This 2v8 mode is how this game should've been since the beginning

It's about chases, playing by hooks (cages now). No carrying, just a fast animation to send them to a cage and then go and chase others.
This might be a very controversial opinion, but perks should've never existed. That was a mistake. Classes having various benefits that can help both you and your teammates in some way, is the right way in my opinion. It's also much easier to balance than letting all 8 survivors use various perks. That would extremely easy and fast increase toxicity and unhealthy stuff balance wise.
I'm not saying the mode is perfect in any way. I'm just simply saying that this is what this game should've been from the beginning.
honestly, some things definitely need to be taken back into the main game. The combination of the hooks and the cage of atonement has solved SO many problems in one swoop:
-no more suiciding on first hook-it moves if the killer stays near it too long eradicating the ability to camp
-there’s no incentive to have to carry a survivor to a hook so has reduced slugging MASSIVELY.
I’ve been advocating for this change to hooks for years now and it’s nice to see it in action as it really works.
-Basekit self care on death hook has also been a pleasant surprise and a nice alternative to not being able to heal out of the dying state or get flashlight saves .
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I enjoy the perk and fun builds you can have around Luck / Kobe'ing & Wiggle / Flashlight / Flashbang saves. I will admit it changes the pace of the game a lot though, and the pacing does feel a bit better. Definitely in some capacity should be a sign of the direction the main game should take.
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This would not have been so popular over the years if it came out in this way.
At the moment i think this is to fast and chaotic. It may be fun for a while but not permanent.
But i think it might be getting better in the future iterations of it.
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I enjoy the gamemode but when someone goes down you cannot help - you can only run. I like having options to somehow try to save my teammate as a last resort. I'd like a future iteration to possibly look at that personally. I can live with no sabo but no flashlight or even pallet saves kind of suck. It feels like part of the game is missing without them but I understand this is a completely different mode and should be treated as such. I still want more options though.
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The gameplay so far with this mechanic has been stale for me as survivor. There's no more pallet/flashlight saving attempts at all, and it ends up just being a hold w simulator until i get pinched inevitably by the two killers. Also you pretty much get the entire experience of survivor after 4 games with each "class" and there is no new combination you can try after that so its dull.
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"about chases"
what chases, friend? the ones where killers 2 tap survivors with knight gameplay 2.0 with zero counterplay or overwhelm them with ovebuffed powers with 5 addons, that kind of chases?
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i miss the add-on for killers and the perks. I do agree with cages and the game being about chases.
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That tactic isn't even viable in higher levels. Eventually, people will not continue to do it in most situations.
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i thought this gamemode is about fun and not winning.
either way, 2v1ing people is certainly viable whenever 2 killers wind up on the same side of the map before splitting again. you can get multiple 2v1s and then proceed to just stomping people with overpowered abilities.
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This is the REBORN of DBD! INSANE MODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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After a good amount of matches, I can't agree more. This mode is like normal DBD minus the downtime of hooking and finding people. Constant chases and the immense amount of options during a match make games super intense and fun.
Another aspect worth mentioning is the removal of hook notifications. You can't easily tunnel a dude out anymore, plus it gives survivors opportunities to reset during the match.
Loving this gamemode and I'll struggle getting back to 1v4 lol2 -
Its only going to be fun until killers start optimizing because quick downs are even more punishing.
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i am almost certain that this mode is new foundation for next generation of dbd. so much so that i think original dbd of 1vs4 might be segmented to side mode. there is over 100k player playing this version of dbd and i cannot imagine that if this stays like 100k for next 2 weeks. this mode is going to be permanent. this mode has potencial to just be standard dbd mode.
really, only thing that is missing in this mode is perks. they would have rework entire killer perk system and survivor perk system if they choose to make this as new foundation for dbd. I could very well see this happening. I would not be surprised if this mode also goes competitive. for now it is just beta mode and it is just fun and games.
Brainstorming perk system:
An example could be that killer get 2 personal perk and 1 global perk. a personal perk applies only to the killer who selected it. A global perk applies to both killers. max 2 global perks per team.
Survivor roles have a role perk. each survivor may select 1 role perk and 2 personal perks. the role perk is tied to the role. the personal perk applies to survivor. This would just be a brainstorm of how this mode would work if it was official main-stay mode.
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just so you know, 100k on day 1 of heavily anticipated gamemode is not a metric of it being good or well designed, etc by any means.
it just means that lots of people anticipated that silly thing for years bc it's the most obvious idea for alternative gamemode people had for years.
obviously it's going to attract lots of people on day 1 it's playable.
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Yup. I'm honestly only playing cos it's 400% bp incentive. If this was permanent I'd stick to normal mode. 2v8 is too chaotic and overstimulating for me. The incentive is the only reason I'm tolerating it.
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7 out of the 10 matches I've played has been non-stop slugging, absolutely miserable and makes you want to DC. Probably because killers are catching on that survivors can't do anything.
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You thought this gamemode was about having fun and not winning? People will try to win if they want to. The game has never been as sweaty as it is now.
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Meh. It's a fun chaotic mode, that's it. 1v4 is more polished and interesting at long term.
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no, im very realistic about what it is, im simply being sarcastic about people who dismiss any design / balance concerns by "muh muh fun not win". i guess i was still too subtle.
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ive played survivor much more than killer (bc queue times are faster for survivors) and from what I can feel, there's little to no skill expression for survivor.
you just triple/double gens and it doesnt matter which ones bc 5 genning yourself is borderline impossible, unhooks are free and instant too, resets are also super fast, chases are either full autopilot bc endless pallets or you just get 2 teamed by killers / overwhelmed by overpowered chase ability (nurse/huntress having 5 addons) that you cant really play around bc how broken it is so it's extremely one-sided here too.
the only killer that's mildly interesting in chase is wraith and wraith is EXTREMELY and ENDLESSLY boring bc all he does is trying to bodyblock you from the pallet.
I genuinely don't see what part of the survivor gameplay there can be enjoyable in the long term once the novelty wears off. It's just overstimulation with "reward" buttons that you get to press for free and no limit.
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Without perks games would have died already because of boringness
But hooks are surely the real reason why tunneling or camping exists
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I like finding people. The macro gameplay gives the game a lot of texture and just chasing all the time is stressful. The downtime is important. I also never would have gotten invested in this game without perks. Trying different load outs on different killers is half the fun for me.
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Every game gets "sweaty" the longer it goes on. People optimize stuff. It's what humans do. The skill floor today is higher than it was a year ago. It's a pointless thing to bemoan
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I totally agree with you: even toxic flashlight saves spam is removed. Without considering some broken things, dbd is almost perfect with cages instead of hooks: the entity can eat the surv with the cage too so it won't have any problem about it
I also think a new game mode 1v4 with the 2v8 classes should be in the game