If the Twisted Masquerade was condensed into a single killer. (With dancing perks and power!)

pyramidheadmain6233 Member Posts: 121

Mori: Cornering the survivor with Tryx suddenly appearing, the two of them entrap the survivor in dark magic and hold them into the sky, turning them into a glittering gold mannequin, the exact ones seen around the Trial during the event. The victim is teleported away, Tryx and Headmaster do a quick dance, then she vanishes and the mori ends.

Just for funsies, the Headmaster’s dialogue. Anytime he performs certain actions, he’ll have a 25% chance to say something.

Spawning in:

“I’m not late, am I?”

“Who’s ready to pop some champagne?”

“Always happy to drop in.”

“Rock and roll all night, party every day.”

Breaking things:

“This place is such a mess, and not the good kind.”

“Hell yeah, look what I can do!”

“What are these things made of anyway?”

“Well aren’t these things terminally annoying?” (only for pallets)

Damaging survivors:

(Various laughter)

Downing survivors:

“How does the ground taste?”

“Are you drunk?”

“Oh isn’t this FUN!?”

Hooking survivors:

“Can you quit being dramatic please?”

“I know it hurts, I used to be one of you. Do not regret the transition at. All.”

“Gotta love stringing the decorations!”


“Oh, I get it now. You’re a piece of #########.”


“Oh ######### YOU, (survivor’s name)”

“Oh yeah sure, that doesn’t hurt at all. I’m gonna drag your face through a hook.”


“It’s my pleasure, (survivor’s name) you’re about to become something beautiful. ……. (Spoken with Tryx) The masquerade never dies!!”

When another killer (not the Headmaster) uses his teachable perk Forget About Life For a While, the Headmaster has a 25% chance to manifest in the sky and say something. This is purely cosmetic and does not affect the trial.

“Hell yeah, friend! Only you can define you! Shake that THANG!”

“With how often everything in these Trials never ######### works properly, I’m starting to think The Entity does it on purpose.”

“######### your flashlights, ######### your toolboxes, and ######### your medkits. Maps are pretty cool though.”

“If only I had confetti right now you’d all be sorry.”

“Oh sure, survivors get plenty of new stuff and everyone considers it normal. But killers get even ONE new toy and suddenly the apocalypse is now.”

"Well, aren't we all having a jolly swell time? Wish it was always like this."

"Does anyone have any wine lying around? All this brutality is a good show but makes me quite thirsty."