this is what i don't understand

Stubbsyefc1 Member Posts: 108
edited January 2019 in General Discussions

When someone is abusing looping in the same building most of the game, When you chase them they go to the same building over and over again and when you finally get them and kill them they abuse you at the end of the game because you camped them so hard for looping...

They don't get called out for looping over and over again...

So why can't i camp them for abusing looping the same building?, I know its boring but looping is the same thing so...


  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Play how you want.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613

    Why do you want to understand?
    It'll always come down to: I wanna win and rub it in your face.

  • Stubbsyefc1
    Stubbsyefc1 Member Posts: 108

    @fcc2014 said:
    Play how you want.

    So why do people abuse killers for camping if the loop abused?

  • Stubbsyefc1
    Stubbsyefc1 Member Posts: 108

    @Boss said:
    Why do you want to understand?
    It'll always come down to: I wanna win and rub it in your face.

    I want to understand why its ok for them to loop abuse and killers can't camp abuse...

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Stubbsyefc1 said:

    @Boss said:
    Why do you want to understand?
    It'll always come down to: I wanna win and rub it in your face.

    I want to understand why its ok for them to loop abuse and killers can't camp abuse...

    Well you can camp if you want to but a lot of killer camp when someone just was the 1st one seen, no looping etc.

    The thing of it is neither is an abuse and both are legitimate tactics.

  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614

    @Boss said:
    Why do you want to understand?
    It'll always come down to: I wanna win and rub it in your face.

    I want to understand why its ok for them to loop abuse and killers can't camp abuse...

    Because they juat want to jab at you. Camping is a bit to kuch for my taste but they will find any reason to yell and whine
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613

    @Stubbsyefc1 said:

    @Boss said:
    Why do you want to understand?
    It'll always come down to: I wanna win and rub it in your face.

    I want to understand why its ok for them to loop abuse and killers can't camp abuse...

    Because they want to win.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Stubbsyefc1 said:

    @fcc2014 said:
    Play how you want.

    So why do people abuse killers for camping if the loop abused?

    If someone is hitting me with a strong loop i go for someone else to not waste time. I also wouldn't camp unless it is the last survivor near an exit. You can play however you see fit. If they wasted your time you can punish them however you like. Try to recognize when you are dealing with strong loops break off the chase for someone else.

  • perotx
    perotx Member Posts: 77

    You can, if you want, no one can tell you how to play the game as long as you're not breaking the rules. Camping is looked down upon, because, against competent survivors, you're basically just forfeiting the game to other three survivors just to make the game unpleasant to the camped one. Looping is okay because it's the only counter play that survivors can use. Looping properly takes actual skill and is usually exhilarating for both sides, but when a killer facecamps it usually makes makes the game unfun for both the camped one and the camper. This is how I look at it.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    None is okay, no one said it was. I main survivor and I honestly find it boring to loop and to extend the chase for over a minute so I will just try and lose them or slow down to get hit. And when someone else is looping the killer I usually get in the way so I get the killer's attention or I run into him with a firework and yeah..
    Either way, camping or facecamping is different. While the killer can choose whether to ignore the survivor that's looping and go find someone else (which I would do if I don't want to be genrushed), a hooked survivor has no chance of choosing anything and knows his game ends right there. The survivor that loops is not actually ruining your game because you still have the choice to do differently, the killer that camps is in a way ruining the survivor's game.
    Myself, I don't mind being camped in certain situations... but I get pissed when I'm found first and I get hooked and the Bubba stands in front of me as if he wanted to kiss me... eww

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Camp if u want, but don't complain about the hatch.
  • Stubbsyefc1
    Stubbsyefc1 Member Posts: 108

    @Vietfox said:
    Camp if u want, but don't complain about the hatch.

    Hatch needs to be removed, Shouldnt even be in the game.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    While I get it, the abuse is unnecessary...

    The argument of what else are the Survivors supposed to do in a chase becomes relevant.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Vietfox said:
    Camp if u want, but don't complain about the hatch.

    Hatch needs to be removed, Shouldnt even be in the game.

    Neither should you.
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited January 2019

    Killers that camp because they were looped are just spiteful children. It's part of the game and the survivor is just playing optimally. Camping however is rarely an optimal strategy, and when you throw the game away just to "teach them a lesson" you are being toxic. It's retaliatory, whereas looping isn't. Camp if you want but you're just being salty. Maybe try leaving the chase and instead catch them when they are in a more vulnerable spot. There are only a handful of super strong loops in the game, and most of them are broken when the pallet is gone.

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220

    @powerbats said:

    @Stubbsyefc1 said:

    @Boss said:
    Why do you want to understand?
    It'll always come down to: I wanna win and rub it in your face.

    I want to understand why its ok for them to loop abuse and killers can't camp abuse...

    Well you can camp if you want to but a lot of killer camp when someone just was the 1st one seen, no looping etc.

    The thing of it is neither is an abuse and both are legitimate tactics.

    I see people say this all the time, and it still boggles my mind. Why does it matter if they're the first person I caught? If i can get away with keeping them hooked til death while defending gens (Not that hard), why shouldn't i? Why is it 'bad' to capitalize on an opponent's mistake? Because it isn't 'fun' for them? Well, losing isn't fun for me. SO i catch you, i'll do my best to kill you and make sure you don't get another chance to waste my time.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Stubbsyefc1 said:
    When someone is abusing looping in the same building most of the game, When you chase them they go to the same building over and over again and when you finally get them and kill them they abuse you at the end of the game because you camped them so hard for looping...

    They don't get called out for looping over and over again...

    So why can't i camp them for abusing looping the same building?, I know its boring but looping is the same thing so...

    They're just being a poor sport. If they kept returning to a strong loop spot, they should have expected a camp.