The description for "Deranged Pursuit" on the PC achievements list is wrong


I'm making this post to let the moderators and the community know what is actually wrong with the achievement "Deranged Pursuit." Since i'm the only one that I know of that has unlocked said achievement and nobody else seems to have and writes it off as bugged.

To clarify, the achievement itself works perfectly fine. The description however is incomplete and needs to add the rest of the information needed for people to understand how to unlock it. Now from the achievement description itself and I quote "In public matches, as the Legion, down 25 different Survivors that have Deep Wound applied." This description is only HALF right. Where it is correct that you need to down someone with Deep Wound applied to them, you also need to do this in "Killer Instinct."

[What is Killer Instinct?]: For those of you who may not know, this mode is unlocked when you hit a survivor who has not yet been applied with Deep Wound with The Legions power. (Feral Frenzy) In this mode you're able to replenish your "Frenzy Meter" and continue the chain of Deep Wound hits on any nearby survivors you see in this mode itself. (These survivors in this mode who are not yet hit with Deep Wound are highlighted for The Legion to find if they're close by)

[Instructions]: What you're supposed to do to achieve a points towards unlocked the achievement is to simply hit a survivor off the bat twice with Feral Frenzy (Use Franks mix tape since it reduced the hits required to down someone in Feral Frenzy from 4 to 3) and proceed to wait for the cool down and go after another survivor who has not yet been applied with Deep Wound. Once you hit the new survivor you've found with Deep Wound you must go back to the original survivor you've hit twice before (If they have not yet mended already) and proceed to down them in the Feral Frenzy mode while Killer Instinct is active.

Hopefully this informs people on PC/PS4 alike on what you're actually supposed to to "achieve" this achievement. And this is also for the moderators to be aware of so that they can possible let the Devs know to fix the description of the achievement on PC since it is missing the other half of the info you need.

[TL;DR]: This is a post to inform the community and moderators about why the achievement "Deranged Pursuit" is not bugged, but the description for the achievement itself is incorrect. Instructions are above in brackets to let survivors know what they're supposed to do to unlock this achievement.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    Actually, this was said.
  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Ah I see, its good to know the information was sent out way before this post then. But the post I made isn't technically incorrect though right? Like think about it, the description itself gives hardly enough information to let people know what they're actually supposed to do in order to achieve said achievement.

    At least in my opinion it should be changed to reflect as such. Maybe something like "In public matches, as the Legion, down 25 different Survivors while in Killer Instinct." Something like that? The original description itself is incorrect if you go solely off what it says. Either that or its left for interpretation which... It shouldn't be when its just supposed to be a simple description on how to achieve it.

  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,525

    oh, absolutely!
    When it was first released, no one seemed to understand what we had to do, despite there being an explanation in one of the streams!
    I think they said they were going to update the description in the achievement, to make it a little clearer.
    They could just link to our posts! :)

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @Supernaut said:
    oh, absolutely!
    When it was first released, no one seemed to understand what we had to do, despite there being an explanation in one of the streams!
    I think they said they were going to update the description in the achievement, to make it a little clearer.
    They could just link to our posts! :)

    Something like that yeah. I just found it odd that only I have the achievement unlocked (As far as I know) and nobody else did. So i'm sure they'll fix it sooner or later since attention was brought to it.

  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,525

    Wow! 0%!!! No, I think there are a few on here who have it, me included! :)

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I forgot to mention that, that's why I said "As far as I know" since it didn't automatically go to 0.1% when I got it. Which... I thought it would.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    I've hit some under those circumstances but still at 0% fml.