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Killer Concept: The Puppetmaster

Dudewithname Member Posts: 19


In a small, dimly lit theatre nestled in the heart of an abandoned district in Mỹ Tho, Vietnam, there lived a girl puppeteer named Phuong. She was obsessed with her marionettes and spent countless hours perfecting their movements, unaware that her passion for controlling these lifeless puppets would soon morph into something sinister.

Phuong's theatre had once been a thriving hotspot for local performances, but as the years passed, it fell into disrepair, much like the surrounding area. Its walls were now worn down to their very brick and mortar and its roof was sagging with age, but that wasn't what bothered Phuong the most. What truly made her heart ache was that the theatre now sat empty and vacant of the puppet shows she had spent most of her life putting on. Her dream had been to see the theatre bustling with visitors and the air filled with the sound of her puppets' wooden mouths clacking against each other while children from all around watched and clapped to their tales. Phuong had put her soul and heart and soul into this theatre, but now, with her dream having shattered and her hope slipping through the cracks of reality, she found herself only able to think of her puppets.

One day while closing up the theater a group of robbers approached demanding that she hand over all the money she had in exchange for her life. She refused only to be met with a knife into her abdomen before the robbers ran off. Left with little choice and knowing that she had little time left shd begged and prayed above that she would do anything to not die. To her surprise, something answered, but for a price she did not know. She found herself no longer needing food nor sleep nor drink to sustain herself and yet, the entity left her to figure out the other part of their bargain all on her own. It wasn't long before she came to a horrific realization— she needed to sacrifice a human to sate the god that she had made the deal with.

The very first time Phuong killed her victim, a little girl she found wandering the streets, the sound of their cries and begs filled her with such glee, a joy like no other that she could ever recall in her life. The screams brought her to tears and she was soon brought into a hysterical fit of laughter that went on long after she had cut their tongue out, as her victim choked to death on their blood. This was what she was now meant to do and this is what she would continue to do, for her puppets now needed to feed after all.

hope you all enjoy and i would love any kind of feedback