An idea for the incredibly boring gameplay of being on a hook

Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

My biggest issue with playing survivor is having to sit there and do nothing whenever I get hooked being unable to gain points or anything while I serve a purpose mandatory for gameplay in general. While this isn't so boring when unhooks come fast. If a killer stays in the same area, getting unhooked can take forever while I stay there facing the most boring gameplay other than hatch games.

So I'm suggesting that we add something to do while on the hook. I'd say give hooked survivors the ability to hold down Ctrl (or whatever crouch is) and you get a skill check every second or so. If you hit the skill check, you get some kind of reward and some bloodpoints. If you miss it, you lose a second of hook time. It's a risk reward scenario to make being on the hook not so incredibly boring. I'd also suggest holding crouch be an alternative to the spacebar spamming during phase 2 so you can still do skillcheck gameplay.

I'm definitely not suggesting adding all of these, but here's a few possible ideas for rewards for successful skillchecks:
1) 1% towards hook sabotage progress. If you can make it to 100%, the hook falls apart on you and you can run free. This could add some extra synergy with Saboteur and toolboxes.
2) Reveal the aura of the killer to survivors if he's within a certain range. Something like a mix of this for the killer being within 16 meters but option 1 if he's outside that range would be a nice combo
3) Each successful skillcheck you get gives you 1 second of increased repair speed for when you get to a generator if you get rescued.
4) 10 or so percent chance to generate a loud noise indicator for the killer at a random point in the map away from any survivors

There's actually a large number of possible rewards for skillchecks while on hook. Some of them are bound to be balanced. I just want something to do for the most boring part of survivor gameplay.


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    You say your skillcheck rewards are balanced, but arent they straight survivor buffs? :wink:

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    @Master said:
    You say your skillcheck rewards are balanced, but arent they straight survivor buffs? :wink:

    My exact words were "There's actually a large number of possible rewards for skillchecks while on hook. Some of them are bound to be balanced." so I didn't straight up claim my own ideas were balanced.

    However, while my own ideas are buffs, they're not going to have enormous impact on gameplay. Option 1 allows survivors to save themselves, but it requires previous setup with Saboteur or a toolbox. Option 2 only affects killers that are facecamping or hard patrolling. Option 3 has the most theoretical impact, but it would require a survivor to be on a hook for a significantly long time to have that serious an effect, and if they were on a hook for that long, it would be nice to give them a chance to make up objective points. Option 4 could be distracting, but since killers will know loud noise indicators are possible decoys while on a hook, they have the option to ignore them if they're too far away to investigate quickly.

    Also, the flip end of this is the hatch gameplay for survivors. Any possible solution to hatch standoffs is a buff for killers. Saying we shouldn't do anything about hook gameplay because it would buff survivors is the same logic as saying we should do nothing about hatch standoffs because it would buff killers.

  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649
    So basically either you sit there and do nothing or if you want to you can trigger skillchecks so you can atleast do something and gain some bloodpoints? Sure why not. Playing survivor is the most boring thing outside of getting chased so I welcome anything outside of it 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Dehitay said:

    @Master said:
    You say your skillcheck rewards are balanced, but arent they straight survivor buffs? :wink:

    My exact words were "There's actually a large number of possible rewards for skillchecks while on hook. Some of them are bound to be balanced." so I didn't straight up claim my own ideas were balanced.

    However, while my own ideas are buffs, they're not going to have enormous impact on gameplay. Option 1 allows survivors to save themselves, but it requires previous setup with Saboteur or a toolbox. Option 2 only affects killers that are facecamping or hard patrolling. Option 3 has the most theoretical impact, but it would require a survivor to be on a hook for a significantly long time to have that serious an effect, and if they were on a hook for that long, it would be nice to give them a chance to make up objective points. Option 4 could be distracting, but since killers will know loud noise indicators are possible decoys while on a hook, they have the option to ignore them if they're too far away to investigate quickly.

    Also, the flip end of this is the hatch gameplay for survivors. Any possible solution to hatch standoffs is a buff for killers. Saying we shouldn't do anything about hook gameplay because it would buff survivors is the same logic as saying we should do nothing about hatch standoffs because it would buff killers.

    Do I need to explain why your ideas have an enormous impact on gameplay?
    A surivor able to unhook himself is absurd, this means that noone has to come and help him, giving others more time to do gens.

    Then the gen repair speed..... gens already go like lightspeed....

    But yeah, lets all implement these ideas and see how the game falls apart. I am at a point where I really wanna see this happen such that the devs have to take desperate counteraction to keep the game alive. :smile:

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,186

    we can unhook are self anyway just low % 4% like were that lucky, I'm all for a 1 check.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited January 2019

    A much easier to implement solution is for the survivor to "git gud" and not get hooked as to participate in the other activities. The hook is not a nice place nor should it offer bonus rewards for failure.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725
    edited January 2019

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    A much easier to implement solution is for the survivor to "git gud" and not get hooked as to participate in the other activities. The hook is not a nice place nor should it offer bonus rewards for failure.

    git gud, huh? I'm willing to bet I could hook every single one of the highest skilled survivors one game right after another. If I can hook anybody, that means they all suck, right? Or maybe somebody getting hooked is just a mandatory part of the game. But no, I'm sure you're right, and if everybody survivor is skilled, not a single one of them will ever get hooked. Which ironically, now that I think about it, says more about the balance of the game than anything else.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,186

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    A much easier to implement solution is for the survivor to "git gud" and not get hooked as to participate in the other activities. The hook is not a nice place nor should it offer bonus rewards for failure.

    that good idea even when you start the game really close to the killer he down you with one hit I most suck don't been the fact that the killer are much faster then the killer too.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    I would like to suggest to have an in-game feature that whenever survivors get facecamped Netflix shows up on one side of the screen.
  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636

    @NekoGamerX said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    A much easier to implement solution is for the survivor to "git gud" and not get hooked as to participate in the other activities. The hook is not a nice place nor should it offer bonus rewards for failure.

    that good idea even when you start the game really close to the killer he down you with one hit I most suck don't been the fact that the killer are much faster then the killer too.

    Yep. Works the same whether you are close or far from the killer. The game doesn't have a guaranteed path to success. Sometimes you can do everything right and still lose. It's the same for both sides. C'est La Vie.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636

    @Dehitay said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    A much easier to implement solution is for the survivor to "git gud" and not get hooked as to participate in the other activities. The hook is not a nice place nor should it offer bonus rewards for failure.

    git gud, huh? I'm willing to bet I could hook every single one of the highest skilled survivors one game right after another. If I can hook anybody, that means they all suck, right? Or maybe somebody getting hooked is just a mandatory part of the game. But no, I'm sure you're right, and if everybody survivor is skilled, not a single one of them will ever get hooked. Which ironically, now that I think about it, says more about the balance of the game than anything else.

    That's nice dear. I've found through my time playing DbD the people that come to the forums asking for free outs or bonuses for failure are never as good as they claim. It's fairly self evident too as if you can hook survivors flawlessly then you need only not make the mistakes they did to avoid being hooked yourself. Monto is an excellent example of one of those premier players. He is a great survivor and when you watch him play killer he knows all of the tricks and counters them almost flawlessly.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725
    edited January 2019

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    It's fairly self evident too as if you can hook survivors flawlessly then you need only not make the mistakes they did to avoid being hooked yourself. Monto is an excellent example of one of those premier players. He is a great survivor and when you watch him play killer he knows all of the tricks and counters them almost flawlessly.

    Either you don't know what self evident means, or your logic is atrocious. Being able to hook survivors flawlessly doesn't even remotely come close to meaning it's self evident that survivors can avoid getting hooked by avoiding the "mistakes" they made to get hooked. Primarily cause you're being so close minded that you innately assume they made a mistake to get hooked. Monto himself would tell you that as long as you keep playing survivor, you'll eventually run into situations where you end up getting hooked no matter what you do. This may come as a surprise to you, but in an asymmetrical game, the power role is designed to win in a 1v1.

    Actually, now that I relook at the thread, just take a look at what this guy said. You might recognize his name

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    Yep. Works the same whether you are close or far from the killer. The game doesn't have a guaranteed path to success. Sometimes you can do everything right and still lose. It's the same for both sides. C'est La Vie.

  • XavierBoah17
    XavierBoah17 Member Posts: 204

    A much easier to implement solution is for the survivor to "git gud" and not get hooked as to participate in the other activities. The hook is not a nice place nor should it offer bonus rewards for failure.

    Getting hooked is bound to happen to anyone in a game. Not saying that I agree with this guys suggestion, just saying you dont have to be an a-hole about it.
  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    @Master said:
    You say your skillcheck rewards are balanced, but arent they straight survivor buffs? :wink:

    So they are, I wouldn't mind seeing Survivors Buffs THEN the devs also add some adjustments to buff killers.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    Just check your instagram, it's what I do...
  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited January 2019

    @XavierBoah17 said:

    Getting hooked is bound to happen to anyone in a game. Not saying that I agree with this guys suggestion, just saying you dont have to be an a-hole about it.

    How about killers automatically damaging the sacrifice time of survivors the longer they go without finding someone? Or how about all survivors auras are revealed to killers if they aren't winning? If you run stealth and are doing great how about a random noise spawn at your location as to help the killer out?

    Does rewarding a killers failure sound good? In each of those situations the killer is not engaged, failing, and on the clock. It isn't "fun" as losing never is.

    Sacrifice time at maximum is two minutes and you are not forced to stay if your attention span and tolerance for inactivity can not last that 2 minutes. But one can claim to be bored in any situation to justify making not losing, "fun", and asking for buffs for it.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Mochan said:

    @Master said:
    You say your skillcheck rewards are balanced, but arent they straight survivor buffs? :wink:

    So they are, I wouldn't mind seeing Survivors Buffs THEN the devs also add some adjustments to buff killers.

    The problem with this technique is that BHVR is famous for being slow for these "later improvements".
    Look at freddy, hatch or DS. Just a few examples