Dead by daylight need more players.

Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,922
edited September 2024 in General Discussions

I'm saying that out of my concerns about future 2v8.

When this mod is gonna appear - the q times are gonna be horrendous again. I'm talking about 10-18 minutes.

That's pretty long, considering that the match lasts for how long? 8 minutes?

And it's affecting both regular game and 2v8 mod.

When the q-times are longer than the actual play time - I usually don't play such games. So I'm very concernedโ€ฆ Will I be able to even play the game for 2 weeks of 2v8?

I wasn't able to before. Nowโ€ฆ I need guides on how to bring more players into dbd, so it will fix q-times even when 2v8 will appear.

Any ideas? :D


  • Unknown
    edited September 2024
    This content has been removed.
  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322
    edited September 2024

    it only affected killer queues. And even now killer queues are a little slower throughout the day and night in my region, but itโ€™s nothing drastic. I think 2v8 reinvigorated the game for some. I donโ€™t know that itโ€™ll have much longevity since it doesnโ€™t really bring anything new for survivors yet requires such a larger survivor presence. Also, at least near the middle and end of it, killers had worked out how to proxy camp and tunnel. That affected match quality for some people.

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 190

    There were 2 problems in 2v8. It only affected killer queues, survivor was instant all the time.

    1. Where previously there was only swf for the survivor side, suddenly everyone had the opportunity to play killer (KWF) with their friends. Of course, everyone wanted to play with their buddies and that naturally lengthens the killer queue.
      Then there were only a few killer options. If someone wanted to play a popular killer (for example Huntress), they had to wait twice as long in the queue because too many others had also chosen Huntress.
      There should be more killers available next time, but with restrictions. For example, only one M2 and M1 Killer can play together.
      With two strong M2 Killers, if all Killers were available, it would simply be too frustrating for the survivor side, and nobody would want to play survivor. So long killer queues.

    Speaking of Survivor, here comes the problem

    2. The Survivor gameplay was not exciting enough in comparison to the killer gameplay. Personally, I liked that there were no meta perks, and I really liked that we had the cage system instead of hooks, but something still needs to be done to make survivor gameplay more appealing in this mode. Even with huge BP incentives, there weren't enough survivor players available.

    Maybe there needs to be additional, interesting tasks for survivors, better rewards (shards, rift fragments?) and more additional, interesting survivor classes.

    I'm more of a casual player, so I really liked the mode. I mainly play survivor in the main game because I don't like playing alone against others, I'm more of a team player. That's why it would have been nice to be able to play killer in this mode, together with someone else, but I haven't played a single killer match either, I don't have that much time for 20-30 minute or even longer killer queues.

    If BHVR could somehow shorten the queues, then this would definitely be the best game mode in the game.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,922

    If it's only because lack of survivor players - then they need to come up with a very interesting new mechanic for survivors, bring up incentives (like +400% bp), address most of issues regarding survivor gameplay on it.

    But here's an another issue with it - they probably gonna include more killer roaster in the next 2v8. So it's gonna attract more players towards killersโ€ฆ

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,922


    I couldn't play killer at all, I feel like I was waiting longer than 18m for a match. It's a clear issue since it's affecting BOTH regular game and 2v8.

    Basically I couldn't play killer role in dbd at all. Which is not good, I play survivor here and there, but mostly I play killers.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    And even now killer queues are a little slower throughout the day and night in my region, but itโ€™s nothing drastic.

    Really? For me it was always very short no matter if I played killer or survivor. The incentive seemed to be a little off though. I had a 50% survivor incentive the other day but my queue times as a killer were barely 5 seconds while I waited about a minute as a survivor.

    I agree, that 2v8 needs something more unique for survivors. I don't think the game mode was terribly unfair or anything but playing killer with a friend is a bit more special than having different classes as a survivor. I liked both but I prefered to play killer. It's just so much fun with a friend.

    It's hard to make this game mode more attractive to survivors. Increasing their overall strength might help at first (who doesn't like winning?) but it would get old after a while. Especially since my escape rate in 2v8 was pretty good already.

  • Doxie
    Doxie Member Posts: 194

    They made survivor so bad nobody wants to play it. None of my friends..not even me anymore. Add longer gens and hooks that regenerate... Camping, tunneling, nerfing distortion... You can't even run fun builds. Basically as a survivor, you have to just be chased while only running tunneling camping perks. Yeah that's fun. Unless you have a good SWF's not worth anybody's time. How many SWF teams you think are out there? Lol probably not enough to sustain killers and yet we prioritize killers being able to beat these teams because killers go up against them once in a while. Smart move. Should just let them have their fun till it becomes boring but nope, they just made it miserable for the majority

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    honestly not much more they could do I mean hell the game has been on game pass since early 2020? If I remember so thatโ€™s already brought in its players

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    I think we already have enough players, but playing as survivor in 2v8 will never be as fun as playing killer.

    Survivor is more of the same, while killers have been waiting for years to play with friends. Before 2v8 it could only be done through a glitch in KYF, and that glitch wasn't exactly easy to do.

    We'll most likely have to get used to 2v8 having long queue times for killer.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,383

    It definitely does need more players. I can't even find matches right now when there are two separate queues. These are the longest queue times I have seen in awhile. I genuinely don't believe this game has the playerbase to support multiple game modes.

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 990

    It's not difficult to see why the game struggles to obtain and retain new players. This game is one of the most new-player-unfriendly games out there due to the insane amount of content that new players have to learn how to use/how to counter. I played with a group of friends a few years ago and most of them quit very quickly because of how overwhelming the game was to learn. It has only gotten much more overwhelming since then. I can barely keep up with the new content and I am a long-time regular player.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    Yeah it must be a nightmare for new players with the amount of content to learn. I have nearly 5k hours now and with this Chaos Shuffle as survivor the one problem I have is I often have no idea what the perks I have actually do.

    I have taken a lot of breaks from DBD over the years and I just cant keep up with the perks/addons that get added while I am away. I don't know how much longer they can keep adding DLC with perks/addons/new killers to learn.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,999

    I really hope they'll add Hag into 2v8.

    I will have a killer that is guaranteed to not wait as long and who I'm familiar with.

  • Hexonthebeach
    Hexonthebeach Member Posts: 488

    We need dbd 2 ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,922

    Call me crazy, but I think that - another 2 big reasons of why there are less survivor players in 2v8 - No flashlightsaves and no palletsaves.

    Personally - I think it just adds to less skill involved during the match for both killers and survivors in 2v8.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    The 2vs8 queue problem, on the killer side, was because many wanted to play killer with someone else.

    You could multiply the player count by ten, it wouldn't change that.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,344

    I wish that was coming. It would give them the chance to fix and add in so many cool things like a decent replay system and recoding the game from scratch.

    Sadly they've said they have no plans for a DBD2. I bet a huge part of that would be the licence nightmares involved.

  • Memesis
    Memesis Member Posts: 299

    Lots of people already got it, killer queues are wrecked by swf players playing killer. Some say it will normalize as the mode has more time to be available and the novelty wears off, but I disagree. As more killers become playable, it will only reignite the interest in the only new gameplay offered in 2v8 vs the normal game.

    Mixing and matching new killer combinations with a friend will always be infinitely more desirable than playing with double the survivors.

    Over buffing survivors will absolutely not normalize the queues btw, it'll just make the game mode not fun for anyone. There's really not saving grace for this design. It has no business being a permanent game mode. It needs to be a temporary modifier.

  • Hexonthebeach
    Hexonthebeach Member Posts: 488

    Ty, wanted to change it but no idea, still.

    If I could change my profile pic I would choose a cocktail glass with a hex stick in it standing on a beach :D

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 679

    Definitely feels like survivors are slowly bleeding away from the game. Can probably be blamed on a prolonged period of frustration when playing solo queue. It's really not uncommon to go on endless losing streaks in solo queue with DCs, hook suicide, bad teammates, hook proximity camping, tunneling, OP killers. All of these combined can make life pretty miserable for the average solo queue player and people will naturally start to play less when it's been an issue for a long time. 2v8 with pretty horrendous for killer mains with the insane queue times.