Favorite And Least Favorite Ships

kosaba11 Member Posts: 119
edited July 2024 in General Discussions

Admittedly, I'm only asking cause I saw this on Twitter and thought, "This could make a messy thread". So, as the title says, who are your favorite and least favorite ships, which ones do you absolutely hate, etc. Doesn't even have to be romantic - could just be friendships.

For me, my favorite pairing is Trickster and Yun Jin. Not as lovers, mind you, I just like the idea that, while Trickster likes her and thinks of her as a friend, Yun Jin absolutely hates his guts. It's funny to me, and I like the idea that, while she hates him - and yet, somehow wasn't made a killer despite her murderous rage towards him - he occasionally lets her go because, to him, she's his "bestie".

As for least favorite, it's easily Mikaela and Sable. I'm sorry, but I just get behind a ship when one half of the ship doesn't even know who the other is. Mikaela's lore does not mention Sable, let alone Mikaela having any other friends besides the dude that went missing, so you can't convince me that, just because the writers forgot what they wrote for Mikaela, that Sable and Mikaela know each other. It's stupid and poorly written.