
Just wondering if Distortion should be slightly reverted.
Maybe rather then it recharging in the terror radius it could be given say 6 tokens, ( the old version having 3 tokens I believe)
They just need to either make it recharge in a chase or make it recharge slower. They don't need to revert the recharge functionality imo.
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That would still make it too strong.
Three non rechargable tokens, but only usable in the Killer's TR maybe? The main issue with Distortion is you can functionally get unlimited tokens by just hiding, which means you can basically hide from the Killer all round. Distortion therefore counters too many perks, addons, and powers in this state. BHVR wants a chase meta so they are working on trying to make things like MIndgaming, tracking, and chase-related perks more useful and strong. Distortion craps all over that.
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Yeah thats an idea maybe. I was wondering the same thing about Windows of Opportunity, but giving it a 10 second cool down, nothing to drastic. 30 seconds was to long before, but 10 seems fair, especially as it's so used right now due to it's strength.
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Make WoO have a cooldown of 20 seconds. I feel like that would be more fair and in line with perks such as Dance With Me.