Playing Dredge = -40ish FPS

No other killer tanks my FPS so much, and even though I like playing Dredge, I kinda stopped playing him that much, it's just annoying af
Am I the only one? Literally no other killer does this, and if i play only 1 Dredge game, the other ones will still suffer in terms of FPS even if I play a different killer
You may want to add what platform you're playing on, so those with more specific knowledge can offer tips.
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I've heard that the game runs better on Epic games store though
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Perhaps some of our PC cousins can advise you then! 😊
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Been playing on PS5 personally and have never had an issue where I felt it was stressing my hardware. Are you playing on an older PC? Kinda sucks you have these problems with Dredge buffs around the corner.
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I mean, my PC can definitely handle more demanding stuff, and i have literally 0 problems with other killers, IDK
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Dredge and Freddy on 2v8 will show who REALLY has beefy hardware, lol. Imagine nightfall+dream realm.
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Try running the game in dx11 mode since they upgraded to UE5 which defaults to dx12 and isn't as well optimized for cards under the 20 series or 6000 series from Nvidia and amd respectively