Now that Singularity has been fixed can we all agree that the Unknown is the worst Killer to play?

Now that Singularity has been massively buffed he's easily one of my favorite Killers to play. He feels great to play and feels powerful without also feeling powerless sometimes like he was before all the buffs.
However now that he's been buffed he no longer takes the crown for being one of the most frustrating Killers to play which now unfortunately leaves Unknown to take that crown. Seriously maybe for the first month, I really thought the Unknown was a perfect Killer but now after all this time I've come to realize he's pretty far from that. His UVX feels terrible to use, it is one of the most inconsistent powers in DBD. Aim it at the ground? Sometimes it'll randomly bounce forward screwing up your aim, or sometimes it'll just immediately blow up. Try to use the ricochet? Good luck because sometimes it'll just immediately blow up or go a completely different and unexpected way. Finally do hit someone with his power? Well, you better hope the Survivor somehow screws up again because you'll probably only have a very slim window to hit them again with the UVX.
The only thing that feels good about him is his teleport, and even then it comes with its own set of flaws. Without the brown add-on, his teleport feels too slow to be effectively used in anti-loop scenarios. It has the same UI problem as Dredge and other Killers where sometimes if there are two teleport locations close by each other you can potentially pick the wrong one. And finally, the teleports are cleansed way too quickly making it so if you go up against really good survivors your map pressure will be almost nonexistent, especially if it's on an outdoor map.
This isn't saying that he's weak, mind you, just that his power more often than not feels incredibly frustrating and luck-reliant to hit.
The Huntress
- Free character
- You aim, you shot, you kill/injure on sight
The Unknown
- Have to be unlocked/payed
- Has bouncing projectilve that you have to think of
- Has small AoE projectile that can hit though walls
- Has to hit you twice with your power within few seconds otherwise the first shot is reseted back to 0.
- Direct hits does nothing (hindred effect has no impact)
- You have to use more brain power to use shots
- Can be more easily avoided than direct faster hatches
- Can sometimes teleport somewhere I quess
They both do pretty much the same job.
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You’re grossly underselling unknown. He’s not great by any means but instant map wide teleport is insane. Not to mention you can place it anywhere you want as long as you have been there first. Don’t forget double hits which very few killers can do.
I’d like to point out the highest ever win streak on Huntress is 101 meanwhile Unknowns highest is just under 100 and still going. He’s not awful by any means.
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Nah, I'm going to disagree just for the record. Unknown is one of the more satisfying killers to play
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Worst killer to play by far right now is Freddy
Worst "feeling" killer right now is Knight
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I also have to say, Unknown is neither the weakest Killer nor the most unfun/worst to play Killer. The teleport alone bumps them at least to B-Tier.
Not saying that Unknown is one of the easiest Killers in the game, but I also dont think that they are really hard to play. And while certainly not S-Tier, they are far from being weak overall.
That other Killers are stronger might be true, but with that we can almost talk down any Killer in the game, if we just go "Yeah, but Nurse, Billy and Blight are stronger".
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He is getting looked at in the coming months so don't pin him down as the worst just yet. If the changes slated however don't do much, then he's definitely in trouble.
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Why would he be in trouble? Being able to theoretically play any loop or tile in the game thanks to UVX(which people are trying to remove) is not what I'd call being in a bad spot.
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Knight feels way worse now.
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Being popular and in a good spot are too very different things. From my understanding, he's already in a good spot, but he's nowhere near as fun as other killers to play.
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unknown is so much fun to play and fairly strong but can get sooooo frustrating. he needs his weakened more durable (longer stare to wear off or removal of lingering stare) and polished/standardized bounce logic and he is one of the most fun killers for sure.
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How can you say this when rework Knight exists?
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...Freddy, dude.
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Cenobite and Unknown are two killers I don't play at all, because their power punishes you way more for using it than rewards for successful try. Unknown teleports are stronger than main power, so I did adept almost without using m2 and forgot about that killer.
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i don't understand, singlurarity is same killer with worse numbers on overclock and worst haste numbers. Unknown is mediocre.
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Unknown is fun, idk where this is coming from
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Unknown is very strong and very fun. I have a blast playing them. I think you're problem is simply to do with your experience with them and possibly your build
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cool when a side power is stronger then his main power really telling on the design flaws
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This is why I haven't been playing him lately. Thought he was trash upon release, my mind got changed through playing as him, only to realize that my original assumption was correct the moment I faced competent survivors. Constantly missing shots due to its tiny explosion radius and inconsistent physics, constant scenarios where the survivors can see me and break out of infection yet I can't see them or hit them with my power, and teleport clones which are too few in number before they start to replace each other are also destroyed constantly. I'm pretty sure when they touch him soon, they're gonna nerf him, especially his teleport. But I really don't see the reason, because he feels pretty mid. Mid killers have been known to still get massive nerfs, I'm just saying.
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No, he's spot on. Especially about the power physics and acting out of tp.
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There's tons of loops which he can't do anything at with his power, sometimes because the survivor won't let you, other times just in general.
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Which loops? I havent encountered any loop that unknowns power cant be used on
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I only played Unknown during the PTB. Couldn't land a UVX hit to save my life. I know, I know, skill issue. But his power feels really finicky to me.
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If anything, I can see unknown getting killed completely because "unfairness of unavoidable grenade launcher that passes through walls", BHVR really love removing "frustration" from survivors at the cost of killer design
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Imo he is fine. It takes a few games to get used to his UVX but after that he feels decent :)
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This is genuinley the worst take ive ever heard on this site and I made an account just so I could say that. Literally knight got gutted, freddys a mess, and you want to complain about a killers with a really powerful ranged explosive and map wide teleport?
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His explosion can literally go through walls too lol.
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As a Dredge / Singularity / Unknown Main i hardly disagree Unknown is 1 of the most fun Killer to play and in a good Spot he is cleary 1 of the best designed Original Killer we ever got and im scared what BHVR is doing whit him next Mid Chapter
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it's not really unavoidable.
hits through walls are usually pretty readable and if you're ready for them to happen, you can avoid them.
it's unavoidable at close range (but not at point blank) where the projectile travels faster than survivor can react and insta explodes near them, but the counterplay for survivor still remains - staredown before the unknown gets you in that unavoidable position.
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Just an opinion at the end of the day, no need to get so up in arms about it. I've had good games with him and even mained him for a short duration, my biggest issue was due to the fact that his UVX is incredibly inconsistent when it comes to bounces. Sometimes it'll bounce in a way that makes no sense, sometimes it'll instantly explode, or sometimes it'll bounce a bit too far.
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I mean…yeah? There's been way worse opinions than mine, I'm sure you're overexaggerating. Despite Knights changes, I've found myself having consistent success with him as long as I keep call to arms and dried horsemeat on, and while I definitely don't agree with the long universal cooldowns I don't think he's as bad as before, but he's not too much better.
And Freddy I just completely forgot he existed at the time of posting this because realistically who cares about him in this state?
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Perfectly described my feelings about the Killer. At first, I thought he really wasn't that good, then I started practicing with him and getting lots of 4ks making me think he was really great, then I started going up against Survivors who knew the exact counterplay to him and thats when I realized I was wrong again. His teleport really feels like the main power while his UVX feels like the side power against good survivors, and that feels terrible. When I get a down or hit on someone with my teleport it just doesn't feel as gratifying as getting a hit on them. Plus, like you mentioned his physics on the UVX feels terrible. When I shoot at the ceiling I expect it to fall down but sometimes it'll instantly explode, and other times vice versa. Trying to get a bounce on a rounded object can yield a million different results, none of which are consistent. And if a Survivor is in the open and around medium distance from you, using your power becomes incredibly difficult which means they'll probably lose the weakened status.
I don't think he's a bad Killer, but he definitely feels mentally draining to play for too long.
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Singularity barely got buffed. Every survivor still has an EMP in hand whenever you come across them and even if you make them burn theirs, their teammates will be nearby with another one. They need to keep working to bring Singularity up to snuff.
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he's perfectly balanced right now. EMPs takes decent time input to get past certain point, so if you apply pressure through slipstream and make survivors spend EMPs, you'll be fine.
in the end it's a matter of who manages their resources better and loses them less.
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No. And SIngularity never was the worst killer to play either.
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From my testing UVX is consistent; on a specific spot and angle it will either bounce or insta explode.
Once you know, you know. The kicker is knowing the end result in the 1st place, because I'll be honest lots of shots that look bounceable or explodey are in fact quite the opposite.
I never practice powers in custom games but Unknowns the one exception, he's the one killer I feel I have to brute force knowledge checks for myself. It's just impossible to learn this from a YouTube video or from normal games half the time,
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There has a lot already been said here. I wanna add a few of my own experiences with The Unknown. The UVX has really fallen from grace since his introduction to the game. During the first 2 weeks you could do some fun bounces, fun hits through walls or ranged snipes, but nowadays survivors know it all and all your tricks are instantly defanged. The AoE feels pittyful small in todays day and age and survivors seem to run out of range in even the tightest of spaces. And sometimes you get a direct hit and thats just an utter waste of your ability. By the time your cooldown is over and you get another shot, Nurse can already teleport again or Blight could dash halfway across the map.
His teleport is mostly fun to use (sometimes a survivor follows you around and dispells each and every haluzination, which is about as much fun as someone following Trapper and disableing all his traps; sure, its effective I guess, but it feels so pointless to play that character at that point.
I feel that the UVX could at least grow bigger as it travels through the air, so far shots and snipes have a much bigger AoE. That still wouldn't help that close shots were you just feel utterly powerless, but it would at least be something. And shooting at ceilings and walls is extremely unreliable, especially with such a small AoE.
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Freddy’s current state is so bad that alot of pallet spawns on the newer maps don’t support dream pallets anymore
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No, absolutely not, Trapper is imo the worst killer to play (unfortunately, since he is kinda the face of the series)