How do you (efficiently) play Huntress?

Soren Member Posts: 369

I'm currently learning Bunny Mom, and oh god, I can't help but struggle because of her speed. And I'm a Hag main! I'm currently facing these issues:

  • I'm being hard-looped whenever there are sight blockers (rocks, main buildings...) so my chases are not shorter than usual, it's even worse.
  • I can't pressure gens at all and needs to pull off 3-gens strat really soon because I can't really travel the map (speed, again).

These are the two main ones - others are just case of "git gud". So here's my question: how do you manage to properly win against decent survivors?

So far, all the Huntress players I see use slugs or hooks as a bait - basically they punish over-altruism, that's it. But this strategy relies on mistakes from the survivors in order to win...