How come survivors just never commit to a gen that’s like 96% anymore
is that way of playing survivor just not a thing anymore?
I’ve lost games because of teammates leaving the final gen
5% regression kick.
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Killer can’t kick it if you pop it. Take the hit and finish the gen.
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NOED flashbacks?
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Either that or they want to unhook a teammate before finishing gens
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a lot of player cannot take into account the walking time between a killer going to a gen, killer hitting survivor down and knowing whether they'll finish the gen or not.
it is also hard to trust your soloq teammate to stay on the gen. I am sure you've been in many cases as killer where you grab survivor on the gen, hit other survivor where they go to other side to repair gen, you drop survivor and than they got like 98% gen.
Often, the snowball that killer gets is not worth it in long run. I think it is ok strategy if you have 3 people on a gen. at least your likely to finish gen. this is often strategy for swf where they'll heal, 3 man a gen and then take hits on purpose to finish gen and all 4 of them have adrenaline so you hit, you hit another, you down one, and then you just see 4 adrenaline.
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didn’t think the Noed trauma was strong still lol