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Exhaustion perks

What are best and worst exhaustion perks.
Heres my opinion on them and i would like to hear yours.

In no particular order:
1) Adrenaline: Most of the time you don't need it, I see it best working in sfw groups where one survivor gets killers attention at the end and doesn't care about getting hit. Other perks would be much more useful plus it doesn't give you anything mid-game.

2) Balanced landing: Very situational, some maps have hardly any places where you can use it.

3) Dead hard: This is the perk I use the most but I'm thinking of switching thus making this topic.
It only really works first time against the killer or in lower ranks, more experienced killers will wait to get close and wait for you to use it making it useless. There's a different situation where it's good and that's when you need that extra bit to reach a pallet or a window. But most of the time it doesn't work out. I also feel kinda "naked" without it.

4) Lithe: Now this is the perk I wanna give another chance, it sounds perfect.
Only activates in chases and most of the time when you're escaping a killer you wanna go to a pallet, window, jungle gyms making it perfect when escaping a killer.

5) Sprint burst: I don't like this, I don't wanna waste it just to get to a gen faster and I tend to walk the whole game when using it, I don't want that. I like to run around and be mobile and this only comes in handy when killer starts chasing you so you get that distance, but he eventually catches up anyways.

I'd like to hear more from you guys.


  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649
    People who use dead hard to dodge an attack are using dead hard wrong most of the time. It's a perk to correct looping mistakes or just simply extend the loop to a window. Powerful perk, always using it and helps me a lot to waste even more time of the killer 
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I like Balanced Landing cause it makes the previous not loopable areas and dead zones avaible for you as surv.
    And i also like and dislike Dead Hard dunno why
    I legit must have Adrenaline. Killer always finds me at the last gen (somehow) and i need the clutch to save me :chuffed: I could use Hope too tho
    When i get Lithe on my Kate i will use the combo. Y'know Lithe DWM
    Aaaaand Sprint Burst is fun to use when you take breakes from it

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    People who use dead hard to dodge an attack are using dead hard wrong most of the time. It's a perk to correct looping mistakes or just simply extend the loop to a window.

    Exactly. DH is my favourite exhaustion perk.

    @Milo said:
    I like Balanced Landing cause it makes the previous not loopable areas and dead zones avaible for you as surv.

    I like DH best, but this is a good summary why BL is close second. You can do loops that you couldn't otherwise.

    Imho DH and BL help more with looping than Lithe. Sprintburst is a waste of time since you have to walk all the time so that you don't use it up.

  • SpongeBob420Pants
    SpongeBob420Pants Member Posts: 118

    I personally like DH and Lithe the most.

    • DH helps with looping/reaching a pallet but doesn't put real distance between you and the killer.
    • Lithe is the best exhaustion perk when it works but being tied to the chase mechanic makes it's activation inconsistent.
    • BL is very map dependent and sometimes unusable but great on certain maps.
    • Sprint burst is too easy to activate and makes moving around the map inefficient (trying not to waste it).
    • Adrenaline helps with 2 things, getting chased while the last generator is getting done and running to the exit gate as soon as it's powered.
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Always preferred Lithe

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    I don't even consider Adrenaline to be an exhaustion perk because it really doesn't conflict with the other ones outside of not letting you stack them (unless you use the exhaustion perk first).

    Dead Hard is the best for general use looping. You use it mainly to extend a loop and make it to a pallet or window in time. Dodging hits is gravy.
    Lithe is probably the best for getting you to a new loop spot on demand, and probably the best for outright losing the killer (especially with Dance With Me) but the problem is that you'll often be forced to blow it on a crappy window that won't get you much distance. It takes proper planning to use.
    Balanced Landing varies from downright overpowered to almost useless depending on the map.
    Sprint Burst is really only good for hard-countering the stealth potential of certain killers, and for correcting screw ups in your positioning when the pallets nearby are already broken. It used to be broken overpowered but now I think it's the worst.

    I woudn't say that Dead Hard, Lithe or Balanced Landing are better or worse than eachother. It depends on which map you're on and what you want out of your exhaustion perk. But Sprint Burst is unquestionably the worst.