Awaiting 2v8 return and some changes

Thank you guys for adding such a fun mode into the game. As someone who played survivor and killer heavily i can say i thoroughly enjoyed it. It is less stressful and if u stay chill-getting sandwiched by two killers can even be funny.
Of course not all people enjoyed it but all games have toxicity and bugs. There is simply nothing anyone can do to make it perfect. However i feel this mode is a must have and i will happily but impatiently await its return😁.
That being said a few changes could make the mode more fun and enjoyable. These are just my ideas and opinion and noone else has to agree. Thats ok
For killer....first off i feel that killers should be able to stun each other. Not only would this make killers be more careful and promote patience (a very valuable skill) but would also be hilarious. If ur buddy is being toxic just bonk em on the head and problemo solved lol.
For survivors...i feel we need a new class. One built around taking protection hits and battling the killers. It will require i higher skill to use but with a higher reward.
Now for everyone who complains about the mode. There is nothing anyone can do about how fast killers down you...or how fast u get genrushed. If they fix one method then people will find a new that may be worse to deal with. Instead of complaining find methods to deal with those problems. But most importantly have fun. Just play the game and teach urself to laugh when u are loosing. There is always another match and another chance for redemption. The fog is still thick and the trials will continue. Stay happy my friends and good luck out there.
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