About the developer update ...

A lot of interesting stuff, with a couple of remarks:
- "Hook Stages" : the first thing that comes to mind isn't "yay, more time against campers" but "gens-before-friends is now more powerful".
- "Midwich" : Improved verticability, sure, but also offering a neat hiding spot. I liked these walls closed for a reason.
- On the positive side, fixing scratch marks is certainly good.
- As for the rest, I feel it's good, it needs to be checked on the PTB.
Not a big fan of the ONE good indoor map for Huntress being made to be awful for her. Long hallways were the only saving grace.
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I'm super happy they're finally hiding prestiges in the lobby and buffing Dredge, especially making it quieter. The Blastmine, Wiretap, Flashbang, Diversion, and Mirrored Illusion changes are fun too. Deception might actually be annoying if it can be used multiple times in a single chase, but it's probably fine.
Not sure how I feel about Midwich, but I'll have to see how it looks in the PTB. And not very happy about the hook stage increase. It might be nothing, but honestly… tunneling is much more of a problem than camping, and camping is now only an issue on certain killers who can effectively proxy past the distance limit (Huntress, Deathslinger, Trickster, Billy, maybe Bubba.) I'm worried that it'll reduce killer pressure across the board instead of punishing proxy campers like it's meant to.
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The worst part for me is that they openly acknowledge that Blast Mine has no other use than annoying other players, yet see no issue with that; wild take: don't put stuff into your game to purposefuly make it aggravating to play.
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I run Blast Mine not because I want to annoy other players, but because it's a godsend for stun+blind challenges. It double counts and I don't have to provoke the killer in chase or scare them into picking Lightborn or Franklins in the lobby, and it doesn't become nearly impossible versus any killer that can hit over pallets (which is half the roster.)
But I've always thought Blast Mine was funnier to encounter than it was tilting, anyway. Love me a good old slow turn.
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9/10 update
The survivor perks buff are all minor but pretty cool, the killer buffs look good. I prefer to see the prestiges but I'm not mad at them trying to reduce dodging. The only changes i don't like is midwich. They opening up the bathroom to make navigating more easy cool.. but what about the actual rooms. The room like the piano room, bookcase room? There several rooms where the survivor can stun the killer and not be able to get away to another loop just because they got the stun on a certain side. I was hoping the devs actually address more problems about this map.
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anyone have a link to these changes?
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thank you Haunter