Either Fix or Remove The Anti-Face Camping Feature
Just watched my friend get face-camped out of the match (I had already been tunneled out of the game) and the Blight face camped. Yet the bar did not fill up for her to get off the hook and the two Leons, who the Blight was leaving alone - watched him ignore them to chase me and watched him do the same crap to my friend - did not bother helping. Why bother having the feature if it doesn't work? Just remove it and stop acting like you care about fixing the problems this game has.
I must admit, when anti-facecamp was added to the game, I was super on the fence and against it, fearing that it would disrupt my gameplay too much and give SWFs another super unfun and unfair tool to assert dominance, but after the nerf that the bar didn't start immediately and kicks and environmental destruction would halt it, antifacecamp has become 99,95% a meaningless mechanic.
I still think that it's tough to balance and fine tune, but it appears that BHVR has all but stopped their attempts at doing so. When it got introduced I was scared to even threat into the space around a survivor and took a couple seconds to give hooks a wide berth, but that was totally unneeded. In all my time since the introduction, I personally got to use it exactly once, and as a killer I maybe saw survivors unhooking themselves 2 or 3 times, but only when I was already winning hard and I gave them a big staredown before strolling off. I MIGHT have set up a self unhooking maybe once or twice, but taking extra long searches around the bushes in the area, because I legitly saw a survivor, and when they moved away, this couldhave filled up the bar, but overall its a very weak and nonexistingmechanic.
Here is a thing, BHVR: please fine tune the effect, but whatever you do, let BOTH sides see the bar fill up. Transparency is key with this mechanic, and a killer who sees that he is close to filling up the bar will probably actually leave the area. Being open with the effect for all sides would also help to bring everyone on par what's happening and how the mechanic works, instead of "I believe of you smack the wall next to s hook and turn around 4 times, it slows down the bar enough, to chase a survivor around the hook", just show us the cause and effect and let everyone see it with their own eyes how it works or doesn't, and you will have much more valuable feedback this way.
EDIT: on a sidenote, the number of ACTUAL facecamping and killers staring into my face till I died have actually fully declined to zero. But I still think that the mechanic could be a little bit more effective and pronounced.
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I think I’ve only unhooked twice and once was where the killer definitely wanted me to lol
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I’ve got major concerns over the anti face camps and anti regression features - I don’t think they actually work as well as they should (I’ve never actually seen the anti regression feature work despite a few matches where it definitely should have). I think it’s all to make it look like somethings being done.
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It can be removed. The work put into it was wasted anyway, they put work into something which barely happened at all. Now it is just more frustrating than before to see the Killer camping you and having a bar which does not fill up.
Actual facecamping almost never happened, so there is not really a point why the feature was implemented in the first place.
(Even tho, I guess if they would remove it tomorrow, we would see more facecamping because Killers would suddenly do it since they would not have any consequences)
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The anti face camp is so easy to abuse as killer. When you have a downed nearby it doesn‘t even fill up and you can just camp like before, but with the difference that your teammates won‘t do something, because they believe in the anti camp.
Then it turned face campers into proxy campers, which is far stronger and more difficult to counter than someone who face camps or it turned them into tunnelers.
Actual facecamping almost never happened, so there is not really a point why the feature was implemented in the first place.
Agree, I even liked it, because it gave the game some fresh air.
Overall this feature did more harm than good and made this game more boring in my eyes.
If they gave the anti camp to perks like reassurance as status effect it could have been decent and funny some.times
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With the buffer, they could Amp up the speed at which the bar fills, on top of adding what you said, and letting both killer and survivor see the bar.
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That's more like your teammates abusing mechanics to make killers facecamp hooked person, as they can just slug away from the hook
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Overall this feature did more harm than good and made this game more boring in my eyes.
I've been saying since the weaker ptb nerfed reassurance into uselessness, that reassurance should be put back to it's ptb form.
The only reason it was changed was 'to prevent hostage situations' which required at least two survivors and the killer to work together to keep someone on hook.
That problem is 100% fixed by "press E to cancel reassurance". Revert it with that change and let people have a useful anti camp tool.
Cause let's be honest, reassurance being viable to combat camping is the real reason people wanted it nerfed in the first place.
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I‘m the killer in that situation and it works very well to just carry someone to a hooked person.
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What exactly did they change in the Wesker PTB?
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If we are talking about the anti-camping, two reassurance can protect a survivor for two minutes, I believe those time is enough to basically guarantee a gate open even before the survivor dies
Probably, I'm not sure which side is faster when it comes to hook timer and wiggle meter
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You don‘t have to keep them on your shoulder. Just carry them to the hook, drop them and keep face camping behind the slugged person. Depending on how close the slugged person is you can just stay behind them or you can go before them and the anti camp fills up very slowly. If the slug crawls away I can just bring him back to hook.
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Was it in endgame where the mechanic doesn't activate
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The reassurance version on the ptb paused the hook progress for 30s and was on a 40s cooldown. There was no limit of 1 per hook stage.
So, in theory, if 2 survivors ran around the hook using reassurance on cooldown, and the killer just let them, they could pause the hook state indefinitely. It could've been a hostage situation for the survivor on hook, and was easily avoided by letting the survivor on hook cancel the effect.
But people cried and got it changed into what it is now: one use per hook stage. It's just a striking coincidence that the change also made it so useless against camping that they had to put in an anti face camp feature later on as well.
But don't worry, people were just really, really worried about 3 players, including the killer, holding someone hostage. It had nothing to do with making a camping solution ineffective before it went live, oh no. Never that.
Even though the hostage issue was, again, completely resolved by letting the hooked survivor cancel the effect.
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It’s useless against killers like Huntress and Deathslinger since they can stand back and hit anyone who goes for save.
It doesn’t even fill up most of the time when the killer is camping, they might as well remove it because it’s never helps, and I don’t remember a single time that I got value from it.
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My prefered solution to the whole thing: give every player with Reassurance 3 tokens, tokens can be used every time you are in range of the hooked survivor and they aren't under the effect of Reassurance. Tokens don't refil, this will but a max of 12 tokens in the game, or 9 affecting the same survivor, amounting to a max of 4.5mins on the hook, IF three survivors spend all their tokens on that one poor survivor on the hook and the killer doesn't intervene in any way, only slightly longer then the full bleedout timer. And the "press E to chancel the effect" could still be implemented.
The token system would allow one single survivor to keep the one on the hook alive long enough, that camping them out won't be worth it for the killer, leaving two survivors to fully commit to gens, and that one survivor theoretically being able to progress a gen by 45s or something in that ballpark. THIS would make the perk more then a nusiance, without it being super oppressive and removing all strategie.
One other aspect I was toying with was to increase the range of the drive by by +1.0 or +1.5m per missing token, so that the perk could be activated from further away, lending a certain strategy to that, too. Often you have to get so close to the hook that you could possibly just unhook the survivor, defeating the perks purpose (I know that this is not always the case, but the 6m ((I believe)) are awefully close). I actually prefere not to camp survivors out, but hunt and chase the others, and if the meta shifts in a way that Reassurance becomes widespread, it wouldn't affect my games too much ^_- And I guess we would see much more healthy games in general.
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Either way would be better than what we got, tbh. I was actually looking forward to having a viable option to maybe having camping be less efficient, but that was completely annihilated.
People saw how effective reassurance could be, and blew a potential issue way out of proportion to force it to be changed.
The perk, as it is now, is essentially worthless without communication. Which, frankly, was the main reason for most of the "but someone think of the survivors" at that time. So, I guess that was completely successful.
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I agree. I never saw face camping as this huge problem in the first place. It seemed like a lot of coding time that could have been spent elsewhere. The best cure for face camping was for everyone else to do Gens and get a three out. Most Killers learned it wasn't good profit. More to the point, there was a time when people could beat a face camp just by bringing the right stuff and working as a team. I've done it and had it done to me. Bubba was the exception though, hard to beat his face camp so three out is always the best against him.
The issue now, which many people predicted, was that it only improved Killers to implement this code. Why? Face Camping is inefficient. It destroys any pressure on the Generators. It tells everyone where the Killer is exactly. It allows coordination and reset. It gives away the Killer's most precious resource, time. The code simply taught that minority that prefer this as a tactic to proxy camp (which is far better) or learn how to time and intercept at the hook. Some pressure is maintained in this way and the Killer is more likely to spot someone sneaking up than right at the hook. It also means Survivors are more willing to go in for the unhook. The code was a big win for Killers who knew how to adapt to it.
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Yeah, exactly, basically this. I mean, even with Bubba I have not seen that much facecamping. Sure, you always had the thought that a Bubba downs you and will run to the Basement with Agitation/Iron Grasp to Insidious-Camp there. But even with Bubba I would not really say I experienced actual facecamping that often (outside of Endgame of course).
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I know how it works and that can only be possible for like four times, the point is time it takes to slug away four times and time it takes to die due to hook timer
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They should have kept it as it was. It would just be funny and effective, but no. The killer could have just chased someone else and if not, the guy on the hook would have to wait a bit. What would be the problem?!