2v8 now FACT is majorly unbalanced

Im gonna address the major unfun BS on both sides
First off extremely unfun that the major killer strategy is to just hard focus one survivor making loops and vaults completely meaningless. If a survivor is injured and hit by the second killer they SHOULD gain endurance to give the survivor a chance to stall longer if you can gut Knight you can do this in 2V8.
Trapper is completely useless in this mode his ability is insignificant and traps are always disabled faster then he can reset them. He needs iri stone as an ability or the add-on that injures survs when disabling
Gen efficiency big shocker survivors with a brain can end most matches in 4-5 mins make it 10 gens needed to complete not 8.
The big 3 killers in this mode is Nurse Billy and Huntress. Wraith is viable but not trapper
trappers just need to be strategic in where they place their traps - the game can descend into chaos as more survivors get killed and this is where the trapper excels. People panic and forget he’s around and get caught out - I saw it a lot yesterday.
I don’t think survivors need a second endurance state and that’s coming from a survivor main.
The mode is different and it’s quicker yes but honestly I think matches not being dragged on for ages is really what’s making this mode fun to play. It’s quick and Chaotic which is what I think it was meant to be and very evocative of the earlier days of the game.
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Wraith + Nurse slaps on comms.
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I don't think anyone goes into this thinking it is going to be a balanced or 'fair' experience and if they do, well…
I think it is utter chaos very much RNG as far as matchmaking, as good team mates seem to = win and killers obviously on comms with some skills = win.
But don't expect these events to be 'balanced' as I don't think that is the point at all
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The two games that streamers had during showcase of 2v8 mode pretty much demonstrated all the flows of the balance. Those games ended with 6 escapes and 2 kills which is a loss both times. One of the killers played as trapper and honestly despite all the effort he couldn't do much because Trapper in this mode is G Tier killer.
Surely you can have fun chasing a single survivor together but then you will be losing 2 or 3 gens per chase. It really sucks that the most fun way to play this mode is also the worst way which greatly ruins the joy of this mode for killers, on top of atrociously long wait times.
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8 SWF is nightmare for killer. The bully squad is strongest in this mode.
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First off extremely unfun that the major killer strategy is to just hard focus one survivor making loops and vaults completely meaningless
If only we could of forseen this not at all obvious strategy when we proposed the 2v8 idea.
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It would be bad of it was balanced. These modes work well because they thrive on chaos. No meta builds, no optimal add-ons, just a chaotic bltz of a mess.
Even though it's not balanced, I've experienced both sides wunning, so there is a chance for either side. This mode is enjoyable. Personally, I'd say I enjoyed Chaos Shuffle more, but that's no disservice to this great idea. If DBD had the normal mode, this mode and Chaos Shuffle as three permanent fixtures with which to expand on, the game will be set for a fair few years more.
As more Killers are gradually introduced -as well as potentially more classes for survivor - this has really good potential. Maybe a little bit more balance would do, perhaps.. However, the chaos is what makes this fun. Make it too balanced, and the fun is sucked out.
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You complain about two killers instantly downing a survivor but then state that gens are flying. If the killers go for the same survivor of course they are going to lose as they aren't pressuring effectively. Its the first iteration nothing is going to be perfect balance wise
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I don't know why you're expecting a game that was based around a 1V4 to not be unbalanced when the team sizes are doubled. This game mode isn't meant for sweating, it's meant to be chaotic and fun.
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I don't really think that doubling up is the dominant strat, though. When two killers team up, unless they're both hyper-mobile like Wraith and Billy, what happens against non-confused survivors is that gens on the other side of the map fly at light speed. I've found two killers on opposite sides of the map, or two killers focusing on one side of the map and ending up with all remaining gens in a small area, have been what's worked best in my games.
If anything, the accusations I've seen that the mode is both horribly survivor-sided and horribly killer-sided suggest to me that it's decently well balanced. I don't think the roles themselves are balanced, Escapist > Guide = Scout > Medic, and Trapper needs help, but overall I think 2v8 is doing great for its first test run.
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So…… I've been playin the 2v8 mode all day….. and tbh, its fun… and Trapper doesn't really need 'help' persay… cause i've been using trapper near exclusively after testing the others.. simply put, the 2v8 mode makes the trapper much stronger, since he has a partner to apply the early pressure which allows him to get set up a bit easier… this also allows more than 1 killer to push survivors into traps, as well as stalls the game a touch longer, because the survivors have more things to interact with than just the gens and killers…. They either get caught in the trap, spend their time disarming it, or have to avoid them.. which adds those precious seconds to the gameplay for the killers.. my USUAL strategy as trapper when i play solo comes into a much stronger gameplay here, since I normally put my traps under windows, vault locations, or just beyond pallets… to counter act the jungle gym effect.. AND it allows the 2nd killer to apply the pressure WITh the assistance of the traps later in the game, for weaker killers like wraith or nurse, who can't really chase as easily, this helps a lot…. not to mention if billy runs down a chainsaw, and the survivor ducks into a wall, ding, trapped….. when applied properly, the trapper is probably the strongest killer in 2v8… in my opinion…. and i ONLY play killer… OH and not to mention…. i only solo que, cause i haz no frens… so i take it out on those who do, bwuahahah
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The funny thing about it is I got 2 kills max with a friend and we all died as survivor. I can‘t decide to say which side it favors.
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From my experience, this game mode isn't nearly as survivor sided as people on the forums make it sound. Yeah, sure, if survivors are smart and focus more on gens and less on rescues/heals then they will finish the gens and escape. But survivors don't do that. They run around like chickens with their heads cut off. The game mode doesn't need extra gens to complete to be fair. Besides, if you haven't noticed, there is a huge queue time for killers as is. There is no reason to incentivize more players to play as killers. When you have a 400% bonus to BP for playing as survivor and you still don't have enough players wanting to play survivor then that should tell you something. So all the killers talking about this game mode being survivor sided and want to quit playing as killer are more than welcome to.
Post edited by EQWashu on5 -
Splitting pressure is an absolute loss for killers either way so killers doing the most efficient team up I can't blame them but can say its extremely unfun when it happens to you so give killers some kinda pressure or slowdown and nerf the double tunnel
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Day1 it'll lose the hype soon after the survs ain't headless chickens and start getting good but go ahead and hogride all you want
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If only
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Righttt but as soon as its a killer sided game mode Survs cry post ALOT proof (chaos shuffle, masquerade event, Lights out,) then they want some balance
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Translation killers having no chance to apply pressure or slowdown the game is apparently good for the game but demand second chance and anti tunnel
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Solo queue nightmare
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If 2 killers are on me that's double the juice, I say
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translation: I don’t want to think about anything. As a killer and want the game to play itself.
Two can play at that game.
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I've played both sides, with different killers and different classes.
The mode feels very well balanced.
Bad killer team? Lose.
Bad survivor team? Lose.
About equal opponents? Can go either way.
No camping.
No tunneling.
It's great.
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2 for 1 special in aisle 10 😎
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I don't think it ultimately matters. Players have been wanting to kill with friends for awhile now and this simply gives them that chance. The rest of us get 400% bp in compensation to let them. I'm not putting much thought into it beyond that.