So about the Cross progression on Nintendo Switch…
i’m sure most of us are very disappointed to see that we waited years just for the cross progression on Switch to be incomplete.I wanted to ask since I never bought a DLC on the Nintendo switch store but instead always bought auric cells to buy characters, does that mean when I sync my account with PC, I still have to buy them again?
Essentially, yeah. Most likely the reason it's like that is Nintendo themselves though, and you can tell because every other platform is fully compatible.
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oh well that sucks I thought it wouldn’t count as a dlc if I buy the characters in-game with auric cells. Do u think Nintendo can change its mind soon to allow the DLCs to transfer as well ?
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Sadly, probably not. Nintendo do it that way so they make more money, so it's most likely that they won't change their mind. From what I can tell though, you can transfer things over to Nintendo though.
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If anything is bought with real money, like the cells are, then most likely it will not be transferrable. In-game currency purchases might be, like using the Shards.