It Finally Happened
Running Object of Obsession, Scene Partner, Eyes of Belmont, and Alert to get the maximum value from Object, and guess what I stumble across… a Killer with Weave Attunement.
Drop an item at a loop, watch as they tried to mindgame and failed, they eventually give up since all the Generators got done and they could not catch me. In the post-game chat they accused me of cheating and reported me.
Object will always be better than Distortion, in my opinion, since Object allows for stupid stuff like this to be possible! :3
Yeah I ran into a Weave Vecna on Midwich a few days ago LMAO.
I just dropped an item at the gen I was working on and pre-ran when I saw him coming, he was not very happy with me.
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Was on a team with a Solo Q legend who did this the other day. Looped Trapper all game and got accused of cheating at the end, but it was rather obvious what had happened. I've ran it a couple times and gotten decent value, I just need to meet a killer running Franklin Weave or a 4 aura Huntress or smt
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Since distortion is on the chopping block months ahead of weave, I personally can't wait for object to take over.
I fully expect Olympic level mental gymnastics as people try to claim that "permanent aura reading" is busted and broken with object, even though it's technically only possible because of the permanent aura reading of weave.
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Autodidakt, Finesse, Iron Will, + Object of Obsession is gonna go hard
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I watched JRM use this build the other night and it was crazy how much aura reading he got. It's the survivor equivalent to a killer's full aura build.
I'm surprised he reported you though as OoO has a pretty obvious tell for killers that it's in play.
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Click on any thread about Weave and there's countless people saying there's absolutely nothing wrong with the perk. So I would hope they keep the same energy for Object since it only works when Weave does.
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I've been noticing an uptick of people using OoO in my killer matches and it makes me wonder if people are already letting go of Distortion.
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They should, Distortion is an awful perk.