Enjoying the game as Killer

So i came into this game as a survivor because the idea of running and evading a killer "hide and seek" style was exciting to me. Its a horror game after all, i want to be scared. However, after playing so much survivor and watching popular streamers play killer, i decided to give it a try. I was really intrigued by both the hag, spirit, and wraith play styles so those are the ones i played most. Even though ive gotten "kinda" comfortable now as killer as i got all the way to rank 10 from 20, but just last night i found my hands literally twitching from anxiety to try and kill these survivors. I know that the killer role is intended to be a bit more stressful than survivor, but i watch people on youtube all the time play killer so relaxed and i want to feel that as well, but when i play i think i am pressuring myself to play perfectly everytime. Idk....my question is for those who like to play killer, how do you guys stay relaxed and have fun with the game as killer and not feel overwhelmed?
I don't play to win, I play to have fun and get points.
"but just last night i found my hands literally twitching from anxiety to try and kill these survivors."
I am literally the same way. Playing just too get points and not kill all the survivors is how I keep my stress levels low.
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Take a break between matches and try to focus on having fun. Earning blood points is the goal. Kills will come as survivors make mistakes. Winning in this game is in the eye of the beholder. If you had fun you won. Also helps to equip perks based on how you want to play. For example, I run Enduring on all my killers by default so I do not care about pallets or DS. It is also advisable to avoid end game chat as many times this is the worst part of the game.
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@ColonGlock said:
Take a break between matches and try to focus on having fun. Earning blood points is the goal. Kills will come as survivors make mistakes. Winning in this game is in the eye of the beholder. If you had fun you won. Also helps to equip perks based on how you want to play. For example, I run Enduring on all my killers by default so I do not care about pallets or DS. It is also advisable to avoid end game chat as many times this is the worst part of the game.You also win when a survivor is salty at you for killing them because they were a potato XD
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I have like.. 1500 hours as Killer, and another 3K as Survivor. More Killer than Survivor since Dec 2017. When I first started playing Killer in 2016, I would get a bit anxious. But the game was completely different than now, and actually broken to play as Killer. Sometimes the Killer games are stressful, but more often than not they’re extremely enjoyable.
Getting comfortable with a few killers helps, a lot. You’re human, you will make mistakes. Survivors are also human, they make mistakes too.0 -
The easiest way to adjust your mindset as a Killer is to remember that YOU determine your win conditions. Not the Survivors, or people on YT, Twitch, etc. If you want to have fun and not stress so much set yourself the goal of getting 4 BBQ stacks. Anything else after that becomes bonus. At match end, say gg have a good one, and exit. Easy.
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@BigBadPiggy said:
@ColonGlock said:
Take a break between matches and try to focus on having fun. Earning blood points is the goal. Kills will come as survivors make mistakes. Winning in this game is in the eye of the beholder. If you had fun you won. Also helps to equip perks based on how you want to play. For example, I run Enduring on all my killers by default so I do not care about pallets or DS. It is also advisable to avoid end game chat as many times this is the worst part of the game.You also win when a survivor is salty at you for killing them because they were a potato XD
I play survivor too as this is critical to becoming a well-rounded player. I am not trying to hurt anyone and do not take pleasure from making people upset.
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Had the problem too at the beginning. I think one problem is the ranking system in itself. You face against opponents you shouldn't yet be facing. But once I started taking this game less serious, and not competitive, I started enjoying the game much more. And got better. You really should play just for fun, not for winning. The fact that people even have different definitions of how to win as a killer, should tell you to not take the game too seriously or competitively.
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ColonGlock said:
@BigBadPiggy said:
@ColonGlock said:
Take a break between matches and try to focus on having fun. Earning blood points is the goal. Kills will come as survivors make mistakes. Winning in this game is in the eye of the beholder. If you had fun you won. Also helps to equip perks based on how you want to play. For example, I run Enduring on all my killers by default so I do not care about pallets or DS. It is also advisable to avoid end game chat as many times this is the worst part of the game.You also win when a survivor is salty at you for killing them because they were a potato XD
I play survivor too as this is critical to becoming a well-rounded player. I am not trying to hurt anyone and do not take pleasure from making people upset.
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It is incredibly stressful, but as @BigBadPiggy and @ColonGlock say, focus on fun. Even a black pip is good. As soon as you stop focussing on kills, you realise you can hook survivors and walk away. No camping or tunneling required because its about the points and fun in the end.
However, I always feel I'm going to end on one of Ochido's juking videos.
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Playing killer will be always more stressful because of 2 main reasons: they care about getting as many kills as they can and not having unlimited time to kill survivors, not because they are overly underpowered.
There are ragequitters on both sides but as a survivor you kinda accept death, as a killer (being the only one able to remove players from the match) you kinda feel upset when you can't do that, so it's more a psychological thing.
If you are feeling uncomfortable while playing a game, ANY game, just take it less seriously, that or get drunk and play it0 -
I've noticed that some killers for me get me a lot more stressed than others, Some you really have to put a tonne of effort into so it can be hard to relax or even have fun playing them.
Try find a killer who you don't need to focus on too much, It's helped me.0 -
@Bongbingbing said:
I've noticed that some killers for me get me a lot more stressed than others, Some you really have to put a tonne of effort into so it can be hard to relax or even have fun playing them.
Try find a killer who you don't need to focus on too much, It's helped me.Playing Trapper in 2019..why do I do this to myself
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I appreciate all the positive responses! not a "git gud" in sight! lol theres hope for this community after all lol Id say the killer i am the 'least' stressed to play is the hag, but i really want to put more time into the spirit. I know shes very difficult to play (especially now with the sound bug) but shes so cool! and has some of the coolest DLC to wear (even the upcoming school girl outfit) :chuffed:
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It gets better as you play more.
The streamers you watch play relaxed, becaused they earned it through hundreds of hours of play.
Always try to do your best but don't be adraid to lose. Who cares is the entity is displeased. You learned something this match."Maybe pressure gens more?" "Did i place my traps before i started chasing?" "Next time i'll be more mindful of my distance before i phase to a gen." "i should uncloak behind something so they don't see me coming"
So..yeah. Always better yourself. Seeing improvement is big part of the enjoyment.
Also, try out different things as you unlock more perks. That's always fun.0 -
Generally I just fart around and don’t try to 4k all the time, most of my 4k happen when I deal with SWFs who are being jerks.
I have 3 killers I am very comfortable with: Hag, Spirit, Susie. I feel that being comfortable with your killer is key to relaxing.
My goal is to maximize my BP as much as possible so I chase, I hunt, I play peekaboo yadda-yadda. Im thankful for pallets because it’s more points. I kick gens. Anything that awars points I try to do a lot of those before I even consider sacrificing people. To me Sacrificing is really only 1/4th of killer gameplay so I treat it as such.
More often than not I will slug people before I hook them, and let them get saved for more bleed points.
I give myself other objectives. Like trying to get grabs from pallets, gens and windows. Or I try to see if I can get 1 or more survivors to trust me to get close and follow them around for a bit. Watching them duck walking around you is funny to me.I generally play slower, honestly, sometimes I move at a survivors pace, swing at nothing, look at the scenery … Every now and then survivor gets curious and comes looking for me instead.
Also I rarely hit -> chase -> hit. I will Chase -> Hit -> Run away. I throws people off for one, and again gets you more points.
I spam my powers whenever I can.
Also sometimes I turn the game music down and play some other music instead to change the context of the game. Funny music, classical music… that kind of stuff.
Lastly I'm not afraid to lose, when you get over the fear of defeat, you are free to do anything you want.
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Yeah I get that too sometimes. Doing well as killer really is just incredibly stressful, to the point where I start shaking and laughing at everything. Sometimes you just have to switch to survivor and destress for a while, usually works for me.0
I've been playing Billy and my god. He's very dominant compared to the rest of the killers except Hag and Nurse. Bloody hell, he's awesome.
For you getting nervous, it's natural. It happened to me when I was newer. I'm really cocky/confident now. Once you get better, it'll go.
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Honestly, I've never felt that way, but maybe it could help you learning mind-games, how and when to use different kinds of playstyles.
It'll help you to have the match under control and not in the survivors control.0 -
I dont even have to say anything, good job guys coming together as a community to help another. I was expecting to scroll down and see a git gud doc somewhere0
Nah, just kidding.
Might have been said before, but its extremely important. Play Killers that you actually truly enjoy. In my case, I never fully enjoyed Killer until I tried Clown and Spirit (this is my preference, might be different for you). I never get stressed it with the Killers I enjoy playing, even during really bad matches.
It might also help doing Survivor matches in between Killer matches, if you are on a bad streak. Kind of like a "cooldown period".0 -
I stopped playing killer regularly, and now mainly play it for dailies, because I used to get so anxious at chases, smashing R1/M1 to hit them (didn’t know about the lunge back then) while they 360d me and my PS4 exploded due to the low fps after missing a hit, that I ended up with pain in my wrist and thumb.
Now when I play killer, I simply go in there and try and have fun whatever the outcome is. At Haddonfield’s map I once was standing outside of the house with the balcony with Bubba while the survivors were up there so they all jumped to me to see who got hit by the saw and who made it out alive.