It's a shame about the Knight (rant)

Ghostlyguard Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

The devs made the best choice for knight where you're able to switch between 3 guards. The shameful thing is he has a 3x depletion rate when I'm closer than 10 meters to my guard that's in chase.

Why does he have a depletion rate to begin with? I fully understand the intention to put a timer on his power to avoid camping and activating Make Your Choice when someone unhooks when creating a patrol path. I fully understand that you made the guards harder for them to detect through solid objects, walls and floors so they don't just attack when they are beneath you for example Midwich. I fully understand that I have to create a patrol path more than 10 meters before a guard can go on patrol so it takes more skill than to instantly plop a guard near a loop but what I don't understand is the 3x depletion rate.

You have to plan ahead, be aware, try to use your instincts where the survivor is making their move and pray to the lords that your guard detected that survivor but oh no, you can't fight side by side after all the sweat and tears you pulled through with your power. No, sir.

Then there are so many problems that are being neglected for some crazy reasons.

  1. When I'm creating a patrol path and moving, everyone can hear my metal footsteps.
  2. When I'm creating a patrol path and I'm moving under a pallet, the survivor can pallet stun me.
  3. I can't activate my power most of the time because some pizza box is blocking me from using it so I have to perform a circus act before I can finally activate my power but alas the survivor already ran 999miles away to nowhere land.
  4. When I'm creating a patrol path, survivors can blind me.
  5. When survivors blinded me I can use my power to remove it.
  6. Survivors that get downed by a guard whilst hiding in a locker, they get stuck inside the locker but it's possible to get unstuck when healed.
  7. The guard bug that has turned into a feature has made his power absolutely useless in mid or high SBMM. It's where you can fake a vault so your guard goes there first, meaning that the guard prioritize the pallet or window than running straight to the survivor. Completely abusable.

And then the silliest above it all, the guard mindgames. What does that mean you ask? It means that the guard runs a entire marathon then disappear because the program said "I'm going to run around the entire killer shack because the survivor dropped a pallet. LOL!"

What. The. #########.


  • SamuraiSato
    SamuraiSato Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1


    u forgot some things though

    I had my guard stuck in a pallet when a surv dropped one on his head. my precious jailer couldnt do anything he begged for his release >_>

    surv can despawn a guard when they perform unhook aswell which is fine ig

    overall you hit the nail in the head

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,110

    Pretty much, if you can think of any interaction this killer's power has with survivors, the survivors will be advantaged, not the killer. Hitting a survivor despawns the guard, them getting an unhook despawns the guard, them getting the banner despawns the guard, and if you're smart with your power and corner someone with a guard, you're too close so the guard despawns anyway. Same principle with dropping a guard at a loop and actually having him lock on before the survivors runs away: even when the survivors make the worst possible play, they still have a way out. They didn't even need the 10m "can't use your power" penalty working in their favor, because they usually got out of it anyway. You're holding survivors' hands so much with this killer. I honestly prefer pre-"rework" Knight. The guards on rotation, it's not the best, but it's unique. Pair that with insta drop guards and no ridiculous despawn acceleration, and you had an alright killer. And then you have the guards' AI. Just like Nemesis' zombie AI, you had it down to a T before. What happened? Just redo what you did right the first time!

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,239

    The guard bug that has turned into a feature has made his power absolutely useless in mid or high SBMM. It's where you can fake a vault so your guard goes there first, meaning that the guard prioritize the pallet or window than running straight to the survivor. Completely abusable

    The worst part is that knight on release did not have this problem. making the feature intended deleted his ability. Only BVHR devs can make a 2vs1 killer under-powered.