Perk Reworks

Some perks I 're-worked' because they are either in a desperate need of a change or aren't used often OR are just in need of a rework in general based on my opinion. I will not list the 'pretext' or the flavor text at the end of the perk.
Beast of Prey:
While in a chase, the intensity of the red stain is reduced by 40/50/60%. While out of a chase, the red stains' intensity is increased by 50/40/30%.
Gain 30/40/50% more bloodpoints for actions in the Hunter category.
Territorial Imperative:
Any time a survivor enters the basement, their aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds. (Similar to Alert)
Huntress' Lullaby:
Each time you hook a survivor, gain a token up to 5 tokens. Each token grants a 2/4/6% penalty if a survivor misses any skill check. Each token shortens the skill check warning by 9/12/15%.
Hex: Huntress' Lullaby:
Each time you hook a survivor, gain a token up to 5 tokens. Each token shortens the skill check warning by 16/18/20%. A penalty of 19/21/23% is added to any failed skill check. Great skill check success zones are reduced by 3%.
The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex totem is standing.
(Yes, the Hex version sounds OP but remember, it's a HEX perk. They usually get destroyed within a minute if you're facing toxic SWF groups.)
Each time you hit a survivor, gain a token up to 4 tokens. Each token grants a penalty to action speed.
1 token: 4/5/6% reduced action speed
2 tokens: 8/10/12% reduced action speed
3 tokens: 13/14/15% reduced action speed
4 tokens: 16%/18/20% reduced action speed
A token is consumed every time a survivor heals to healthy. Tokens can be replenished if a survivor is hit.
The cooldown of a missed attack is reduced by 31/34/37%. The cooldown of a successful attack is reduced by 1/3/5%.
Successful attack gains do not stack.
Generators you kick regress 10/15/20% faster and prevents the generator from being worked on for 3/4/5 seconds. Each time a survivor repairs a kicked generator, they are faced with a moderately/considerably/tremendously difficult skill check. Failing the skill check results in an additional 3/4/5% generator regression. Succeeding the skill check grants no progress but prevents the generator explosion.
Generator regression begins after the generator can be repaired again.
Left Behind:
For each survivor killed or sacrificed, gain a token up to 3 tokens. Each token grants a bonus to repair speeds if you are the last survivor remaining.
1 survivor killed or sacrificed: 10/14/18% bonus
2 survivors killed or sacrificed: 22/24/26% bonus
3 survivors killed or sacrificed: 29/31/33% bonus
The hatch's aura is revealed to you within 10 meters if you are the last one alive.
If you are the last survivor remaining, there is a 10% chance the alert of a completed generator will not appear to the killer.
No One Left Behind:
When the exit gates are powered, gain 50/75/100% more bloodpoints in the Altruism category and perform them 22/33/44% quicker.
You and your allies within an 8-meter range recover from all status effects 12/16/20% faster and can recover from Exhaustion while running. The Exhaustion cooldown is doubled while running.
No Mither:
When you are hit by the killer, you suffer the Broken status effect for the remainder of the match. Grunts of pain are reduced by 25/50/75% and you leave no pools of blood. You can recover from the Dying state.
Gain 60/80/100% more bloodpoints in the Survival category.
Fast vaulting or exiting a locker quickly gives you a speed boost of 150% your normal running speed for 3 seconds.
Causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.
^all that Exhaustion stuff
Dance With Me:
Each time you land from a high jump, exit a locker quickly, or vault quickly, your scratch marks are not shown for 3/4/5 seconds. Dance With Me has a cooldown of 30 seconds.
Windows of Opportunity:
Auras of Pallets, Vaults, and Lockers are revealed to you within 20/25/30 meters.
Fire Up:
Each time you hook a survivor for the first time, gain a token up to 4 tokens. Each token grants you an additional increased speed to actions, such as picking up a survivor, vaulting, breaking a pallet, kicking a generator, or hooking a survivor.
2 tokens: 7/8/9% increased action speed
3 tokens: 14/16/18% increased action speed
4 tokens: 21/24/27% increased action speed
Iron Maiden:
You open lockers 50% faster.
Each time a survivor exits a locker, their location is revealed to you for 3 seconds. The survivor suffers the Exposed effect for 15/30/45 seconds.
Decisive Strike:
An Obsession perk. Once per match, if you are the Obsession, if you are picked up by the killer, a tremendously/considerably/moderately difficult skill check will appear. Succeeding the skill check will stun the killer for 3.5 seconds and will put you in the Broken status effect for 100/80/60 seconds.
If you are not the Obsession, once per match, if you have completed a generator, the next time you are picked up by the killer, a considerably difficult skill check will appear. Succeeding the skill check will stun the killer for 3 seconds and put you in the Broken status effect for 100/80/60 seconds.
Increases your chance to be the Killer's Obsession.
Only one Obsession per trial.
Enduring counters Decisive Strike.
(If this sounds too OP, please leave a comment stating how I can change DS a bit.)
Any scratch marks you leave behind disappear 1/2/3 seconds than normal. Scratch marks spawn
slightly/moderately/considerably farther apart.
Scratch marks left by survivors spawn slightly/moderately/considerably closer together and stay 1/2/3 seconds longer than usual.
Self Care:
Start the trial with 3/4/5 tokens. Each time you are injured, you can heal yourself without a medkit at 50% the normal healing speed. Each time you fully heal yourself, a token is consumed. You can no longer heal yourself after tokens have been consumed.
(Similar to Distortion.)
Sole Survivor:
If you are the Obsession, your Aura cannot be read by the Killer within a maximum range of 20/22/24 meters for each killed or sacrificed Survivor.
If you are not the Obsession, your aura cannot be read by the killer within a maximum range of 18/20/22 meters for each killed or sacrificed survivor.
Increases your chance to be the Killer's Obsession.
Only one Obsession per trial.
Boil Over:
While on the killer's shoulder, your struggling effects are increased by 25/50/75%. You obscure the killer's ability to see hooks by 10/12/14 meters. You increase your wiggle speed by 0/0/1%.
Activate-able Perk.
Standing within the Killer's Terror Radius while not in a chase for 45/40/35 seconds activates the perk.
Once the Perk is activated, press the Active Ability button while crouched and motionless to throw a pebble, which creates a loud noise notification for the Killer at a distance of 10/15/20 meters. The perk deactivates once it has been used.
Obsession perk. Each time a generator is completed, you see the location of all survivors for 4 seconds. The Obsession sees your aura for 5/4/3 seconds. Every time a generator is completed, the Obsession suffers the Exposed effect for 20 seconds. When the exit gates are powered, the Obsession is Exposed and can be killed.
Pop Goes the Weasel:
After hooking a survivor, the next generator you kick is regressed by 20/25/30%. PGTW cannot be used again until another survivor is hooked.
These are all really good perk reworks, your Vigil one is especially good because not only did you add the popular ''Exhaustion recovers while running'' but you also doubled the Exhaustion and didn't allow recovery in a chase which is exactly why people say it shouldn't recover while running. So great job fixing that one
Left Behind though still looks like it suffers because if you're the last Survivor you shouldn't be doing Gens. But then again the Killer could be camping the Hatch anticipating the Standoff so maybe it could work. TBH I've never used the perk so maybe it is useful?
I noticed Pop Goes The Weasel isn't on this list, I think that should be a token perk as well so you can decide when to use that 25% instead of being forced to use it within 30 seconds. That timer is really the only thing that hurts it and limits the choices Killers can make in a sudden chase.
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Vigil one I disagree with. I for one, loved the double exhaustion. And if you're not letting it come while in chase then you might as well let it come at normal speed when out of a chase. Since you made it recover in 80 seconds but it's still useless because it won't work while in chase. Why don't you make it so that it recovers with the normal 40 seconds but it won't work in chase? Surely that'd make more sense and make it useful.
Lithe I'd increase the vaulting to 5/10/15.
Love the Thanatophobia.
The Huntress lullaby feels like a nerf though.
That Territorial Imperative is amazing.
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I dont get the point of Quick and Quiet. So, basically, waste pallets without alerting the Killer? Also, I think you messed up the cooldown part. :P
Windows of Opportunity should just simply not have a cooldown. Even then it would fall as underused.
And about Huntress Lullaby, I did notice how you removed the Hex perk status, and its effect has to be adjusted accordingly. But, by "reducing skillcheck noise", you mean lowering its volume or keep it like it is now?0 -
Love almost all of them, I would just make 2 changes:
Give the Lithe vault speed buff to Windows of Opportunity.
Fired Up should give tokens each time you hook a new survivor.0 -
Wow, you should work for bhvr!
The only thing I see as a nerf is Lullaby. It could be changed in something like this:Huntress' Lullaby:
Each time you hook a survivor, gain a token up to 5 tokens. Each token grants a 2% penalty if a survivor misses any skill check. Time between the Skill Check warning sound and the Skill Check becomes shorter by 8/10/12% per token.0 -
Quick & Quiet:
Each time you throw down a pallet, fast vault, or enter a locker quickly, your noise is reduced by 100%.
Quick & Quiet can be triggered every 30/25/30 seconds. Wow first time i saw a perk that tier 2 is OP than tier 3 xdd0 -
Some nice ideas. The values for Thanatophobia would be way too much though, considering that Sloppy Butcher only affects healing and decreases the healing speed by 20%. If it was only repair speed, than maybe it would be fine, though on Legion it would probably still be overpowered.
Also, Lithe shouldn't also increase your vaulting speed. Pretty sure those changes would easily make it the best exhaustion perk. I think the reason why you need to be in a chase with Lithe is that if you already gain quite a bit distance to the killer, and then use Lithe, you might get so far away that the killer will just lose you and have no chance of keeping track of you. Maybe. Not sure though.
Fire Up would also be too good with the suggested change in my opinion.
And one question about Beast of Prey. Would it reduce the size of the Red Stain or the intensity?2 -
i agree with all the perk except thanatophobia im sorry but i dont like to see a buff to this perk the reason its making less speed action since you can have sloppy butcher that takes along time to heal but also combine this with dying light would be op not gonna lie
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Forgive me, I'll change the values and mechanics so that they aren't OP or just need a change in general.
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@ad19970 said:
Some nice ideas. The values for Thanatophobia would be way too much though, considering that Sloppy Butcher only affects healing and decreases the healing speed by 20%. If it was only repair speed, than maybe it would be fine, though on Legion it would probably still be overpowered.
Also, Lithe shouldn't also increase your vaulting speed. Pretty sure those changes would easily make it the best exhaustion perk. I think the reason why you need to be in a chase with Lithe is that if you already gain quite a bit distance to the killer, and then use Lithe, you might get so far away that the killer will just lose you and have no chance of keeping track of you. Maybe. Not sure though.
Fire Up would also be too good with the suggested change in my opinion.
And one question about Beast of Prey. Would it reduce the size of the Red Stain or the intensity?I'll change Thanatophobia and Lithe. Beast of prey would reduce the size of the Red Stain.
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@yes said:
Some perks I 're-worked' because they are either in a desperate need of a change or aren't used often OR are just in need of a rework in general based on my opinion. I will not list the 'pretext' or the flavor text at the end of the perk.Beast of Prey:
While in a chase, the red stain is reduced by 30/50/70%. While out of a chase, the red stain is increased by 55/45/35%.
Gain 30/40/50% more bloodpoints for actions in the Hunter category.Territorial Imperative:
Any time a survivor enters the basement, their aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds. (Similar to Alert)Huntress' Lullaby:
Each time you hook a survivor, gain a token up to 5 tokens. Each token grants a 2/4/6% penalty if a survivor misses any skill check. The skill check noise is reduced by 10/15/20%.Thanatophobia:
Each time you hit a survivor, gain a token up to 4 tokens. Each token grants a penalty to action speed.
1 token: 5/6/7% reduced action speed
2 tokens: 10/12/14% reduced action speed
3 tokens: 15/18/21% reduced action speed
4 tokens: 20%/24/28% reduced action speed
Every token consumed each time a survivor heals to healthy. Tokens can be replenished if a survivor is hit.Unrelenting:
The cooldown of a missed attack is reduced by 31/34/37%. The cooldown of a successful attack is reduced by 1/3/5%.
Successful attack gains do not stack.Overcharge:
Generators you kick regress 10/15/20% faster and prevents the generator from being worked on for 3/4/5 seconds. Each time a survivor repairs a kicked generator, they are faced with a moderately/considerably/tremendously difficult skill check. Failing the skill check results in an additional 3/4/5% generator regression. Succeeding the skill check grants no progress but prevents the generator explosion.
Generator regression begins after the generator can be repaired again.Left Behind:
For each survivor killed or sacrificed, gain a token up to 3 tokens. Each token grants a bonus to repair speeds if you are the last survivor remaining.
1 survivor killed or sacrificed: 10/14/18% bonus
2 survivors killed or sacrificed: 22/24/26% bonus
3 survivors killed or sacrificed: 29/31/33% bonus
If you are the last survivor remaining, there is a 10% chance the alert of a completed generator will not appear to the killer.No One Left Behind:
When the exit gates are powered, gain 50/75/100% more bloodpoints in the Altruism category and perform them 22/33/44% quicker.Vigil:
You and your allies within an 8-meter range recover from all status effects 12/16/20% faster and can recover from Exhaustion while running. The Exhaustion cooldown is doubled while running.
Exhaustion cannot be recovered from while in a chase.No Mither:
When you are hit by the killer, you suffer the Broken status effect for the remainder of the match. Grunts of pain are reduced by 25/50/75% and you leave no pools of blood. You can recover from the Dying state.
Gain 60/80/100% more bloodpoints in the Survival category.Lithe:
Fast vaulting or exiting a locker within the killer's terror radius gives you a speed boost of 150% your normal running speed for 3 seconds. Your vault and locker speeds are increased by 4/6/8%.
Causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.
^all that Exhaustion stuffQuick & Quiet:
Each time you throw down a pallet, fast vault, or enter a locker quickly, your noise is reduced by 100%.
Quick & Quiet can be triggered every 30/25/30 seconds.Dance With Me:
Each time you land from a high jump, exit a locker quickly, or vault quickly, your scratch marks are not shown for 3/4/5 seconds. Dance With Me has a cooldown of 30 seconds.Windows of Opportunity:
Auras of Pallets and Vaults are revealed to you within 20/25/30 meters. Windows of Opportunity has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds each time you fast vault or throw down a pallet in a chase.Fire Up:
For each action you perform, you gain a token. This includes breaking a pallet, hooking a survivor, kicking a generator, killing or sacrificing a survivor, hitting a survivor, and a generator being complete. Gain up to 4 tokens. Each token grants you an additional increase to action speeds, such as breaking a pallet, kicking a generator, picking up a survivor, vaulting and hooking.
2 tokens: 7/8/9% increased action speed
3 tokens: 14/15/16% increased action speed
4 tokens: 21/22/23% increased action speedIron Maiden:
You open lockers 50% faster.
Each time a survivor exits a locker, their location is revealed to you for 3 seconds. The survivor suffers the Exposed effect for 15/30/45 seconds.G R E A T J O B!, I like all perks reworks.. I think iron maiden dont need a rework.. but i still like the idea, Vigil it's the best
Hope and devs see this post
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@PigNRun said:
I dont get the point of Quick and Quiet. So, basically, waste pallets without alerting the Killer? Also, I think you messed up the cooldown part. :PWindows of Opportunity should just simply not have a cooldown. Even then it would fall as underused.
And about Huntress Lullaby, I did notice how you removed the Hex perk status, and its effect has to be adjusted accordingly. But, by "reducing skillcheck noise", you mean lowering its volume or keep it like it is now?
I did, I'm sorry about that xD I'll remove the 'waste pallets' feature.
I'll remove the cooldown, in fact, at first I thought WoO shouldn't have a cooldown, and even if it did, it shouldn't have the cooldown of Exhaustion perks for fast vaulting or throwing down a pallet in a chase.
Keeping it like it is now, I could change it a little bit so it wouldn't be OP.
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@Arroz said:
@yes said:
Some perks I 're-worked' because they are either in a desperate need of a change or aren't used often OR are just in need of a rework in general based on my opinion. I will not list the 'pretext' or the flavor text at the end of the perk.Beast of Prey:
While in a chase, the red stain is reduced by 30/50/70%. While out of a chase, the red stain is increased by 55/45/35%.
Gain 30/40/50% more bloodpoints for actions in the Hunter category.Territorial Imperative:
Any time a survivor enters the basement, their aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds. (Similar to Alert)Huntress' Lullaby:
Each time you hook a survivor, gain a token up to 5 tokens. Each token grants a 2/4/6% penalty if a survivor misses any skill check. The skill check noise is reduced by 10/15/20%.Thanatophobia:
Each time you hit a survivor, gain a token up to 4 tokens. Each token grants a penalty to action speed.
1 token: 5/6/7% reduced action speed
2 tokens: 10/12/14% reduced action speed
3 tokens: 15/18/21% reduced action speed
4 tokens: 20%/24/28% reduced action speed
Every token consumed each time a survivor heals to healthy. Tokens can be replenished if a survivor is hit.Unrelenting:
The cooldown of a missed attack is reduced by 31/34/37%. The cooldown of a successful attack is reduced by 1/3/5%.
Successful attack gains do not stack.Overcharge:
Generators you kick regress 10/15/20% faster and prevents the generator from being worked on for 3/4/5 seconds. Each time a survivor repairs a kicked generator, they are faced with a moderately/considerably/tremendously difficult skill check. Failing the skill check results in an additional 3/4/5% generator regression. Succeeding the skill check grants no progress but prevents the generator explosion.
Generator regression begins after the generator can be repaired again.Left Behind:
For each survivor killed or sacrificed, gain a token up to 3 tokens. Each token grants a bonus to repair speeds if you are the last survivor remaining.
1 survivor killed or sacrificed: 10/14/18% bonus
2 survivors killed or sacrificed: 22/24/26% bonus
3 survivors killed or sacrificed: 29/31/33% bonus
If you are the last survivor remaining, there is a 10% chance the alert of a completed generator will not appear to the killer.No One Left Behind:
When the exit gates are powered, gain 50/75/100% more bloodpoints in the Altruism category and perform them 22/33/44% quicker.Vigil:
You and your allies within an 8-meter range recover from all status effects 12/16/20% faster and can recover from Exhaustion while running. The Exhaustion cooldown is doubled while running.
Exhaustion cannot be recovered from while in a chase.No Mither:
When you are hit by the killer, you suffer the Broken status effect for the remainder of the match. Grunts of pain are reduced by 25/50/75% and you leave no pools of blood. You can recover from the Dying state.
Gain 60/80/100% more bloodpoints in the Survival category.Lithe:
Fast vaulting or exiting a locker within the killer's terror radius gives you a speed boost of 150% your normal running speed for 3 seconds. Your vault and locker speeds are increased by 4/6/8%.
Causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.
^all that Exhaustion stuffQuick & Quiet:
Each time you throw down a pallet, fast vault, or enter a locker quickly, your noise is reduced by 100%.
Quick & Quiet can be triggered every 30/25/30 seconds.Dance With Me:
Each time you land from a high jump, exit a locker quickly, or vault quickly, your scratch marks are not shown for 3/4/5 seconds. Dance With Me has a cooldown of 30 seconds.Windows of Opportunity:
Auras of Pallets and Vaults are revealed to you within 20/25/30 meters. Windows of Opportunity has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds each time you fast vault or throw down a pallet in a chase.Fire Up:
For each action you perform, you gain a token. This includes breaking a pallet, hooking a survivor, kicking a generator, killing or sacrificing a survivor, hitting a survivor, and a generator being complete. Gain up to 4 tokens. Each token grants you an additional increase to action speeds, such as breaking a pallet, kicking a generator, picking up a survivor, vaulting and hooking.
2 tokens: 7/8/9% increased action speed
3 tokens: 14/15/16% increased action speed
4 tokens: 21/22/23% increased action speedIron Maiden:
You open lockers 50% faster.
Each time a survivor exits a locker, their location is revealed to you for 3 seconds. The survivor suffers the Exposed effect for 15/30/45 seconds.G R E A T J O B!, I like all perks reworks.. I think iron maiden dont need a rework.. but i still like the idea, Vigil it's the best
Hope and devs see this post
Thank you!
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I added some new perks after Iron Maiden. If they do not require any changes, please tell me.
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@yes said:
@ad19970 said:
Some nice ideas. The values for Thanatophobia would be way too much though, considering that Sloppy Butcher only affects healing and decreases the healing speed by 20%. If it was only repair speed, than maybe it would be fine, though on Legion it would probably still be overpowered.
Also, Lithe shouldn't also increase your vaulting speed. Pretty sure those changes would easily make it the best exhaustion perk. I think the reason why you need to be in a chase with Lithe is that if you already gain quite a bit distance to the killer, and then use Lithe, you might get so far away that the killer will just lose you and have no chance of keeping track of you. Maybe. Not sure though.
Fire Up would also be too good with the suggested change in my opinion.
And one question about Beast of Prey. Would it reduce the size of the Red Stain or the intensity?I'll change Thanatophobia and Lithe. Beast of prey would reduce the size of the Red Stain.
Ok well it's just my opinion, you don't have to change it just because I think it would be op.
But I really, really like that idea for Beast of Prey, would actually make it another viable perk that helps killers in chases.0 -
@ad19970 said:
@yes said:
@ad19970 said:
Some nice ideas. The values for Thanatophobia would be way too much though, considering that Sloppy Butcher only affects healing and decreases the healing speed by 20%. If it was only repair speed, than maybe it would be fine, though on Legion it would probably still be overpowered.
Also, Lithe shouldn't also increase your vaulting speed. Pretty sure those changes would easily make it the best exhaustion perk. I think the reason why you need to be in a chase with Lithe is that if you already gain quite a bit distance to the killer, and then use Lithe, you might get so far away that the killer will just lose you and have no chance of keeping track of you. Maybe. Not sure though.
Fire Up would also be too good with the suggested change in my opinion.
And one question about Beast of Prey. Would it reduce the size of the Red Stain or the intensity?I'll change Thanatophobia and Lithe. Beast of prey would reduce the size of the Red Stain.
Ok well it's just my opinion, you don't have to change it just because I think it would be op.
But I really, really like that idea for Beast of Prey, would actually make it another viable perk that helps killers in chases.Yeah, especially when a survivor tries to loop you around a pallet. Any ideas on how I can change this?
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@yes said:
@ad19970 said:
Some nice ideas. The values for Thanatophobia would be way too much though, considering that Sloppy Butcher only affects healing and decreases the healing speed by 20%. If it was only repair speed, than maybe it would be fine, though on Legion it would probably still be overpowered.
Also, Lithe shouldn't also increase your vaulting speed. Pretty sure those changes would easily make it the best exhaustion perk. I think the reason why you need to be in a chase with Lithe is that if you already gain quite a bit distance to the killer, and then use Lithe, you might get so far away that the killer will just lose you and have no chance of keeping track of you. Maybe. Not sure though.
Fire Up would also be too good with the suggested change in my opinion.
And one question about Beast of Prey. Would it reduce the size of the Red Stain or the intensity?I'll change Thanatophobia and Lithe. Beast of prey would reduce the size of the Red Stain.
One last thing though, the problem i would still see for Lithe the way you suggest it should be is that it would become potentially useless against killers like Micheal, or even Wraith, when they have no terror radius.
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@yes said:
@ad19970 said:
@yes said:
@ad19970 said:
Some nice ideas. The values for Thanatophobia would be way too much though, considering that Sloppy Butcher only affects healing and decreases the healing speed by 20%. If it was only repair speed, than maybe it would be fine, though on Legion it would probably still be overpowered.
Also, Lithe shouldn't also increase your vaulting speed. Pretty sure those changes would easily make it the best exhaustion perk. I think the reason why you need to be in a chase with Lithe is that if you already gain quite a bit distance to the killer, and then use Lithe, you might get so far away that the killer will just lose you and have no chance of keeping track of you. Maybe. Not sure though.
Fire Up would also be too good with the suggested change in my opinion.
And one question about Beast of Prey. Would it reduce the size of the Red Stain or the intensity?I'll change Thanatophobia and Lithe. Beast of prey would reduce the size of the Red Stain.
Ok well it's just my opinion, you don't have to change it just because I think it would be op.
But I really, really like that idea for Beast of Prey, would actually make it another viable perk that helps killers in chases.Yeah, especially when a survivor tries to loop you around a pallet. Any ideas on how I can change this?
Wait change what?
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@ad19970 said:
@yes said:
@ad19970 said:
@yes said:
@ad19970 said:
Some nice ideas. The values for Thanatophobia would be way too much though, considering that Sloppy Butcher only affects healing and decreases the healing speed by 20%. If it was only repair speed, than maybe it would be fine, though on Legion it would probably still be overpowered.
Also, Lithe shouldn't also increase your vaulting speed. Pretty sure those changes would easily make it the best exhaustion perk. I think the reason why you need to be in a chase with Lithe is that if you already gain quite a bit distance to the killer, and then use Lithe, you might get so far away that the killer will just lose you and have no chance of keeping track of you. Maybe. Not sure though.
Fire Up would also be too good with the suggested change in my opinion.
And one question about Beast of Prey. Would it reduce the size of the Red Stain or the intensity?I'll change Thanatophobia and Lithe. Beast of prey would reduce the size of the Red Stain.
Ok well it's just my opinion, you don't have to change it just because I think it would be op.
But I really, really like that idea for Beast of Prey, would actually make it another viable perk that helps killers in chases.Yeah, especially when a survivor tries to loop you around a pallet. Any ideas on how I can change this?
Wait change what?
Change Beast of Prey, as you said it would be too OP and my OCD kicks in whenever I leave something that needs to be changed, unchanged.
Maybe I could change Lithe so that if you exit a locker quickly anytime, you break into the speed burst.
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@yes said:
@ad19970 said:
@yes said:
@ad19970 said:
@yes said:
@ad19970 said:
Some nice ideas. The values for Thanatophobia would be way too much though, considering that Sloppy Butcher only affects healing and decreases the healing speed by 20%. If it was only repair speed, than maybe it would be fine, though on Legion it would probably still be overpowered.
Also, Lithe shouldn't also increase your vaulting speed. Pretty sure those changes would easily make it the best exhaustion perk. I think the reason why you need to be in a chase with Lithe is that if you already gain quite a bit distance to the killer, and then use Lithe, you might get so far away that the killer will just lose you and have no chance of keeping track of you. Maybe. Not sure though.
Fire Up would also be too good with the suggested change in my opinion.
And one question about Beast of Prey. Would it reduce the size of the Red Stain or the intensity?I'll change Thanatophobia and Lithe. Beast of prey would reduce the size of the Red Stain.
Ok well it's just my opinion, you don't have to change it just because I think it would be op.
But I really, really like that idea for Beast of Prey, would actually make it another viable perk that helps killers in chases.Yeah, especially when a survivor tries to loop you around a pallet. Any ideas on how I can change this?
Wait change what?
Change Beast of Prey, as you said it would be too OP and my OCD kicks in whenever I leave something that needs to be changed, unchanged.
Maybe I could change Lithe so that if you exit a locker quickly anytime, you break into the speed burst.
Oh no I meant Thanatophobia and Lithe, the way you originally suggested them. I think Beast of Prey would actually be great. Maybe not 75% but 60% or something like that for tier 3, but otherwise I feel like that would be a good change.
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@ad19970 said:
@yes said:
@ad19970 said:
@yes said:
@ad19970 said:
@yes said:
@ad19970 said:
Some nice ideas. The values for Thanatophobia would be way too much though, considering that Sloppy Butcher only affects healing and decreases the healing speed by 20%. If it was only repair speed, than maybe it would be fine, though on Legion it would probably still be overpowered.
Also, Lithe shouldn't also increase your vaulting speed. Pretty sure those changes would easily make it the best exhaustion perk. I think the reason why you need to be in a chase with Lithe is that if you already gain quite a bit distance to the killer, and then use Lithe, you might get so far away that the killer will just lose you and have no chance of keeping track of you. Maybe. Not sure though.
Fire Up would also be too good with the suggested change in my opinion.
And one question about Beast of Prey. Would it reduce the size of the Red Stain or the intensity?I'll change Thanatophobia and Lithe. Beast of prey would reduce the size of the Red Stain.
Ok well it's just my opinion, you don't have to change it just because I think it would be op.
But I really, really like that idea for Beast of Prey, would actually make it another viable perk that helps killers in chases.Yeah, especially when a survivor tries to loop you around a pallet. Any ideas on how I can change this?
Wait change what?
Change Beast of Prey, as you said it would be too OP and my OCD kicks in whenever I leave something that needs to be changed, unchanged.
Maybe I could change Lithe so that if you exit a locker quickly anytime, you break into the speed burst.
Oh no I meant Thanatophobia and Lithe, the way you originally suggested them. I think Beast of Prey would actually be great. Maybe not 75% but 60% or something like that for tier 3, but otherwise I feel like that would be a good change.
Oh sorry, I misinterpret something like most of the time. I'll change BoP again. xD
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Boil Over:
While on the killer's shoulder, your struggling effects are increased by 25/50/75%. You obscure the killer's ability to see hooks by 10/12/14 meters. You increase your wiggle speed by 0/0/1%.Would you in any circumstance use this perk?
0 -
45 seconds for exiting a locker is an insane amount of time for Iron Maiden. The killer could cross the entire map to get to you and still have time to spare, especially if it was Billy or Nurse.0
@AlwaysInAGoodShape said:
@yesBoil Over:
While on the killer's shoulder, your struggling effects are increased by 25/50/75%. You obscure the killer's ability to see hooks by 10/12/14 meters. You increase your wiggle speed by 0/0/1%.Would you in any circumstance use this perk?
Depends. Currently, I'm leveling my Kate so I can get Boil Over. I don't know if this perk is good at tier III but I assume it is.> @brokedownpalace said:
45 seconds for exiting a locker is an insane amount of time for Iron Maiden. The killer could cross the entire map to get to you and still have time to spare, especially if it was Billy or Nurse.
What values should I change it to then? 15/20/25 seconds?