Soloq is unplayable Part 2:
I made a thread not long ago as the killer's perspective when playing.
Now I will provide the Survivor's perspective.
As you can see I ended up being matched with one of the best players of one of the best killers in the game.
I don't think I'm at high mmr myself as I'm average and have high ping. My teammates usually don't know what's going on as well.
So how is this a functioning mmr system I ask?
But wait, maybe it's just chance you say?
Twice in one week.
In the second match you can see the killer had meme perks and still massacred the entire village but myself.
Maybe I got pulled from a lower mmr bracket to fill the lobby? Sure but why is everyone performing poorly compared to me or the blight? Shouldn't I be dead while the other 3 do all 5 gens?
Either my games are too easy as killer or impossible as survivor.
Bring back the old emblem system. It wasn't perfect, but it was better than this.
Edit: Had to remove my name but my upload speeds are trash rn. Had to add photos as file instead of photo.
Bring back the old emblem system
Yes, please.
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Yeah, but think about the bad advertising if the Blight player that wins 100s of games in a row had a hard match every 3 or 4 games /s
On a serious note, I don't get it either. I don't get how developers look at stuff like this and think it's fun for the survivors or healthy for the game overall. I routinely go against a pretty notorious win streak youtuber and the solo queue games go about how you'd think. They are terrified of matching sweaty players against equally sweaty opponents, and I couldn't for the life of me tell you why. You create entire swathes of entitled babies when you normalize winning dozens of games in a row, and then it becomes really difficult to manage the community or even get relevant player feedback.
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the rank system was better tham MMR by far
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Play on EU server instead of UK for more variety. From my experience playing both killer and survivor on both the EU and Ireland server, the mmr is strange on the UK server. With already high ping it is hard to recommend a vpn to play on another server. My ping goes up by only 10-20ms when switching to Ireland. Hope this answers your question tho.
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matching up with Lilith is diabolical work by bhvr if you're really not on that level
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Diabolical either way if you're a solo player who is actually on that level to face those killer players. People don't like to acknowledge that comms are almost mandatory to beat the best killer players.
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Well they can't go back, even though I preferred the old way too. But if they did, they'd have to scrap MMR per killer as we know it and people were complaining pretty hard about that before— about how they couldn't have fun games trying to learn the killer because they were facing good survivors. That really sucked.
Also, you have to take into account that with the old system, you could possibly be pitted against the same people over and over again. Again, that really sucked. This definitely happened if you played enough to get to red ranks within a few days, and you'd also have to wait 10-15 minutes per match even then. And since we know BHVR prioritizes queue speeds after a certain amount of time, I doubt they're going to go back to 10-15 minutes. It wasn't unheard of to go against the same killer or survivors 5-6 times in a row. Sometimes, you'd just straight lobby dodge as killer or as survivor, you'd either wait a while to stagger the killers or you'd check the ping to see if it was similar to what you had before. On the extreme end, you'd use a smurf account or two to get you through the first couple weeks. It was a pain in the ass. It might be different now, now that there are more players, but I doubt it.
Just the other day I watched a couple videos of killers taking on a comp team and P100 lobby and how they said it was refreshing to play against them because they don't normally get a challenge. Yeah…. they wouldn't say that if every single game was exhausting like that, and BHVR banks on people playing for hours and hours on end. You take on an exhausting challenge, and you're lucky if you hit 5-6 games every other night. True competitive games are pretty ######### taxing and you need a very strong-willed person to do that for as much as BHVR wants you to play. And our community…. well, let's just say that BHVR is looking out for us. :D
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The amount of killers that post on social media complaining about survivors, that then clarify that they win 90% plus of their matches and it was just one match they lost that got them frustrated, is interesting and exactly as you say - it makes it hard to get genuine and relevant feedback. Losing one game every now and then isn't abnormal and doesn't mean your opponent and their perks need nerfing.
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The mindset of those players is...something. Zero competitive spirit. They want a power fantasy or a bully simulator. The second an opponent meets them on their terms, it's a problem.
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Tunnel and camp and you win your SoloQ matches or hard skill issue. Doesnt matter what killer you play.
It will remain this way until the devs give solo players any form of communication or coordination tools.0 -
Agreed. BHVR needs to find points to create solutions instead of ignoring everything and just sale sale sale.
Then again, if sales are flowing, there's no need to fix anything. Business 101.
THen that would leave it to the players to fix it. We won't.
So, this is it. This is the dbd we all created together. Wooo!
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There are a couple players I've found on these forums who'd legitimately reply stuff like "Do you think a real killer cares about how you feel? No, they would make you suffer." to me and I was thinking "Dude, it's just a game. I don't know what's going on home, but you need therapy".
But yeah, I've been playing killer a lot more since 6.1.0 because survivor was unbearable and to this day I cannot relate to killer discussions about 90% of the time.
My killer matches have been 80% of them either a full wipe or a 3k+hatch. You'd think I'd be pretty high up on the MMR right now and yet I keep having frustrating games only about twice a month, usually one of those "bully squads" that spend more time chasing you around to make your life miserable rather than actually doing gens, so you end up winning regardless but extremely annoyed.
And yet, the conversation always revolve around survivors being OP and never about frustrating gameplay patterns regardless of win rate.
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The rank based system was a joke:
Deranking was the easiest thing, you would know exactly when to stop (and worst of all you would get matched against brown ranks after a long break)
the matchmaking didn't work most of the time so you had reds and purples against green, yellow and sometimes even brown. my first killer match ever was against a red rank claudette. And my first killer game after a 3 month break was against a bully swf. My first survivor game ever was against a prestige 3 doc (it was before you could go above prestige 3) and during the ruin/undying meta brown/yellow rank were flooded with killers running that build.
It was pretty easy to reach red ranks (at least as survivor) so the scenario you used would happen anyway. Your teammates were either terrible or you were the weak link by a mile.
I'm not going to pretend the current system works, but its better than what we had before by a mile.
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I, too, care.
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let me guess, was it a ‘bully 4 man SWF’? This always seems to be the rhetoric used when this type of killer faces those who are equally as good at the game as them and they don’t like it.
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"Bully 4 man SWF" or "COMP TEAM". Player complains about having to face that, then proceeds to continue playing ultra competitive/sweaty against randoms without a hint of irony.
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I feel you, bro, I got matched with streamers and comp players, and when I open their Twitch/Steam I see lists of tournaments they've won, which makes me ask one question #########? MMR is hell and kills all the fun in this game.
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Everybody knows that the SBMM system doesn't work, not even a little bit, and that it's the main reason that solo queue is so unfun to play. I am a solo queue player and with >2,000 hours in the game and I am still getting thrown into matches with brand new survivors (I'm talking <100 hours) on a very regular basis. It's to the point where I feel like BHVR is intentionally trolling me. Even if I manage to escape a few matches in a row, do I get rewarded by getting matched with better and more experienced players? Nope! More baby Meg and Dwight teammates for you! The only thing you can do is keep looking for a lobby that isn't full of newbies.
I've long since given up hope that this is going to get fixed. The devs went all-in on this busted SBMM system and they're not going to admit that it's broken. We can complain on the forums as much as we want, but as long as people are playing the game and spending $ they have no incentive to devote any resources to making changes to it.
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Yep, exactly. We can complain all we want, but if people are still playing and spending $ on the game, they're not going to make any changes because there isn't any reason for them to.
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The same reason as back when they softened (rather melted) the matchmaking parameters. To please their advertising streamers.
Back when MMR based matchmaking was implemented those had to wait exorbitantly because players on their skill level on survivor side are scarce.
The backlash and nowadays the fear there of let's them leave the game in its current state.