes, so I wouldn't have seen it. :(

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 633
    edited June 15

    Not loving it atm. Going against only sweaty killers who have the most tryhard builds. All the lurkers came back again when the event began

    And I think the killers hook teleport is a bit overkill. The pallet breaking with invitation is fine, but I think they over did it with this one.

    Post edited by Triplehoo on
  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580
    edited June 15

    The stuff around the event is cool, Tryks is fun, the event mechanics are nifty and provide loads of unique counterplay (though I think remote hooking is maybe too strong and needs a bit of a balance shift, make it the FURTHEST hook away to reduce tunnelling if you bring this back), and the aesthetic and cosmetics are on point as ever. Loving the BP gains too!

    Unfortunately, just like every other event like these BHVR insists on doing, the entire gameplay of the event outside of the Bag of Tryks is based entirely around just doing your side's objective really fast AGAIN, and on Survivor it's every man for themselves on who gets the most points by interacting with stuff to collect them because only the person who finishes a gen gets the points. Killers sweat for their hooks so they can get the most points, Survivors sweat for their gens to get the most points, and it leads to a really unfun experience where matches are much too fast and much too sweaty for a casual person like me to enjoy.

    My SWF friends have all left the game after only a few hours of play, and I just don't even wanna bother with SoloQ after how nasty my experience was last year as a solo Surv. And don't get me started on how bad the event felt last year as a 500 hour Ghostface Main struggling to even get enough hooks because gens were so damn fast; I spent all Masquerade last year losing because I didn't have the gen hold to help me yet and didn't have the skill to deal with the sweat yet. I'm actually DREADING booting up as Killer for the event right now because Survivor side has kinda sucked with all of the Killer aggression and nuisance strats like tunnelling, even as my stronger Killer Mains like Pinhead because I know I'll have to sweat and play nasty EVEN as a Killer with built in slowdown. That's if Survivors don't DC because it's a SoloQ team versus Pinhead. I know the event is Killer sided and I am STILL scared to boot up because I am DREADING an influx of Survivors cussing me out whether I win or lose in the endgame, shitting on me no matter how fair I might play, and being absolutely awful to me because I dared to play Killer today. And because everyone is sweating because they want BP, literally everyone brings the most tryhard sweaty stuff, all the time, 24/7 every round and it feels bad. It feels really, really, REALLY BAD.

    It's sadly just what happens every year, and it's just not fun. It will never be fun until there is a casual option that forces non-sweating. I don't understand why they didn't lean into Tryks' randomness more and make perks and items be random too, so it's impossible to bring anything meta and you truly are at the mercy of Tryks and her shenanigans. That would have made for a more casual chill experience by far and really made a lot of players extremely happy as a reprieve from the aggressive sweat of base DBD. But as it is now…? The event is just normal DBD, but with extra BP gain and super sweaty play because weeeee bloodpoints gotta get my bloodpoints. I can only pray as the event goes on and people calm down after the rank reset, get enough Cobblers, unlock tome stuff, etc. that this will all tone down and the sweats will get bored and go back to main queue so the rest of us can vibe during the event in peace.

  • Viciusaurus
    Viciusaurus Member Posts: 407

    I love the event, but I'll never understand players who take it so seriously. Had three matches where all four survivors were slugged and bled out. Aside from those matches it's been fantastic watching my BP skyrocket

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,055

    I play the event with killer

    I play the normal version with survivor

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 856

    My survivor games have been tough. I've just been making my own fun by making killers have to work for the 4k with OoO+ Scene Partner. Spoiler:Tbagging a Vecna through Weave Attunement tends to end terribly if you have a Vecna Item :p

    Killers been OK just chillin with Chucky lots of 1st down disconnects though I feel bad for the survivors

  • scoser
    scoser Member Posts: 482

    I've been enjoying it, it's been one of the better events they've put on. Some people say that either side is being more toxic as a result of the event, but in my experience, they're being just as toxic as they usually are, it's just that you are remembering it more because bad games REALLY cut into the bloodpoint flood that could be coming your way if you had a good game.

  • Garboface
    Garboface Member Posts: 283
    edited June 16

    I am enjoying it a great deal. Any complaints I have are directed at the community but not worth mentioning as I am working on typing at least 3 sentences a day that aren't complaining. The struggle is real. Anyways, what I would love to see is some flying animation for when you do the mystery hook thing. Just stand back and wing them at a favorite hook, I would be aghast with glee while they are cartwheeling through the air, screaming with a face of abject horror. Oh... pretty please for next year?

    Great work, folks. You're awesome. Love the event.

    Edit-omg, now I am even fantasizing of a bank shot bonus.