Thoughts on the update

Yggleif Member Posts: 374

(+) Lara Croft is great, Finesse I genuinely believe could be ma meta perk, Specialist is decent in it's own build, Hardened is extremely situation but I can't lie it's amazing in the situation where it matters.

(+) Rift is my favorite thus far, the animal theming is really cool.

(+) Singularity QoL might be the best they've ever done

(+/-) Perk updates are okay but nothing super noticeable except maybe Iron Will which nobody is running for some reason.

(-) UI is extremely ugly, looks like it doesn't fit on the screen properly anymore.

(-) Knight is not fun to play and not fun to play against. I genuinely believe this killer needs a complete rework.


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    UI and Knight changes are awfull.

    The rest is okay. Glad Singu got some love.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Hate the UI, love the rift. Gens seem super buggy right now and are sometimes counting for two when they pop, or not counting at all.

  • Vorahk08
    Vorahk08 Member Posts: 302

    I haven't played her yet, but Lara looks incredible. Finesse actually seems both meta and balanced at the same time, which is nice. I love Tomb Raider, so I'm looking forward to the que times going down.

    Rift is easily the best they've done.

    As a Singularity main, these changes are everything I could have put on a wishlist. This feels like a Billy-level update.

    All of the buffed perks seem to have just had timers adjusted to be more forgiving and I don't use them that often anyway. I agree about Iron Will, though. Only saw one person using it, and he died pretty easily. Didn't seem to think that generator noises give him away more than grunts of pain.

    I can see what the devs were talking about with the system updates, because things are loading faster for me. However, the UI itself needs redesigned. It definitely feels like a mobile game now. Sometimes, more options on a single menu are better than multiple sub-menus.

    The Knight changes have barely moved the needle for me. He's still boring compared with other killers.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    "(+/-) Perk updates are okay but nothing super noticeable except maybe Iron Will which nobody is running for some reason."

    I think you are underselling both Trails of Torment and Oppression changes. Cutting those cooldowns in half is actually a pretty big deal.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 1,373

    I'm the one person using Machine Learning so that's....something for me.