Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

DbD dilemma

Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
Killers want to kill every survivor and don’t like DS nor Flashlight Claudettes.
Survivors want to escape and don’t like mori nor camping/tunneling.
So I assume it’s all about winning, about making as many points as possible. About obliterating the other party, completely.
Now, who actually cares about having fun? If a game turns out to make you feel frustrated, you definitely need to put your joystick down or close the Steam app for a while and say to yourself “this is a game, it should be fun, not infuriating”. In the end, you won’t be able to mention that you’re rank 1 and you P3 all your characters in your resumè.

It is a game. Games are supposed to entertain, to be fun. This is not another job, no one is evaluating your performance and you are not getting a paycheck at the end of the month...

so please, chill and enjoy... that’s if you go past the lobby simulator, of course :pirate:


  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405
    Starters I like how you never mentioned the Survivor side to this but okay.

    Anyway I see your point it is just a game. However, this game feels more like a punishment than it should at times. A game should be fun if it isn't Fun then take a break or find something or to play all together.

    For some reason to most this game is an addiction.
  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614
    Starters I like how you never mentioned the Survivor side to this but okay.

    Anyway I see your point it is just a game. However, this game feels more like a punishment than it should at times. A game should be fun if it isn't Fun then take a break or find something or to play all together.

    For some reason to most this game is an addiction.
    They did, or at leaat i think they did
  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
    Errr... I did mention survivors \o/
  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614
    Yep second line!
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited January 2019


    I appreciate your effort at supporting a positive mentality, but I do believe you got this wrong:

    Killers want to kill every survivor and don’t like DS nor Flashlight Claudettes.
    Survivors want to escape and don’t like mori nor camping/tunneling.

    They actually don't want this. They want the opposite:

    Killers do not want to have everybody escape when they aren't 4king.
    Survivors do not ALL want to die when they are not massively progressing.

    This is caused by the Death-Efficiency problem; Either the killer fails to make a first kill quickly enough and all the survivors will power the gens at an incredible speed/The killer does get a quickly kill and that kill spirals into the death of all;

    Round 3:

    Game 1: Death-Efficiency ruling in the Survivor's favour.
    Game 2: Death-Efficiency ruling in the Killer's favour.

    Round 4:

    Game1: Death-Efficiency ruling in the Survivor's favour.
    Game 2: Death-Efficiency ruling in the Killer's favour.

    Round 5:

    Game1: Death-Efficiency ruling in the Survivor's favour.
    Game 2: Death-Efficiency ruling in the Killer's favour.

    Because this game always leads to the extremes on either side, you either have a normally neglected easy win, or a terrible loss, and since you'll remember negative experience better, you continuously are effected by this extreme negative experience.

    If you understand this basic psychological premise, then you see that the way to solve this is by allowing there to be less extremes as a result, which can be achieved through creating less player-dependancy among survivors, and nerfing survivors in their base state.

    (for more information on the topic;)

    Promoting "just chill and don't stress! Play for fun" mentalities are of course kind and innocent, but they will ultimately not lead to an actual change in results.

    Kind words or prayers cannot outdo medicine, but in order for there to be medicine, you first need to understand the disease.

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474
    edited January 2019

    When I play killer whether I have fun is mostly determined by how many times I get hit with Decisive Strike, not whether I win or even manage to kill anyone. Whether I have fun as survivor is determined by whether I spend the whole game being chased or on hook or get to do a wide variety of activities.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    The player base in this game is ridiculously juvenile. I can stand a few months of playing (because the game is generally VERY fun), but then the player base kills it for me.

    Too much garbage to spend time or money on.

    Yet I keep coming back lol.

    I wish there was an AI mode.