Why do Nemesis players camp so hard?

i just had 10 straight matches with Diffrent nemesis players that camped super hard to the point whoevere gets hooked gets tunneled to death the whole match and when we got 3 or 4 gens done they always DC...
nemesis has slowly become the new wraith stereotype
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The lore accurate Nemi's never left, they've just been waiting.
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His power against a new survivor is 3 hits. A recently unhooked survivor is 1 out 2 hits depending if they wait out endurance.
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He has no pressure or stalling and takes 3 hits to down with power hes an ok looper at best with terrible Ai Zombies
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i mean wraiths ALWAYS tunnel and camp iff hook. Haven't met one that doesnt tbh.
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It's hard to tell of they're just playing to the stereotype or if the stereotype was always correct.
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We're protesting the lack of zombie changes
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if maps keep getting smaller and smaller then nemesis doesnt need any zombie changes
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To be fair that's kind of all Wraith is really good at.
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Maybe it was the same nemesis changing names.
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You need two hits with Marvin's Blood to get Tier 2, which is a massive step up from before.
If it took longer to get Tier 2, Id understand, but you can leave your first chase with an actual power if you play well enough.
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You can chase the first survivor, hit T2 and then continue to tunnel them out with a stronger power and needing less hits since they are already injured and contaminated. Otherwise that survivor gets a chance to reset and vaccinate.
At the core of the killer's power, just there's more benefit in tunneling out a survivor rather than starting a new chase that needs 3 hits.
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Nemesis tends to have a reputation already, mostly for tunnelling, but honestly they're all pretty normal in my games. He recently got a buff so it could be that people are trying him for the first time and while they're learning have to resort to those tactics to get a kill
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I mean despite the buffs, that only made him marginally better. Still a killer that needs to pressure super hard by either tunneling or slugging to make work.
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Underrated comment
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I don't understand either. Nemo is the one killer I do have a lot of hours on - simply because I find it a lot of fun to hit M2 over (/around) all kinds of things (and with some of them it's nigh impossible to get hits on).
What I found the camping Nemos to have in common is that they don't really know how to use M2 on its own. They throw something for quicker mutation rate on and then Thanos around for half the match cause they can't land their M2 hits and then either rage quit or, if they camped, proclaim camping/tunneling is the only way Nemo is viable. Idk, I suppose if you don't use a killer's power then camping/tunneling is the only way to get kills. It's also shooting yourself in the foot cause you ain't learning how to do M2 at that rate.
He does have it rough on some maps if survs know how to play them (either because of their size or because of certain tiles that sort of force you to M1) and then proxying and making it 3v1 asap is kinda key to 3/4k - but encountering those survs is somewhat rare so I can't really see that kind of "habit" developing; you're just used to running into those survs so that's what you do by default.0 -
Come now, why go after any of the three other players when I have a juicy injured pre-contaminated survivor who's ALSO missing a hook state, right where I want them just waiting to get unhooked? People even try to body block for more easy mutation rate.
Nemesis lacks the mobility, tracking and pressure needed to find other targets (zombie tracking is extremely unreliable, like their map pressure). You're practically throwing against a strong team if you don't aim to disrupt an unhook attempt.
Nemesis seems to be doubled down as a strong 1v1 with his t-strike buffs, making camping and tunneling a winning strategy for him in conjunction with his power. It has little to do with the players ability to use his M2.
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Because he’s weak ingame that’s why
He’s supposed to be super strong but he isn’t that sadly
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I hope that one day nemesis get to able to run but of course that would make him unbalanced.
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And where does Nemesis like to camp?
Under the STAAARRRS of course. :)3 -
because nemi players cannot let S.T.A.R.S. escape, it is our only goal in life
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idk man, if the vast majority of structures are unsafe against a killer not being able to build up pressure in the vast majority of matches, seems like a skill issue. He does lack mobility - which is why I think the recent tweaks are misguided - but that's something I do acknowledge. Though, at this point there's very few maps that are too large for him left.
Doing what you describe sure is the easy way - and it works exceptionally well on him, I give you that. But you aren't facing strong teams during most of your matches. So meh.
But let me rephrase to maybe make my core point a bit more clear: If you got M2 down and know how to make most tiles/plays unsafe you absolutely do not have to camp/tunnel in the overwhelming majority of matches. That's where being able to consistently land M2s gets you. — And it's something I see none of the camping/tunneling Nemos do. — To me it's almost like someone not bothering to figure out how to blink as Nurse into a tile and then complaining about her not being good in chase and claiming the only thing she's good at is blinking back on hook when someone goes for the unhook.
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It's because of how Nemesis is designed. He can't effectively end chases as fast as many other killers, his mutation system puts a handicap on him making his pressure even worse during the early game since his chase potential is weaker, his infection system doesn't do anything special like Wesker's, Plague's, etc, his zombies aren't very reliable for map pressure since a lot of the time they'll just be wandering around an empty part of the map, he doesn't have the speed to quickly get around the map to pressure gens, and the list goes on.
Most of his design sorta just simply railroads most Nemesis players into this bad play style. If BHVR fixed his zombies to home in towards infected survivors and stop homing in once they're within 24 meters of the infected survivor then that would resolve a decent chunk of his problem since the zombies won't just be aimlessly wandering around in an empty part of the map that isn't important which would then give him some actual map pressure that is a little more reliable without being guaranteed.