Dead By Daylight 2: Sequel Idea
Unique Maps
Every map should change esthetic depending on the killer faced. (Hooks, sky, environment itself).
Maps defined by layouts instead of visuals or esthetic.
For example: a square map with a middle square and outer square that branches off like midwitch but would look completely different depending on the killer. Overgrown building for someone like hag with mud and wet ground, overgrown with alien life on another planet for singularity, upside down realm for demogorgan etc. etc.
Only 3 perks slots for any killer; two of them being objective perks and the other being a flex perk. The “flex” perk slot is a perk that is from a different killer than the one being played. This is explained further under the “Passive and Active Powers section.”
Objective perks
The other two slots that remain will be objective perk slots with one being a regression perk and the other being a blocker perk. In these slots you have the choice of ruin+undying (original version) OR Pop+overcharge (original versions, i.e 25% total progress). Blocker perks consist of Dead man’s plus thrilling (no cooldown) OR Corrupt and Deadlock. all “perk+perk” perks count as one slot
Lessen the amount of add-ons and replace iridescent add-ons with an add-on that completely changes power and strategy.
For example:
Tier I add-ons:
Increases effectiveness of current passive power
Tier II:
Increases effectiveness of current active power
Tier III:
Changes/modifies power completely
Passive and Active Powers
All killers would have a passive and active power. Active being the same as the previous game and passive being anything that improves the base attributes (or universal kit) of a killer. Passive powers only activate after completing a specific task unique to every killer. Passive powers will mirror a killer’s base-kit perks or strategy. Note: killers have one flex perk slot and can not use their own perks. Prestige 1 grants other killers one perk that’s half the effectiveness of the prestige 1 killer’s passive.
Example: Trapper; needs to hook a survivor in basement and then is granted a slight speed increase to breaking pallets or is granted additional speed when carrying survivors for the remainder of the trial (depending on tier I add-ons)
Tier III Add-on Examples
Some examples/ideas of Tier III add-ons:
Doctor: replaces electric shock with electric traps that shoot out of the doctor’s hand and when colliding with pallets, windows or generators sets a trap that can be seen by the arching electricity from the object. Causes survivors to scream and be stunned for 2.5 seconds if attempting to interact with the object.
Hag: Replaces Teleporting traps with mud walls that deploy when a survivor triggers the proximity trap. These walls have collision and will generate a wall from object to object of the left and right from which direction the hag placed the trap. This wall has a range limit of 4 meters.
Wraith: instead of cloaking the wraith now has a bell which takes longer than the uncloak (in the first dead by daylight
) but upon finishing the ringing action immediately grants 150% speed for .3 seconds.
Prestige I: grants other killers one perk that’s half the effectiveness/ability of the prestige’d killer’s passive.
Prestige II: recolor options unlocked for the killer’s perks
Prestige III: recolor options unlocked for the current outfit (unless a set/linked licensed outfit)
After Prestige III you can continuously level up that killer. When playing that killer, their level will be displayed instead of their prestige for other players in all lobbies (this includes queue, pre and post lobbies)
No add-ons
Survivor items are replaced with ribbons that guarantee a certain item when opening a chest. The amount of chests in the map are increased to five (one guaranteed to be in basement)
You have four perks. One of those perks are a flex perk and the other three are adept (unchangeable).
A flex perk is a perk from another survivor that are not it’s base three
Survivors have a passive ability, which activates during a trial by completing the challenge for that survivor. Survivors with weaker perks have stronger passives while survivors with stronger perks have weaker passives.
Meg: Strong perks\weak passive; challenge is to successfully escape three chases. The next time you would get exhausted you don’t, if currently exhausted removes status effect and then deactivates.
Feng: mostly weak perks/mostly strong passive (only lithe is good); challenge is to repair the equivalent of two full generators. Until you repair the equivalent of another full generator your repairs and the generator make no noise for all survivors on your gen and the killer’s aura is revealed to you and other survivors on the generator within 16 meters of the generator.
At Prestige 1 the survivors perks become flex perks.
A flex perk slot is unlocked at Prestige 2.
The passive ability is not unlocked for that survivor until Prestige 3.
After Prestige III you can continuously level up that survivor. When playing that survivor, their level will be displayed instead of their prestige for other players in all lobbies (this includes queue, pre and post lobbies)
Four killers queue up against one survivor. Killers have to hit the survivor a total of five times. A special hit counts as two. The survivor has their action speed increased by 500% and their movement speed is increased by 300%. They are given a flashlight that does not lose battery. When blinding killers successfully they become blind and frozen until another killer resuscitates them (during this time they can spectate other killers). The survivor has Object of Obsession, Blast mine, flash-bang and chemical trap. The killers have no perks. The game is over if all killers are frozen or five gens are completed. If all gens are completed the entity will grab and remove the killers from the game.
Killer Trials
Challenges, escalating in difficulty, where you have to win a specific scenario with a killer’s power. Certain killers do not have trials. This is a single-player mode.
(4v32 Battle Royal) Slaughter Grounds
Survivors in the pregame lobby are given one of their survivor’s perks, one random flex perk and four are given a random item. Survivors vote to reroll perks or the killers and can see what killers they are playing against. Perks and killers rerolled can not be given again for they are removed from the selection poll on vote. Also, it is guaranteed that one A tier or S Tier killer will be faced against; it is also limited to only one S tier or two A tier killers on the killer’s 4-player team.
Killer players each get to choose one perk for their team (all killers share these perks, hex perk totems spawn in every quadrant and deactivate upon breaking any one of them); in total the killers get 4 perks not limited by perk type and perk effects only affect the current quadrant that they were activated in, with the exception of certain hex perks. Add-ons are random and can be rerolled once by each killer for themselves. Tier III add-ons cannot be obtained.
The Map will be four realms merged together connected only by exit gates. All killers start separated in their respective realms; once five gens have been done in their quadrant that map’s gates becomes connected to the adjacent two, and when opened by killer or survivor, the players can move between them. Once all four quadrants are fully powered the middle quadrant will be powered and survivors can leave through it by charging the exit gate.
Killer specific interactables move depending on what quadrant the killer is currently in (if a survivor is interacting with the object it will stay for the duration, objects move with the killer after five seconds of non-interaction).
Win conditions for game are generally the same.
Self-explanatory mode, with the only difference being end-game collapse. Instead of hatch a 1v1 is initiated and a percentage of pallets respawn depending on percentage of generators repaired by the team. The survivor must stay alive for three minutes. Survivor and killer aura is shared when 10 meters away from each other for five seconds. The chase timer starts on chase event activation or 10 meter proximity to survivor for 10 seconds.
Custom games
Same as normal with the exception of more modifiers.
- Specific banning of perks/add-ons
- “Fog-Caster” mode with QOL spectator features seen in other competitive games
- Amount of Survivors/killers
- Option for the host to set the load-out
- Custom amount of pallets, generators, exit gates that spawn out of the random spots that it can spawn
- For example: spawn 7 pallets out of the 32 spots where a pallet could spawn or spawn 8 totems out of the 12 spots it could spawn
- Killer bots
- Game-mode selection
Limited Time (weekly/monthly) Game Modes “Entity’s Obituary”
(Prop-hunt) Soul Stake
Four survivors become props and one player is randomly selected as the Soul Staker. Props can perform all normal survivor interactions except locker hiding. Normal rules for prop movement apply including jumping and locking in place. Soul Staker is blinded at the start of the game and is unblinded once endgame collapse happens. As soon as hiding is finished endgame collapse lasts for 4 minutes. One of these survivors will randomly be selected as the Soul Staker, a grim levitating corpse that seeks to once again feel the warmth of the campfire (appearance resembles corresponding survivor selected). Soul Staker can sense nearby souls (props) with a whispers audio cue that gives direction when 12+ meters away for 10 seconds every minute (for hearing impaired a general crescent shape indicating direction). Also, Soul Staker will see mist whenever a soul has stayed still within 12 meters of the Soul Staker.
Soul Staker drains the soul from props. Props with no soul inside of them, hurt him. Props that can be souls will be highlighted when looked at. As composition (health) is lost the edges of the screen darken and its game over for that round when the screen is completely covered or time runs out. The prop that survives the shortest is next Soul Staker. The last one to be found is the winner in a first to two points.