Dbd x Dead Rising collab concept *Updated*

D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 428
edited September 2024 in Creations

New Survivor:

Frank West; photo journalist and zombie slayer. He covered wars, you know.

Frank's Perks

Makeshift - when a pallet or breakable wall is broken, pick up the fragments. When you've collected 2 wood fragments, press Active Ability Button 2 to craft a wooden frame to place on door frames. (Basically a man-made breakable wall.) You can only do this 1/2/3 times and Survivors cannot break their own walls.

Get The Scoop - Rummage through a random chest to get find the camera. Use the Camera to mark the Aura of any item; generators, hooks, totems, chests, etc. Each item remains marked for 60/90/120 seconds.

Zombrex - After repairs 1 generator, cleansing 1 totem, and stunning/blinding the killer 1 time, on death hook, enter a locker to craft Zombrex. Consuming Zombrex makes you immune to any negative status effect except Deep-Wound and Exhausted for 60/120/180 seconds. Cannot be consumed while already Broken.

Potential Frank Outfits:

Basically anything you where in the mall in the game.

Also the DLC costumes you get based on other Capcom IPs would be nice, too.

Possible Legendary Sets:

Chuck Greene (DR2)

Katie Greene (DR3)

Isabella Keyes (DR1)

Nick Ramos (DR3, for those who enjoy that game, could also be a Dwight skin)

Stacy Forscythe (DR2, could also work as a Meg skin.)

Survivor Cosplay Outfits:

Dwight as... Slappy (DR2). Yes, the maskot. Doesn't need the bobble head just give him a funny hat with those round frames.

Kate as... Jessie McCarney (DR1, she could also sell well as a Legendary Set)

Adam as... Brad Garrison (DR1)

Gabriel as... Carlito Keyes (DR1, Just remove the goatee and it could work.)

Yun-Jin as... Rebecca Chang (OTR, could also sell well as a Legendary Set.)

Nea as… Rhonda Kreske (DR3)


Leon S. Kennedy as... Leon the Contestant (DR2), both characters share the same name, are owned by Capcom, same could go for the Rebeccas; Resident Evil Survivors need more cosmetics anyway.

Dead Rising Killer Outfits:

Legendary Set for Trickster - TK (DR2) I would've also suggested him as a skin for Adam, but then he'd have two DR skins.

Legendary Set (or Ultra-Rare) for Hillbilly - Adam The Clown (DR1), replace the hammer with a smaller chainsaw. Have him laugh maniacally at a high pitch after a successful chainsaw hit. And after finding Frank on a gen, get him to say "Stay away from there, gramps!"

Very Rare Set for The Clown - "Clown-tione" The King of Cuisine (DR2). Give Clown a meat cleaver, see if he can do cool hand tricks with that.

Very Rare Set for The Wraith - Cliff Hudson's Garments (DR1). Cliff was a war veteren, and part of being a veteran is learning to be silent, but deadly. So I figured it'd make sense for him to be a Wraith skin.

Ultra-Rare Set for The Doctor - Jo Slade the Crooked Cop (DR1). You just have to start routinely escorting Mr. Carter to his favorite fast food establishment (an Arby's), give him a police uniform, and your good to go.

Charm Ideas:

Frank's Camera (DR1)

Chuck's Motorcycle (DR2)

Snowflake The Tiger (DR2)

Slappy's Head (DR2)

Servbot (DR1)

Katie Doll (OTR)

Post edited by D34D_B34TB0X on


  • ScantCat
    ScantCat Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1


  • Rem_Loves_Horror
    Rem_Loves_Horror Member Posts: 13

    OMG!!! all the legendary set ideas are genius, literal perfection. I haven't even played Dead Rising but I've watched some clips of it, and I love how silly of a game it is but also the lore and everything is awesome. But this concept made me actually want to check it out because all of this seems so cool!

  • D34D_B34TB0X
    D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 428

    If you're interested, I'd recommend checking out the OG on Xbox 360, if you have one; if not, it's probably on Steam. I'm currently playing it, it's a blast so far. I will warn you, from my experience, the game is difficult, but the fun kind of difficult. Make sure to save when you get the chance cause you'll lose progress when you die. Had to beat the clown twice after the guy I was escorting hit me with a frying pan, you're also going to be guiding survivors to the safe house, so far for me, it's been around 1-2 people so far and at one point it was 3, and you will have to carry some of them, if they fall behind just spam Y, works like a charm. Part of the fun is the chaos, though, I will say. I got pretty immersed making sure survivors get to the safe house, and then rage they get caught by the zombies. Not the toxic kind of rage, but the silly kind. "Aaron, just come to the door already! I'm carrying this grieving mother on my back and your playing "Zombie Bearhugs!", you disappointment!" Also, to find save points, just look for the S's located on the map. You can also use the bathroom stalls to save your game. Eventually, you begin to know your way around the mall. Hope this helped👍