ETA on pinhead changes?

When will my favorite hellpriest get so love?
I hope. I'm tired of having to run iri configuration and impaling wire just to get any value out of pinhead
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It's the next major patch, the next chapter.
Considering what they did to skull merchant i'd lower your expectations… pinhead consistently has one of the highest kill rates.9 -
Really? I rarely see pinhead anywhere right now except when I play him
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Low-ish pick rate but last time they posted kill rate stats he was #3 iirc
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Freddy is the fourth deadliest killer, isn't he?
…I'm scared.
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I don't know what to expect anymore ☹️
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I'm gonna guess they gonna slightly nerf his chain hunt and buff his chain projectile to compensonate
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That would be a horrible idea. Chain hunts are usually over before they start unless you run iri configuration because as soon as the match starts someone always gets the box. Iri configuration needs to be base kit as well as impaling wire and pinhead shouldn't break chains just by walking through them
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Me neither, friend.
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Honestly with the direction BHVR is going with recent changes I'd expect nerfs tbh.
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did you hust say " love " 😂. Brother pinhead and plague mains better brace for impact because if you haven't seen the patterns . They will both be hammered when their time comes .
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What do you expect them to change besides iri configuration basekit?
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Make possessed chain less clunky to use and remove the ridiculous slow down you get afterwards
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That would be nice
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In all seriousness though, I honestly hope he doesn't get any significant buffs because I never actually liked the character design nor the power and, therefor, prefer to just not see him that much. If they're just fixing the issues with controlling his chains then that's fine, but nothing else lol.
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One of the major issues with him is that Survivors go straight for the box at the beginning of each match and end chain hunts early. Plus When pinhead teleports to whomever is solving the box the teleport not only takes to long but the duration in which the survivor is held in place is so short that the survivor has a head start after you finish teleporting. Plus when pinhead walks through his own chains they break. that's the most moronic mechanic I've ever seen
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>One of the major issues with him is that Survivors go straight for the box at the beginning of each match and end chain hunts early.
Someone's never tried queueing solo.
Also, one less player on a gen is good for the killer, hth
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I exclusively solo queue. Bold of you to assume I don't. Chain hunts never have a chance to kick off unless I bring torture pillar and Iri Configuration. Shouldn't have to bring an add onto get any value from a killer tbh
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They are probably going to nerf him tbh. Look at "help" skull merchant is getting
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In the same patch that Freddy gets his rework. Soon…
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This isn’t true. He was far from number #3
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Don't forget how DC's can inflate those numbers so I wouldn't use that for a reference if I were you.
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This is old though. His stats have changed drastically over the last 8 months.
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Those numbers were excluding DC's, but did include AFK/non-participation and hookicide.
Do you have a more recent official list? No, you cannot use as your source because it is unofficial and therefor does not account for a great many matches played.
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It accounts for enough 🤷🏼♂️ and to be fair pinhead wouldn’t need a nerf anyways. If anything he needs to be rewarded for long distant hook shots and presently he is not.
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Thanks for the Info. Couldn't remember weather DC's inflated kill rates or not lol. But if hook suicides are counted as well as AFK's then it's certainly going to be inflated to a degree.
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Yep. Even if you land possessed chain you're still slowed to a ridiculous degree that a survivor is able to get to a pallet or break off the chains using the environment. And unless you're running impaling wire they can still get away before you hit them
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He needs to be sped up, his cooldowns on stuff like chains and teleport reduced, and at this point make Impaling and Iri Box basekit.
There is no need to hamper him this much, he's fine.
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Glad someone else agrees tbh. Just those changes and he'll be perfect
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As i said, last time they posted kill rates.
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Matches are not counted that have a DC. All i'm saying is given the statistics, i doubt bhvr are eager to buff him. Hopefully it's more of quality of life update, but given what they've done in the last developer update, they nerfed 3 killers based on high kill rates and nerfed unknown for whatever reason. And cenobite has consistently had high kill rates since his launch, and i don't see why they would have gone down recently. They did nerf him 3 months after his release by nerfing his solve duration addons.
Would love to be wrong but just trying to avoid disappointment0 -
Oh no! Myers is at #9! They’re probably going to remove his weapon and just have him grunt at Survivors 😭