2v8 problems
In my opinion 2v8 isn't balanced at all. I don't know who was given keys for testing and balancing but they failed. I know a bunch of streamers got early access and said it was balanced but from what I saw of those streams, they played fairly and for fun. That's simply not how the majority of DBD players play though.
The gamemode is killer sided. I've played both surv and killer on the gamemode and have gotten more wins as killer (5k or more, most of which have actually been 8k's) (Important to note its been KWF). Then I have wins on surv. The constant aura reading for killers is a bit over the top and a tad too long. The killer has the ability to instant hook someone by stepping on them with no way for a survivor to counteract it like in base game. Instant hook sucked in the masquerade event and it sucks now, why on Earth did it get brought back.
They've needed to add a 400% BP incentive to survivor because survivor just isn't that fun to play in this mode. You're limited to a preset of 4 classes. I think it would've been better to have a couple 2v8 perks and let you pick and choose the 4 that you want to play with.
It's lacking in versatility, easy enough fix though. I want to be able to play on Ormond or Lery's. Play Myers or Plague or Clown etc.
There should be a delay between killers being able to hit you. Make it an endurance effect like when unhooked but having it the length of what a normal solo killer would be able to hit you again. It'd stop the instant downs from getting ganked by both killers at the same time, albeit it is satisfying when you do it as a killer but you can still see its unfair.
I've waited literal YEARS for this game mode and now that it's here its a bit underwhelming to say the least.
P.S. stop tunnelling in a game mode that was suppose to be a fun little event. Like why you gotta ruin it? Same type of people that were bringing Mori's to the anniversary events.