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My idea for a Freddy Rework

I love Freddy, and I'm excited knowing that potentially soon, my dream haunting, evil laughing, body fingering (that didn't come out right) killer is getting a rework. Here's a rework idea I had, and figured I'd post it and see what people think.

The "putting people to sleep" power feels... Lackluster. It's not thematic to Freddy, as he didn't put anyone to sleep, he simply waited for them to fall asleep, and tormented them in their dreams. Also, he didn't really have this "all seeing eye" effect of knowing where the sleeping people were. He always was around when they went to sleep, and followed them just like any other horror movie killer.

However, the things he did were quite potent: He could alter their dream world to be what he wanted it to be, making certain areas loop back on themselves, or go to areas that are nowhere near where they were. He can cause real problems for those in the real world based on the dream world (cutting a lock of hair from a girl in the dream, only for her to see it in the real world.) He also didn't so much care for physics, as he could warp and change the world (relevant to prior statement) or himself however he pleased.

For this, I think a relevant change to his power is to make putting people in the dream world "passive." Think of it like the AOE around Doc. While in the real world, Survivors can hear the lullaby from 8m further than his terror radius, increasing or decreasing based on the range changes to his terror radius. However, always within 4m (add-ons change this) is his lullaby heard, as well as Freddy will put the survivor into the dream transition without activation (Freddy still gets slowed.) The transition and slow will last 6 seconds. This coincides with how he's always IN the dream when the dreamer arrives, and allows for him to have more power elsewhere. Yes, this would render the pill bottle null and void ("I wonder where Freddy is if he has to be practically kissing me to put me in the dream world" - XFioraMaster18), but the pill bottle can affect something else, as many other add-ons will have to affect something else.

While in the dream world, the only thing that can wake you up is another survivor, completing a generator, or (new weird interaction) using a cleansed totem spot to self-injure yourself (can only drop you to injured state, not dying state) (only works at Fatigue levels 1 and 2). Failed skill checks don't work. You gain different levels of fatigue based on what you're doing/not doing, and how many times you've been put to sleep/woken up. Each level makes sounds harder to hear (%5/10/20), slows down actions (healing, sabo, gens) (%15/20/25), decreases the range of aura reading (10/15/20m, on global auras, puts a max range of 64m at fatigue 3), reduces movement speed (%0/5/5), and at fatigue 3, removes great skill checks from appearing (except ds and any other skill checks that force only greats).

You gain fatigue by:
Standing/crouching still (%10/s)
moving crouched (%2/s)
values above this are reduced by %50 while injured
performing still actions (gens, healing, sabo) (%1/s)

you lose fatigue by:
getting injured (%25, down to a minimum of fatigue [1+number of times you've been slept] at %0.)
values below this are increased by an additional %2 while injured
moving (%2/s, down to a minimum of fatigue [1+number of times you've been slept] at %0.)
vaulting (%5, down to a minimum of fatigue [1+number of times you've been slept] at %0.)
running (%5/s, down to a minimum of fatigue [1+number of times you've been slept] at %0.)

While survivors are in the dream, Freddy gets nothing. No vision, no speedup, no nothing. Yes, I love having a free BBQ and Chili on Freddy, but I'd rather have strength elsewhere in his kit.

Relevant to the next change, I'd suggest Freddy's movement speed be decreased to 4.2m/s, or %105. I'd say give him the increased lunge distance, not as long as Boyfriend Memo Myers, but increased.

Freddy would have two new abilities, both dealing with his warping of reality, both having their own strengths and weaknesses.

1st, his alt click (pc) would allow him to phase through all objects for 4 seconds, affected by add-ons. While doing this, his movement speed is reduced to 4.0m/s, or %100, and removes bloodlust. He can't use this to dodge a pallet stun, but he can use this to phase through a pallet. Attacking while phasing through objects can hit a survivor, however it causes him to be kicked out of the object, and has a %15 increased recovery time. Releasing the power, or running out of it, while inside an object kicks you out and stuns you

The point of this power is chase potential. Most other killers have a way of giving chase, even if they don't have the best chase potential. Trapper can put traps to block loops, Hag can put traps to teleport to the other side of the window mid chase, Pig can crouch and use ambush on many loops to render them useless in the right position. This power gives him his own chase potential, but requires proper usage. The reason behind the speed reduction is him moving at full speed through objects gives him a direct route to the survivor. As such, in an area with lots of obstacles, Freddy is at a massive advantage, and would be too ridiculous at 4.2, let alone 4.6.

2nd, his CTRL (pc) would create invisible dream portals. These cannot be used on window vaults, or within 8m of the killer shack/along any pathway that leads to the basement stairs (ex, the two hallways that lead to the basement in The Game, but not the exit from the bathroom), depending on where the basement spawns. Survivors in the dream world who run (specifically run, crouching and walking have no affect) through a dream portal are teleported to the back of the basement. Freddy can walk through a portal to teleport to the basement as well. Survivors are stunned for .5 seconds, affected by add-ons, when teleported. If Freddy holds the CTRL (pc) key while walking through a portal, he will not teleport, and it will cancel his attempted creation of a portal. Freddy can only have 3 portals active at a time. Survivors in the real world are unaffected by dream portals.

This allows Freddy to dynamically control the map. He's limited to 3, and it'll take a while to construct the portals, but doing so means that he can force players to respond differently to him, as they won't know if a specific loop will cause them to teleport to the basement. However, there is still counter play for survivors, as they can use Freddy's own portals to appear in the basement for the save. It also keeps him from making an exit gate impossible to get to, as survivors can crouch/walk through them without problems while in the dream world.

This whole idea might sound completely ridiculous. "All you did was give Freddy endless power, making survivors useless against him. He's gonna be even stronger than the Nurse and Legion (with Franks Tape)." I disagree. Look at where Freddy is right now: Against newer players/idiots, he'll steamroll because free bbq and chili, slows the game down (just a lil' bit), plus he's a fast killer (%115/4.6m/s.) However, put him into high ranks, most survivors run self heal, and since he lacks any "close the chase" potential, any time someone drops a pallet on his head, it's a roll of the dice as to if they get self heal and buy themselves 7ish seconds of immunity, or begin the normal chase procedure, wasting Freddy's time, and buying the Survivors all the free time necessary to finish all the gens.

My kit for him would make him weaker in the lower ranks, since no free bbq, and a way to counteract his slowing of the game. It also makes it weaker against survivors who can track where he is based on his lullaby, as he has to get within butt tickling range to put you to sleep. Furthermore, at higher ranks, he has a better chance to compete, as loops are less effective (though not out of the question), and self care isn't a wake up perk. Now he's not without counterplay, he's slowed while walking through obstacles, has to set up his portals, and can only have 3 up at a time.

His Add-ons no longer need to affect skill checks, as those aren't a problem that negatively affect the dream world. As such, Wool Shirt, Green Dress, Blue Dress, and Cat Block, no longer affect them. Instead, they increase/decrease how long someone is stunned for after being teleported.
The Drawing series of Add-ons affect how close Freddy has to be to "put someone to sleep".
The movement speed during transition Add-ons will instead affect his movement speed while phasing through objects.
remove Outdoor Rope, replace it with Found Pill.
Found Pill and Pill Bottle increase the number of portals by 1/2 respectively.

I'll explain the Add-ons below in further detail.

Swing Chains and Jump Rope will grant increased fatigue gain and decreased fatigue loss at different points along fatigue. Swing Chains for Fatigue 1 and 2, Jump Rope for Fatigue 2 and 3. They do not stack for Fatigue 2, but can both be used to increase across all levels of Fatigue. These Add-ons are to give Freddy's the capability to put people into deeper sleep, and make it harder to get out of deep sleep.

Class Photo gives Freddy back his free dream bbq and chili (outside lullaby range, not terror radius), as long as the Survivors are at Fatigue 2/3, and increases his terror radius by 8m. Let's be honest, as a free power, it's great in concept. As an Add-on, not so much. Sure, it'll help you know where the really sleepy survivors are, but I'd rather have some of the other Add-ons that make my abilities better, rather than have Add-on bbq. Yes, I'm totally bashing the Add-on, but thematically it makes sense for the Class Photo. They're all his targets, story story story, blah blah blah, you get what I'm getting at.

Red Paint Brush no longer reduces movement speed and no longer reduces dream transition. Just getting Jumpscare Freddy on Lery's is gonna be scary enough, he doesn't need to do everything in a single Add-on. Saying his movement speed is %105 anyway, reducing it even more would make this Add-on actually useless.

Black Box now starts ALL survivors in the dream world, starts the obsession (doesn't create one) in the basement (this takes precedence over shroud effects,) and decreases fatigue gain/increases fatigue loss at fatigue 1. This is both good and bad. Good, because Fatigue is gonna hit them pretty hard right off the bat, and pairing this with Class Photo would be good. However, like with Class Photo, it leaves your actual powers at base value, which aren't bad, but would be better of improved. Black Box with Swing Chains would be decent, counteracting the fatigue 1 nerf from Black Box, and making survivors drop to stage 3 rather quickly. Better would be Class Photo with Jump Rope, as the next time they enter the dream state, they're locked at fatigue 2 and lower, which means the negative of Black Box doesn't matter. However, other Add-ons making other powers better might just be stronger overall.

Overall, I feel all these Add-ons would make Freddy have multiple playstyles (Cross dressing Freddy/Basement Freddy with both dresses, Druggy/Portal Freddy with all the pills, Tools of the "trade" Freddy/Phasing Freddy with Paint Thinner and a Claw), while still having defined weaknesses, which I think also talks about this version of Freddy's kit as a whole.



  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    i am sad, you probably spent 3 hours on this post and it is getting possibly ignored

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Another interesting Freddy rework <3 I love these. I like the passive falling asleep, it just takes away one of his biggest problems. The new thing about phasing through walls is cools, it's slow but would it be too slow to counter two T walls? What about on Groaning Storehouse in MacMillan Estate, those huge boxes that make up loops, would it be too slow to phase through those and have an impact on the loop? I'd have to see it in action but it sounds badass.

    The portals are awesome, the Basement is either in the corner or the center of the map but always very far from the exits so having the portals take Survivors there is super powerful at the end game and also means he's a natural Basement Killer, and I LOVE Basement builds XD Loops could take people there unexpectedly, entrances, and if he's in a chase he could phase through walls and smack people. This is cool, very original and really makes it feel like he's in control, that this is HIS world.

    Also, this makes his perk Bloodwarden especially powerful on him, he can down someone and create a portal to the Basement and just drop them off there. If no one opens the Exits he doesn't need to hook them because it'll be a while for them to crawl anywhere, and once the Exits are open he could just instantly walk back and hook them, sealing everyone in and forcing everyone to trek back across the map to the Basement to save their friend if he closes the portal behind him. That alone could make him a top tier killer.