BHVR’s popularity favoritism in balance changes.

We need to genuinely start complaining about BHVR’s insane favoritism for killer balance changes.

i’ve noticed, especially with this recent PTB how BHVR only lightly nerfs (or just flat out don’t nerf) the popular killers but killers who are disliked or not popular get nerfed often or randomly.

Take Nurse as our first example: She’s been the best killer in the game since her release, so she’s basically been the best for the game’s entire lifespan and the only notable change she’s gotten recently is blinks no longer counting as basic attacks, which while it is fine nerf, she’s still busted because perks weren’t the reason she was busted. But they’re too scared to nerf her. Wanna know why? She gets cosmetics pretty consistently and because Nurse mains are diehards, they often buy all her cosmetics and BHVR’S scared of nerfing her cause they don’t wanna anger her playerbase.

Here’s another example: Blight gets A TON of cosmetics, he has 3 ultra rare’s/legendaries and an extremely stacked set of skins which he gets new ones added to often. Blight is extremely popular and has been within the top 3 of the rankings practically since his release, Blight has gotten a lot of changes but whenever they’re met by negative reception by Blight mains, BHVR tries their hardest to make it up to them and they’re too scared of ever doing any drastic nerfs because again, they’re too scared of alienating his playerbase because Blight mains will explode if he isn’t anywhere on the top of the tierlist.

Now our biggest example: Ms accessibility problem, Spirit. She’s a money printing machine, constantly gets cosmetics including an Ultra Rare skin, she’s getting a skin another new skin in the shop soon too and i wouldn’t be surprised if the next mid chapter includes a new skin for her too. The problem with this is that BHVR doesn’t wanna change her when she’s the most problematic killer in the game, people (like me) who are hard of hearing in someway or even people who can’t afford good headsets have MASSIVE difficulty playing against her because requires careful directional sound tracking, which is awful for accessibility. But they won’t chase her despite her massive issues, cause she’s stupidly popular, not even some occasional nerfs. She prints BHVR money so they don’t care about her issues.

Bonus example: Huntress got buffed randomly for no reason even though she was perfectly fine, wanna know why? Popularity bias :)))

Now for 2 examples about unpopularity encourage BHVR to change them negatively:

Twins has been the victim of countless stupid nerfs, including in this upcoming ptb but also before their rework, they would constantly get random nerfs because they were unpopular so BHVR didn’t care and just kept nerfing them. This is not to say Twins are weak, they’re quite strong! But there’s like atleast 5 killers who are better so why are we not nerfing then instead. (Also, isn’t it funny how it took like 2 years for Twins to get their rework after it was promised and instead they got dumb nerfs while we had to wait).

Now skull merchant, while she’s not perfect by any means, she’s not crazy strong. But because she’s unpopular and widely disliked, BHVR has no problem nerfing her to make her a worse legion instead of solving her issues, even though she could be a lot more popular if you made her more likeable.

can BHVR actually nerf the really strong characters instead of not giving a crap cause they’re popular, of course characters will be more popular than others, so giving the popular characters more skins is to be expected, but giving them the privilege of not getting nerfed ever is just absurd.


  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    The timing of this post is quite odd.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Tell that to SM and Knight mains with serious face OP.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,524

    Wow I nerfed a popular character that is widely liked and sold a lot of skins, now people dont play them and I get less money, Its so good that bhvr is NOT a company and doesnt prioritize money making.