1v4 is boring now as killer

2v8 as killer is way more exciting and allows for more interaction/combos. Played a game yesterday as huntress and someone stepped in a trap probably 20 meters away from me. I saw their team mate running to save them but I was able to down the trapped survivor with a hatchet and continue to chase the would be rescue. There's nothing that exciting happening in 1v4.


  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,234

    I mean 2v8 is cool, but it gets old relatively quickly for me. The small killer roster and lack of perks makes it shallower compared to the main mode.

    It's very fun to play with a friend though, I've been hitting so many crossmaps just because my teammate gets into a chase.

  • basedkiller916
    basedkiller916 Member Posts: 47

    IIdk Man I've been playing non stop with Randoms and it'sstill more fun for me than anything 1v4 has to offer. No perks is a good thing in my opinion. Perks are one of this games biggest downsides. I wish they'd stop with the 3 perks per character formula and mix things up.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,533
    edited August 2

    I mean, I completely agree it sounds fun (I'm not been able to play 2v8 due to long q times, but I'm 100% sure it's a really fun experience).

    But in my opinion - the game's health is suffering because we have 2 game mods with not enough player base to compensate.

    I already see that a lot of players (me as well) are just not willing to wait such long queue times. (It's somewhere around 8-12m for killers)

    I haven't tried survivors q times, but I'm predicting - they wait much less in q.

    I see only 2 solutions:

    1. 1v4 must go - so we will have 2v8 as a basic mod. Tho they will need to finish it and implement all killers into it. (and there will be still a lot of issues with it)
    2. 2v8 must go - which I'm sure going to upset some players, but what can you do.

    Overall - these 2 can not coexist together, unless DBD will have more (much more even) players.

    The game atm is just a queue simulator, your matches times are faster than you wait in q. This is something you'd expect from a almost dead game.