An interesting survivor build. I don't believe it's META at all.

I've just versed a survivor who had some distinct advantage over his teammates as I had a lot of trouble finding him. Basically all the teammates had been hooked twice when I finally found him.
Iron Will + Lightweight + Premonition were the key perks. The fourth was Weaving Spiders.
No visible trackmarks, almost silent when hurt (75% is really pretty good), and could evade me for quite a while.
Replacing Weaving Spiders by something else may make it even stronger.
What do you think?
Keep Iron Will and Lightweight, but replace Premonition with Lightfooted, and also put on Low Profile.
You basically leave zero trace, and if you are in a situation where the killer decides to slug for the 4k, 90 seconds of no scratch marks from Low Profile can really save matches at points, it's a situational but fun build to run that I really enjoy.
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try this build … No mither - resilience - weaving spiders - dead hard
if you are in premade, ask for someone bring distortion (it will serve to warn you if the killer has vision perk)
object: a good toolbox + brand new part
offer: Bloodied blueprint OR Torn bluprint (you will need it to find basement immediately)
this combo is SO ILLEGAL 🤣
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I went against a 4-man Claudette squad all with Iron Will/Lightweight/Botany and Self Care many years back and let me tell you it's awful if you don't have some kind of info perk or power.
The match went on for like 20-ish minutes as they very slowly worked on gens and hid long before I'd get to them. A team with a full stealth build is terrifying and awful. T_T
As for the original question I think Lucky Break, Overcome, and then a healing perk like SiS, SC or IS works pretty good. Pairing Bite the Bullet with Self Care can work to replace Iron Will.
It's a bit hit and miss depending on the map but when it works it really hurts the killers pressure.
You could also replace Overcome with Iron Will instead and throw on Lightweight as well so you're hard to track when injured and healthy.
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Ah yes, indeed. I can see how it can be quite difficult to track. I'll keep that one aside for another match. Thanks. 😄
This looks like a powerful build, but a double-edged sword too (one health state only : no many mistakes allowed).
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weaving spiders makes you injured throughout the game and warns the killer that you used it… "no mither" hides weaving spiders and makes you silent. dead hard gives you a second health state.
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I find lightweight as killer perk since it makes scratchmarks easier to spot from far since they can occur more often on walls, ceiling etc.
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It’s funny you mention that. The build I always run is Iron Will, Lightfooted, Distortion and Deception. Lots of jukes and mind games. Catches people off guard more than you’d think. I could see Lightweight in there.
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You're right. I would not run any of these perks.
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I've considered trying a similar build but since Iron Will and Lightfooted don't work at the same time, I feel like you're just exchanging one sound for another so would still be pretty trackable. Do you find you have a good rate of escaping, or at least extending, chase? I prefer Overcome + Lucky Break + Bite the Bullet + Self Care for the same sort of effect but am always looking for new builds
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The build is mainly for avoiding chases. If your someone like me that isn't the best at looping then it's great for staying stealthy, if you do manage to get into chase, the build helps you a lot with holding W, most of the time the killer mindgames himself at a loop, Lightweight and Lightfooted makes you untrackable especially in indoor maps, Low Profile is mainly for saving the team, especially against slugging killers, or if your in endgame.
If you prefer a more relaxed match, not many chases, while remaining useful than I recommend this build!
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It works very well IMHO. At least it works against me.
Oh, I use that build myself. (Got it from CoconutRTS) It's hilarious to see the killer go away almost walking over me 😁.
It is pretty efficient against my Nurse.
Being hard to find or hard to track is generally a great idea against most Nurses IMHO. (Coupled with knowing how she usually reacts, counting her blinks and measuring her power focus duration and you are safe against most Nurses.)
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( ..)φ____ makes notes
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Thanks for that, I'll give it a go next time I play. Sometimes (usually for escape dailies and challenges) I like to go under the radar without being simultaneously useless lol it seems like a decent build for that