My fellow Survivors, please run Unbreakable again

Seems like slugging is back in meta since I see killers slug pretty much every second game, sometimes even refusing to hook the entire team. So please bring at least Unbrekable like the old meta.
I can't run my fun niche gimmicky builds in this madness, I have to switch so I can even play the game in the match.
Always funny seeing bad killers attempt this without knowing how to do it properly who end up getting tbagged in the exit gate by a full team as a result.
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I've been bringing Exponential a fair bit lately
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I've been getting a fair amount of value with it lately as well.
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Boon squad
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i got you fam ill just run his ass for 5 gens and run no mither on top of it lmfao
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thanks <33
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Exponential Is so good on 2 floor maps, or maps with a main building that has a totem.
If you get unlucky with totem spawns it drops significantly, making unbreakable better.
It's a gamble that pays off most of the time
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I think exponential is quite underrated.
Most of my games I lost were because of that boon. Some maps have evil spawns for boon...
Probably combine it with CoH
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its honestly so cathartic to have in 2v1 scenarios when there are sometimes 2 gens left. No slugging killer is leaving a 3 gen/breaking chase to kick a totem in a far off dead zone until it's too late
Those Matches are kinda unwinnable/hopeless normally, but this one perk punishes that greed so hard.
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Exponential+Shadow Step with the RPD offering and a map.
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Plottwist is also a really nice Perk to deny slugging because you force the killer to hook you. It is a really underrated Perk because it also counter common slugging perks like Knock Out or Surge.
But I rather wish the developers would fix the issue of killers feel like a hook is no longer a way of pressuring survivors due to all the strong hookperks and the increased hooktime so we slug because there is less counterplay and more pressure on the survivors. In fact, you do the survivors a favour by hooking a survivor. I played some games with my friends and we ran Reassurance and it was really strong because the killers felt so lost as most of them run four slowdown perks and do not where to go. It also makes them uncertain because you know you have a survivor on hook that is not a pressure tool for you. It is also great in SoloQ because when the killer hooks the weaklink, this one can just hang on the hook because you cannot tunnel the weaklink out of the game when they is on hook. But even without Reassurance, 70sec is such a long time and enables survivor to do generators and heals before unhooking - gens for friends is no longer a mistake. What I want to say: Instead of we fix the issue by using specific Perks and everyone runs the same build (this is so boring), the developers should fix the issue by encourage the killers to hook survivors (maybe also buff hookperks like Make your choice, Furity chase or introduce new hookbased perks) and give survivors a reason priorities unhooking. At the same time, they should also give some killers like Bubba, Billy, Trickster, or Huntress a built-in anti-facecamp feature like Dredge or Artist have to make to make their proxycamping less strong. Basically, make the hooksituation for both sides healthy by rewarding killers better for hooking and give survivors a fair option to unhook.