A simple remedy to lobby dodging

Entità Member Posts: 1,583
There is a malpractice that afflicts this game: it is called "lobby dodging", the claim of some players to choose the opponent or the opponents according to their comfort. In competitive and ranked matches such a conduct should not even be conceivable, instead it rages undisturbed. Survivors and killers are equally responsible for these abuses, which greatly increase waiting times and create unnecessary discomfort in the other players.

The remedy is simple: a progressive exclusion from matchmaking for players who leave a full lobby during the countdown. Nothing shocking or cruel: I speak of short waits, no really afflictive penalties.

The dodging episodes done within 24 hours should be cumulative and involve the following periods of forced waiting, before the dodger can look for new lobbies:
1) first dodging: 5 seconds;
2) second / third dodging: 10 seconds;
3) fourth / fifth dodging: 20 seconds;
4) sixth / seventh dodging: 40 seconds;
5) eighth / ninth dodging: 80 seconds;
6) tenth and any successive dodging: 160 seconds.

Who has time to lose and wants to look for the weak killer or the uncoordinated survivors will be able to sit in the waiting room, without repeatedly bothering the same players, who simultaneously look for a game.

People of the Fog, your contributions are precious! :)


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    In any normal game you will be punished severely if you dodge a lobby in a ranked queue.
    BUT in other games, you also have a casual mode to play, the ranking system isnt broken, rank actually gives you sth and the matchmaking isnt broken. Oh and I forgot about ping.....

    Also, why should there be a punishment for lobby dodging if there isnt even one for ingame DCing? :lol:

    Dont get me wrong, if BHVR finally fixes all the issues I mentioned above, then of course we need harsher punishment in the ranked mode, just like other games do it. But honestly, I doubt that BHVR will ever go this way

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583
    @Master A punishment would be a ban of one or more days: I speak of seconds or minutes of forced waiting. It is not a punishment for the dodger, but a relief for the other players, who will not end up repeatedly with them.

    Moreover, the DCs are punished with the loss of 2 pips: not much, but not even what I propose is so much.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Entità said:
    @Master A punishment would be a ban of one or more days: I speak of seconds or minutes of forced waiting. It is not a punishment for the dodger, but a relief for the other players, who will not end up repeatedly with them.

    Moreover, the DCs are punished with the loss of 2 pips: not much, but not even what I propose is so much.

    You do realize that losing pips is actually a good thing?

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583
    Master said:

    @Entità said:
    @Master A punishment would be a ban of one or more days: I speak of seconds or minutes of forced waiting. It is not a punishment for the dodger, but a relief for the other players, who will not end up repeatedly with them.

    Moreover, the DCs are punished with the loss of 2 pips: not much, but not even what I propose is so much.

    You do realize that losing pips is actually a good thing?

    I don't think so: I'm not happy to play with people who fail all skill checks and unhook me in idiot moments or ignore totems or BBQ... But I agree 2 pip loss cannot be enough for people loving to derank.

    Here I'm not speaking about how to punish guilty people, but how to make this game more enjoyable for innocent players: to be matched many times in a row with a dodger is boring, then the forced waiting time helps good players not to meet the dodger again very soon. Do you agree with this purpose?
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    Dedicated servers. The end

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583
    Jack11803 said:

    Dedicated servers. The end

    The Summer 2019 is not tomorrow. :(
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Entità said:
    Jack11803 said:

    Dedicated servers. The end

    The Summer 2019 is not tomorrow. :(

    After two whole years that’s just another drop in the bucket for me

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583
    @Rebel_Raven Have you read the following? :)
    Entità said:
    Here I'm not speaking about how to punish guilty people, but how to make this game more enjoyable for innocent players: to be matched many times in a row with a dodger is boring, then the forced waiting time helps good players not to meet the dodger again very soon. Do you agree with this purpose?
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    I don't play competitively. I play for fun. Not to get sweaty.

    I'm not going to see an unfun looking SWF group and say "yeah, I want to get my ass kicked in a one sided match and feed them an Ill equipped low rank killer. It's going to be fun to get genrushed by people who should be playing at rank 1."
    Match starts
    "Oh, hey, they always know where eachother are! They always know where I am! Constant flashlight save attempts! Wow, this guy loops like a pro! Wow! Not even a minute and 3 gens are done! I sure love getting gen rushed!"
    Match finishes
    "Hey, I just got rank reset to 15. Look, I'm against rank 10, 8, 2, and 14!
    Not a single aura reading perk!
    Oh, look, I got less than 10k blood points because I should have never seen these people in a match."

    [BAD WORD] that.

    I don't agree with being forced to play a buncha #########. Especially ones that abuse match making to go against easier killers so they can stomp them.
    I shouldn't be punished for it.

    Deranking shouldn’t be allowed, but on that note, neither should cherry picking for easy wins.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    @Entità said:
    @Rebel_Raven Have you read the following? :)

    Entità said:

    Here I'm not speaking about how to punish guilty people, but how to make this game more enjoyable for innocent players: to be matched many times in a row with a dodger is boring, then the forced waiting time helps good players not to meet the dodger again very soon. Do you agree with this purpose?

    I read your opening post. It's very much a punishment for me. You'll either force me to play in matches where the deck is stacked against me, or increase my wait times. How is that -not- a punishment?

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    @Entità said:
    @Rebel_Raven Have you read the following? :)

    Entità said:

    Here I'm not speaking about how to punish guilty people, but how to make this game more enjoyable for innocent players: to be matched many times in a row with a dodger is boring, then the forced waiting time helps good players not to meet the dodger again very soon. Do you agree with this purpose?

    I read your opening post. It's very much a punishment for me. You'll either force me to play in matches where the deck is stacked against me, or increase my wait times. How is that -not- a punishment?

    Do you lose 50% or your games or more? If not what percent?

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    @Entità said:
    @Rebel_Raven Have you read the following? :)

    Entità said:

    Here I'm not speaking about how to punish guilty people, but how to make this game more enjoyable for innocent players: to be matched many times in a row with a dodger is boring, then the forced waiting time helps good players not to meet the dodger again very soon. Do you agree with this purpose?

    I read your opening post. It's very much a punishment for me. You'll either force me to play in matches where the deck is stacked against me, or increase my wait times. How is that -not- a punishment?

    Here is the answer to your doubts. :)
    Entità said:
    A punishment would be a ban of one or more days: I speak of seconds or minutes of forced waiting. It is not a punishment for the dodger, but a relief for the other players, who will not end up repeatedly with them.
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    edited January 2019

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    I don't play competitively. I play for fun. Not to get sweaty.

    I'm not going to see an unfun looking SWF group and say "yeah, I want to get my ass kicked in a one sided match and feed them an Ill equipped low rank killer. It's going to be fun to get genrushed by people who should be playing at rank 1."
    Match starts
    "Oh, hey, they always know where eachother are! They always know where I am! Constant flashlight save attempts! Wow, this guy loops like a pro! Wow! Not even a minute and 3 gens are done! I sure love getting gen rushed!"
    Match finishes
    "Hey, I just got rank reset to 15. Look, I'm against rank 10, 8, 2, and 14!
    Not a single aura reading perk!
    Oh, look, I got less than 10k blood points because I should have never seen these people in a match."

    [BAD WORD] that.

    I don't agree with being forced to play a buncha #########. Especially ones that abuse match making to go against easier killers so they can stomp them.
    I shouldn't be punished for it.

    Deranking shouldn’t be allowed, but on that note, neither should cherry picking for easy wins.

    Here's something that should be cleared up. I'm not looking for "easy wins." I'm not some pro redrank, here, I'm a goofball looking to play a game here, and there. I'm not some 4k crazed hardass.
    Games where I'm not getting my ass stomped soundly by people abusing stuff like matchmaking, and voice chat.

    I'm looking for fair matches, and I sincerely believe it's a rarity that SWF matches are fair due to how easy it is to use, and abuse voice comms to get an unnatural advantage. It's also a matter of experience. I usually hang out in the ranks they love to target.

    That said, I agree, basically. Killers just looking to rofflestomp shouldn't depip.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    I don't play competitively. I play for fun. Not to get sweaty.

    I'm not going to see an unfun looking SWF group and say "yeah, I want to get my ass kicked in a one sided match and feed them an Ill equipped low rank killer. It's going to be fun to get genrushed by people who should be playing at rank 1."
    Match starts
    "Oh, hey, they always know where eachother are! They always know where I am! Constant flashlight save attempts! Wow, this guy loops like a pro! Wow! Not even a minute and 3 gens are done! I sure love getting gen rushed!"
    Match finishes
    "Hey, I just got rank reset to 15. Look, I'm against rank 10, 8, 2, and 14!
    Not a single aura reading perk!
    Oh, look, I got less than 10k blood points because I should have never seen these people in a match."

    [BAD WORD] that.

    I don't agree with being forced to play a buncha #########. Especially ones that abuse match making to go against easier killers so they can stomp them.
    I shouldn't be punished for it.

    Deranking shouldn’t be allowed, but on that note, neither should cherry picking for easy wins.

    Here's something that should be cleared up. I'm not looking for "easy wins." I'm not some pro redrank, here, I'm a goofball looking to play a game here, and there. I'm not some 4k crazed hardass.
    Games where I'm not getting my ass stomped soundly by people abusing stuff like matchmaking, and voice chat.

    I'm looking for fair matches, and I sincerely believe it's a rarity that SWF matches are fair due to how easy it is to use, and abuse voice comms to get an unnatural advantage. It's also a matter of experience. I usually hang out in the ranks they love to target.

    Every 4K is the Survivors getting brutally stomped. How often do all four escape vs you getting 4k’s?

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    I don't play competitively. I play for fun. Not to get sweaty.

    I'm not going to see an unfun looking SWF group and say "yeah, I want to get my ass kicked in a one sided match and feed them an Ill equipped low rank killer. It's going to be fun to get genrushed by people who should be playing at rank 1."
    Match starts
    "Oh, hey, they always know where eachother are! They always know where I am! Constant flashlight save attempts! Wow, this guy loops like a pro! Wow! Not even a minute and 3 gens are done! I sure love getting gen rushed!"
    Match finishes
    "Hey, I just got rank reset to 15. Look, I'm against rank 10, 8, 2, and 14!
    Not a single aura reading perk!
    Oh, look, I got less than 10k blood points because I should have never seen these people in a match."

    [BAD WORD] that.

    I don't agree with being forced to play a buncha #########. Especially ones that abuse match making to go against easier killers so they can stomp them.
    I shouldn't be punished for it.

    Deranking shouldn’t be allowed, but on that note, neither should cherry picking for easy wins.

    Here's something that should be cleared up. I'm not looking for "easy wins." I'm not some pro redrank, here, I'm a goofball looking to play a game here, and there. I'm not some 4k crazed hardass.
    Games where I'm not getting my ass stomped soundly by people abusing stuff like matchmaking, and voice chat.

    I'm looking for fair matches, and I sincerely believe it's a rarity that SWF matches are fair due to how easy it is to use, and abuse voice comms to get an unnatural advantage. It's also a matter of experience. I usually hang out in the ranks they love to target.

    Every 4K is the Survivors getting brutally stomped. How often do all four escape vs you getting 4k’s?

    A 4k for me? lawl
    Basically never. I'm not some hardass killer

    I might get a sacrifice or two. 3? maybe. I do need blood points, you know.

    Like I said, I'm not 4k crazed.
    I'd rather let a person have the hatch unless they've been toxic. I'd rather avoid a hatch standoff.

    Like I said, I'm a goofball casual.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    @Entità said:
    Rebel_Raven said:

    @Entità said:

    @Rebel_Raven Have you read the following? :)

    Entità said:

    Here I'm not speaking about how to punish guilty people, but how to make this game more enjoyable for innocent players: to be matched many times in a row with a dodger is boring, then the forced waiting time helps good players not to meet the dodger again very soon. Do you agree with this purpose?

    I read your opening post. It's very much a punishment for me. You'll either force me to play in matches where the deck is stacked against me, or increase my wait times. How is that -not- a punishment?

    Here is the answer to your doubts. :)

    Entità said:

    A punishment would be a ban of one or more days: I speak of seconds or minutes of forced waiting. It is not a punishment for the dodger, but a relief for the other players, who will not end up repeatedly with them.

    Nah, it's punishment. Either I have a stacking wait time, or I go against people who are likely going to be toxic, or at the least play above my rank.
    There's absolutely nothing in this for me when I play killer. I only solo as survivor so it doesn't really do anything for me either.

    Frankly if it's a relief for the people who want to make my killer games hell, and/or low on profit, then to hell with it, and let them suffer.
    Let survivors suffer as much as they'd make me as killer.

    I'm not giving them the satisfaction of smurfing, or taking advantage of the matchmaking just so I can get Merc'd.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Jack11803 said:

    Dedicated servers. The end

    Dedicated servers won't solve the problems DbD has. It will probably create even more. Since there won't be servers in every country. 

    @OP sure, let's punish people if they don't want to play with a ping of 500. Great idea!
  • micsan
    micsan Member Posts: 95

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    A 4k for me? lawl
    Basically never. I'm not some hardass killer

    I might get a sacrifice or two. 3? maybe. I do need blood points, you know.

    Like I said, I'm not 4k crazed.
    I'd rather let a person have the hatch unless they've been toxic. I'd rather avoid a hatch standoff.

    Like I said, I'm a goofball casual.

    Well, getting a 4k is the equivalent of everyone escaping...Not to be a dickhead, but...If neither of these things happen in your games or seldom do, what are you complaining about? Your games sound like they are exactly where you want them to be, getting two maybe three kills.

    What more do you want?

    Sidenote, if you have been lobby dodging every SWF, then you will most likely be in a rank where even solo survivors are extremely strong compared to your skill level. A rank 20 SWF is like a rank 15 solo group etc.

    You are doing yourself a disservice by ranking up too quickly, because you are dodging SWFs which is one of the main reasons most people lose pips.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Tsulan said:
    Jack11803 said:

    Dedicated servers. The end

    Dedicated servers won't solve the problems DbD has. It will probably create even more. Since there won't be servers in every country. 

    @OP sure, let's punish people if they don't want to play with a ping of 500. Great idea!

    I will certainly create even more problems.
    I cant wait until 360ing doesnt happen in realtime...... will be lots of fun

  • Sinner
    Sinner Member Posts: 334
    edited January 2019

    Worst idea I ever heard. Even though I live in Europe, most of the time I get paired with Russian and/or Chinese players with bad ping, which I am forced to dodge. Why should I be punished for bad matchmaking?

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    That's a really stupid idea that OP didn't seem to think about long enough.
    Sure, just punish survivors for "dodging" a 200+ ping killers xD
    Really stupid idea.

  • KissyKissy
    KissyKissy Member Posts: 112
    edited January 2019

    If I see 4 Meg's all with flashlight, im leaving lobby and there is nothing you can do about it.

  • branchini1979
    branchini1979 Member Posts: 295
    What needs to change is either identification of SWF or as I have had, all survivors join at same time. I'm a solo survivor, but joining all same time makes killers think SWF and thus lobby dodge. Grrr!! 
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    edited January 2019

    @micsan said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    A 4k for me? lawl
    Basically never. I'm not some hardass killer

    I might get a sacrifice or two. 3? maybe. I do need blood points, you know.

    Like I said, I'm not 4k crazed.
    I'd rather let a person have the hatch unless they've been toxic. I'd rather avoid a hatch standoff.

    Like I said, I'm a goofball casual.

    Well, getting a 4k is the equivalent of everyone escaping...Not to be a dickhead, but...If neither of these things happen in your games or seldom do, what are you complaining about? Your games sound like they are exactly where you want them to be, getting two maybe three kills.

    What more do you want?

    Sidenote, if you have been lobby dodging every SWF, then you will most likely be in a rank where even solo survivors are extremely strong compared to your skill level. A rank 20 SWF is like a rank 15 solo group etc.

    You are doing yourself a disservice by ranking up too quickly, because you are dodging SWFs which is one of the main reasons most people lose pips.

    I am complaining because SWFs are usually tryhard as hell, abuse match making to get easier games, and abuse external help (I.E. external voice chat) to gain an unfair advantage. This proposal is geared towards making me play these people, or I get longer wait times.
    The fact that SWF is getting more and more common is making things worse. They will make me regret every Auric cell I ever bought. Or make me survivor only.

    SWF tilts things badly towards 0k-1k. I may as well AFK against these people. It makes it really hard to earn decent blood points, or do anything. Zero fun.
    And being in lower ranks, I'm a prime target for these people.

    I'm not doing anything to look for easy games.I'm not some depipping rank 1 veteran, here.
    I'm looking for -fair- games. Once I know the deck isn't being stacked against me, I don't care too much about what happens win or lose. That's what I want. Problem is SWF taints that badly.

    Yeap, I slowed down playing a lot lately. I don't even consider trying to outrace rank reset.
    And I agree, SWFs often do play well above the rank/skill of the killer they vs. Usually because they mix ranks to the point that they have several colors in their team.
    This is problematic because I have a crap amount of perks, a near insignificant arsenal of addons, and almost zero Mori.
    It's not a matter of improving skills, it's more getting fair games, and seeing what happens. SWF basically makes that goal a joke. I know what will happen. They will have a big brother runner, or two, likely a full color or two of rank above me, they will get super immersed by broadcasting my location so they're hard to find, and they will coordinate like hell to make sure I get stomped.

    In short, I'd like a lot of fair games. I play casually, not sweaty. SWF is often not fair. This proposal is deciding I get punished if I dodge unfair/SWF games.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,294

    This would be a preferred punishment for DC'ers not lobby dodging tbh. If you want to address lobby dodging wait until dedicated servers are a thing.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    If I see 4 Meg's all with flashlight, im leaving lobby and there is nothing you can do about it.

    If you gotta' dodge flashlights with tightened blind angles, shorter pickup animations, and complete freedom to just face a wall and hard counter them, that's a you problem. You don't even need lightborn. It's a blessing when people do that because that just means one less person on generators whenever I'm chasing an injured survivor just do they can get into position to flashlight the back of my head as I pick up their friend while facing a tree.
  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    Allow Killers to disable SWFs and we can do that!

    Also, this would affect Survivors aswell, right?
    As I see countless Survivors that dodge lobbies to streamsnipe their favourite streamer.

    A problem I can see with such a punishment: People will just DC during loading screen or even ingame, if that's what you want to promote then go ahead and punish lobby dodgers :)

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    Simply put: Your idea is stupid. And your thinking doesn't sound nearly as charismatic and persuasive as you think it does because of your vocabulary and sentence structures.
    First of all, nobody should be forced to play with someone they dislike. If you have been around the forums, then you would know how easy it is for people in this game to sabotage one another and tick each other off over the pettiest things.
    YOU WOULD ALSO KNOW that there are streamer/player groups who ENCOURAGE toxic behavior and harassment of other players they didn't like.
    Lastly, I have a friended player on this game who is a 14 year old girl that experienced sexual harassment and cyber bullying on Dead By Daylight because a female dbd streamer's fiance tried flirting and seducing this girl he knew was underage, got rejected, then started using his and his fiance's streams to join her games as SWF and sabatoge her for lols and turn people against her by lying about her. It got so bad that now this girl is not allowed to play on Dead By Daylight without her father being a SWF with her.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,294

    @Peanits said:
    If you gotta' dodge flashlights with tightened blind angles, shorter pickup animations, and complete freedom to just face a wall and hard counter them, that's a you problem. You don't even need lightborn. It's a blessing when people do that because that just means one less person on generators whenever I'm chasing an injured survivor just do they can get into position to flashlight the back of my head as I pick up their friend while facing a tree.

    Macro clickers are still annoying though. For a game that depends on me having my audio turned up enough to hear stuff I shouldn't have an obnoxious sound spammed deafening me. Granted I haven't played since maybe December so I don't know if that was addressed.

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    For some reason my last post didnt come through.

    Long story short, I said that this game is highly toxic with players, toxcitiy is encouraged by youtubers and streamers
    and I know streamers who sexually harassed and cyber bullied, as well as faked swf with a 14 year old girl on this game for rejecting one of their advances and now she can't play this game without her father in a swf with her.
    Lobby dodging should not be punishable.

    I also said your thinking isnt as charismatic or persuasive as you attempted to be with your vocabulary and sentence structures. Don't try to disguise self-serving, attention-seeking useless ideas with it. Nobody falls for it, ever. Think about the real problems this game has because it is NOT lobby dodging.

  • JammyJewels
    JammyJewels Member Posts: 611
    I do not want lobby dodging to be punished. You’re in the lobby. If they leave pre-five second countdown then they may simply not like circumstances such as poor connections, unstable connections. As someone who lives in a newly built home where better, fibre-based connections haven’t been established yet I sympathise with those sorts. However, if those people leave after the five second countdown has begun I see no reason for empathy, given they’ve now given the others a mandatory impairment. But how can we separate genuine cases of disconnection from intentional leaving? We can’t. So introducing a punishment mechanic would only be harmful until we discover ways of monitoring such behaviour, like seeing at what point the servers lose connection to the survivor or killer.
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Master said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Jack11803 said:

    Dedicated servers. The end

    Dedicated servers won't solve the problems DbD has. It will probably create even more. Since there won't be servers in every country. 

    @OP sure, let's punish people if they don't want to play with a ping of 500. Great idea!

    I will certainly create even more problems.
    I cant wait until 360ing doesnt happen in realtime...... will be lots of fun

    Okay, tsulan has a very valid point, but what you’re complaining about is blatant host privledge, stop being so prissy. Even with absolutely insane fps drop on my PS4 I hit 360’s. You need to get better if you can’t hit them. I’m not gonna sacrifice a fix to dodging, connection issues, lag switching, cheating, faster bans, and most of all..... removing a killer on ps4’s ability to delete survivor save data by closing application... all because your ass can’t back up a few feet and not lunge into the next dimension. There is way too much to lose by not including dedicated servers.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Master said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Jack11803 said:

    Dedicated servers. The end

    Dedicated servers won't solve the problems DbD has. It will probably create even more. Since there won't be servers in every country. 

    @OP sure, let's punish people if they don't want to play with a ping of 500. Great idea!

    I will certainly create even more problems.
    I cant wait until 360ing doesnt happen in realtime...... will be lots of fun

    Okay, tsulan has a very valid point, but what you’re complaining about is blatant host privledge, stop being so prissy. Even with absolutely insane fps drop on my PS4 I hit 360’s. You need to get better if you can’t hit them. I’m not gonna sacrifice a fix to dodging, connection issues, lag switching, cheating, faster bans, and most of all..... removing a killer on ps4’s ability to delete survivor save data by closing application... all because your ass can’t back up a few feet and not lunge into the next dimension. There is way too much to lose by not including dedicated servers.

    That PS4 issue with killer dcs is one of the biggest reason I am looking forward to dedicated servers. I hope the switch will finally fix that issue. Lag switching, cheating, and finally banning for dc abuse is up there on the list.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930
    edited January 2019

    @lasombra1979 said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Master said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Jack11803 said:

    Dedicated servers. The end

    Dedicated servers won't solve the problems DbD has. It will probably create even more. Since there won't be servers in every country. 

    @OP sure, let's punish people if they don't want to play with a ping of 500. Great idea!

    I will certainly create even more problems.
    I cant wait until 360ing doesnt happen in realtime...... will be lots of fun

    Okay, tsulan has a very valid point, but what you’re complaining about is blatant host privledge, stop being so prissy. Even with absolutely insane fps drop on my PS4 I hit 360’s. You need to get better if you can’t hit them. I’m not gonna sacrifice a fix to dodging, connection issues, lag switching, cheating, faster bans, and most of all..... removing a killer on ps4’s ability to delete survivor save data by closing application... all because your ass can’t back up a few feet and not lunge into the next dimension. There is way too much to lose by not including dedicated servers.

    That PS4 issue with killer dcs is one of the biggest reason I am looking forward to dedicated servers. I hope the switch will finally fix that issue. Lag switching, cheating, and finally banning for dc abuse is up there on the list.

    I know! I can handle anything in game, but tampering with my save data because they lost or they’re having a temper tantrum is absolutely disgusting. It’s also ridiculously common

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    You keep saying that dedicated servers are going to fix lobby dodging. 

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Entità I thought you were going to say uninstall since this probably isn't the game for you.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Master said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Jack11803 said:

    Dedicated servers. The end

    Dedicated servers won't solve the problems DbD has. It will probably create even more. Since there won't be servers in every country. 

    @OP sure, let's punish people if they don't want to play with a ping of 500. Great idea!

    I will certainly create even more problems.
    I cant wait until 360ing doesnt happen in realtime...... will be lots of fun

    Okay, tsulan has a very valid point, but what you’re complaining about is blatant host privledge, stop being so prissy. Even with absolutely insane fps drop on my PS4 I hit 360’s. You need to get better if you can’t hit them. I’m not gonna sacrifice a fix to dodging, connection issues, lag switching, cheating, faster bans, and most of all..... removing a killer on ps4’s ability to delete survivor save data by closing application... all because your ass can’t back up a few feet and not lunge into the next dimension. There is way too much to lose by not including dedicated servers.

    Oh dont get me wrong, dedicated servers are desperately needed for DBD.
    However, i fear that BHVR will rush things and that dedicated servers will bring a lot of issues up that will take them ages to fix (as they usually do).

    You know how every survivor complains about being hit from a meter away due latency. Thats just a killer moving at 115, chasing behind a 100 target. No weird rotatiosn involved, just linear movement.

    Now imagine how this would apply to 360ing where the survivors rotate in unnatural speed and you are still supposed to hit him. I see two solutions for this problem that BHVR can take, either they ignore the problem and it will become luck whether you hit a 360ing survivor or they do sth like the weird billy chainsaw hitboxes to compensate.

    Also I can ensure you that huntress will suffer enormly when dedicated servers are out.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Raccoon said:
    You keep saying that dedicated servers are going to fix lobby dodging. 


    They are not.
    I am almsot positive that BHVR will not mess with all the core systems at once^^

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,294

    @Raccoon said:
    You keep saying that dedicated servers are going to fix lobby dodging. 


    Dedicated servers won't fix lobby dodging but implementing any form of punishment for lobby dodging when peer2peer is a thing would be stupid. Sometimes I'd rather not play in a game where I have 200 ping you know what I mean?

    Dedicated servers may reduce lobby dodging for that specific instance as well as MLGA probably won't work. After that I can't imagine there would be much else of a reason to dodge unless you need to back out to pick someone up in an SWF or you don't want to play with a specific player. Which would only be an issue for survivors seeing other survivors names or killer seeing survivor names. Only solution for that is completely hiding usernames / profiles.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    What if I'm dodging one player who is a serial disconnecter when they repeatedly show up in my lobby as killer. I want a fair match.
  • micsan
    micsan Member Posts: 95

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    @micsan said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    A 4k for me? lawl
    Basically never. I'm not some hardass killer

    I might get a sacrifice or two. 3? maybe. I do need blood points, you know.

    Like I said, I'm not 4k crazed.
    I'd rather let a person have the hatch unless they've been toxic. I'd rather avoid a hatch standoff.

    Like I said, I'm a goofball casual.

    Well, getting a 4k is the equivalent of everyone escaping...Not to be a dickhead, but...If neither of these things happen in your games or seldom do, what are you complaining about? Your games sound like they are exactly where you want them to be, getting two maybe three kills.

    What more do you want?

    Sidenote, if you have been lobby dodging every SWF, then you will most likely be in a rank where even solo survivors are extremely strong compared to your skill level. A rank 20 SWF is like a rank 15 solo group etc.

    You are doing yourself a disservice by ranking up too quickly, because you are dodging SWFs which is one of the main reasons most people lose pips.

    I am complaining because SWFs are usually tryhard as hell, abuse match making to get easier games, and abuse external help (I.E. external voice chat) to gain an unfair advantage. This proposal is geared towards making me play these people, or I get longer wait times.
    The fact that SWF is getting more and more common is making things worse. They will make me regret every Auric cell I ever bought. Or make me survivor only.

    SWF tilts things badly towards 0k-1k. I may as well AFK against these people. It makes it really hard to earn decent blood points, or do anything. Zero fun.
    And being in lower ranks, I'm a prime target for these people.

    I'm not doing anything to look for easy games.I'm not some depipping rank 1 veteran, here.
    I'm looking for -fair- games. Once I know the deck isn't being stacked against me, I don't care too much about what happens win or lose. That's what I want. Problem is SWF taints that badly.

    Yeap, I slowed down playing a lot lately. I don't even consider trying to outrace rank reset.
    And I agree, SWFs often do play well above the rank/skill of the killer they vs. Usually because they mix ranks to the point that they have several colors in their team.
    This is problematic because I have a crap amount of perks, a near insignificant arsenal of addons, and almost zero Mori.
    It's not a matter of improving skills, it's more getting fair games, and seeing what happens. SWF basically makes that goal a joke. I know what will happen. They will have a big brother runner, or two, likely a full color or two of rank above me, they will get super immersed by broadcasting my location so they're hard to find, and they will coordinate like hell to make sure I get stomped.

    In short, I'd like a lot of fair games. I play casually, not sweaty. SWF is often not fair. This proposal is deciding I get punished if I dodge unfair/SWF games.

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    @micsan said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    A 4k for me? lawl
    Basically never. I'm not some hardass killer

    I might get a sacrifice or two. 3? maybe. I do need blood points, you know.

    Like I said, I'm not 4k crazed.
    I'd rather let a person have the hatch unless they've been toxic. I'd rather avoid a hatch standoff.

    Like I said, I'm a goofball casual.

    Well, getting a 4k is the equivalent of everyone escaping...Not to be a dickhead, but...If neither of these things happen in your games or seldom do, what are you complaining about? Your games sound like they are exactly where you want them to be, getting two maybe three kills.

    What more do you want?

    Sidenote, if you have been lobby dodging every SWF, then you will most likely be in a rank where even solo survivors are extremely strong compared to your skill level. A rank 20 SWF is like a rank 15 solo group etc.

    You are doing yourself a disservice by ranking up too quickly, because you are dodging SWFs which is one of the main reasons most people lose pips.

    I am complaining because SWFs are usually tryhard as hell, abuse match making to get easier games, and abuse external help (I.E. external voice chat) to gain an unfair advantage. This proposal is geared towards making me play these people, or I get longer wait times.
    The fact that SWF is getting more and more common is making things worse. They will make me regret every Auric cell I ever bought. Or make me survivor only.

    SWF tilts things badly towards 0k-1k. I may as well AFK against these people. It makes it really hard to earn decent blood points, or do anything. Zero fun.
    And being in lower ranks, I'm a prime target for these people.

    I'm not doing anything to look for easy games.I'm not some depipping rank 1 veteran, here.
    I'm looking for -fair- games. Once I know the deck isn't being stacked against me, I don't care too much about what happens win or lose. That's what I want. Problem is SWF taints that badly.

    Yeap, I slowed down playing a lot lately. I don't even consider trying to outrace rank reset.
    And I agree, SWFs often do play well above the rank/skill of the killer they vs. Usually because they mix ranks to the point that they have several colors in their team.
    This is problematic because I have a crap amount of perks, a near insignificant arsenal of addons, and almost zero Mori.
    It's not a matter of improving skills, it's more getting fair games, and seeing what happens. SWF basically makes that goal a joke. I know what will happen. They will have a big brother runner, or two, likely a full color or two of rank above me, they will get super immersed by broadcasting my location so they're hard to find, and they will coordinate like hell to make sure I get stomped.

    In short, I'd like a lot of fair games. I play casually, not sweaty. SWF is often not fair. This proposal is deciding I get punished if I dodge unfair/SWF games.

    I've started to suspect that most of the SWF squads that are left are the most toxic ones, I know our swf group is dying. None of us have the time to spend 15 mins in queue only for someone like you who think we are a toxic sabo squad dodge us and we spend another 15 mins in queue, just hoping that the next killer won't dodge.

    The whole dodging thing, is making the SWF squads you meet, more sweaty. Because only sweaty people are willing to spend 15 minutes in queue for the off chance they get into a game or another 15 min queue. I also want to play casually, both survivor and killer. But these swf queues are making me not want to play the game at all, killer, solo, duo, whatever.

    That being said, I was beyond extremely disappointed and sad that they did not fix the queue with yesterday's patch. Either they didn't fix it, or it is simply too late because most people stopped playing already. I'm not playing this game until they fix the queues and I know I'm not the only one. I've stopped purchasing anything in the game, I bought Legion and Jeff with shards just to save a pretty penny. I refuse to support this game when it will not let me play it with my friends.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    If I see 4 Meg's all with flashlight, im leaving lobby and there is nothing you can do about it.

    I would love to face 4 flashlights over even 2 toolboxes any day or night.
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    micsan said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    @micsan said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    A 4k for me? lawl
    Basically never. I'm not some hardass killer

    I might get a sacrifice or two. 3? maybe. I do need blood points, you know.

    Like I said, I'm not 4k crazed.
    I'd rather let a person have the hatch unless they've been toxic. I'd rather avoid a hatch standoff.

    Like I said, I'm a goofball casual.

    Well, getting a 4k is the equivalent of everyone escaping...Not to be a dickhead, but...If neither of these things happen in your games or seldom do, what are you complaining about? Your games sound like they are exactly where you want them to be, getting two maybe three kills.

    What more do you want?

    Sidenote, if you have been lobby dodging every SWF, then you will most likely be in a rank where even solo survivors are extremely strong compared to your skill level. A rank 20 SWF is like a rank 15 solo group etc.

    You are doing yourself a disservice by ranking up too quickly, because you are dodging SWFs which is one of the main reasons most people lose pips.

    I am complaining because SWFs are usually tryhard as hell, abuse match making to get easier games, and abuse external help (I.E. external voice chat) to gain an unfair advantage. This proposal is geared towards making me play these people, or I get longer wait times.
    The fact that SWF is getting more and more common is making things worse. They will make me regret every Auric cell I ever bought. Or make me survivor only.

    SWF tilts things badly towards 0k-1k. I may as well AFK against these people. It makes it really hard to earn decent blood points, or do anything. Zero fun.
    And being in lower ranks, I'm a prime target for these people.

    I'm not doing anything to look for easy games.I'm not some depipping rank 1 veteran, here.
    I'm looking for -fair- games. Once I know the deck isn't being stacked against me, I don't care too much about what happens win or lose. That's what I want. Problem is SWF taints that badly.

    Yeap, I slowed down playing a lot lately. I don't even consider trying to outrace rank reset.
    And I agree, SWFs often do play well above the rank/skill of the killer they vs. Usually because they mix ranks to the point that they have several colors in their team.
    This is problematic because I have a crap amount of perks, a near insignificant arsenal of addons, and almost zero Mori.
    It's not a matter of improving skills, it's more getting fair games, and seeing what happens. SWF basically makes that goal a joke. I know what will happen. They will have a big brother runner, or two, likely a full color or two of rank above me, they will get super immersed by broadcasting my location so they're hard to find, and they will coordinate like hell to make sure I get stomped.

    In short, I'd like a lot of fair games. I play casually, not sweaty. SWF is often not fair. This proposal is deciding I get punished if I dodge unfair/SWF games.

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    @micsan said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    A 4k for me? lawl
    Basically never. I'm not some hardass killer

    I might get a sacrifice or two. 3? maybe. I do need blood points, you know.

    Like I said, I'm not 4k crazed.
    I'd rather let a person have the hatch unless they've been toxic. I'd rather avoid a hatch standoff.

    Like I said, I'm a goofball casual.

    Well, getting a 4k is the equivalent of everyone escaping...Not to be a dickhead, but...If neither of these things happen in your games or seldom do, what are you complaining about? Your games sound like they are exactly where you want them to be, getting two maybe three kills.

    What more do you want?

    Sidenote, if you have been lobby dodging every SWF, then you will most likely be in a rank where even solo survivors are extremely strong compared to your skill level. A rank 20 SWF is like a rank 15 solo group etc.

    You are doing yourself a disservice by ranking up too quickly, because you are dodging SWFs which is one of the main reasons most people lose pips.

    I am complaining because SWFs are usually tryhard as hell, abuse match making to get easier games, and abuse external help (I.E. external voice chat) to gain an unfair advantage. This proposal is geared towards making me play these people, or I get longer wait times.
    The fact that SWF is getting more and more common is making things worse. They will make me regret every Auric cell I ever bought. Or make me survivor only.

    SWF tilts things badly towards 0k-1k. I may as well AFK against these people. It makes it really hard to earn decent blood points, or do anything. Zero fun.
    And being in lower ranks, I'm a prime target for these people.

    I'm not doing anything to look for easy games.I'm not some depipping rank 1 veteran, here.
    I'm looking for -fair- games. Once I know the deck isn't being stacked against me, I don't care too much about what happens win or lose. That's what I want. Problem is SWF taints that badly.

    Yeap, I slowed down playing a lot lately. I don't even consider trying to outrace rank reset.
    And I agree, SWFs often do play well above the rank/skill of the killer they vs. Usually because they mix ranks to the point that they have several colors in their team.
    This is problematic because I have a crap amount of perks, a near insignificant arsenal of addons, and almost zero Mori.
    It's not a matter of improving skills, it's more getting fair games, and seeing what happens. SWF basically makes that goal a joke. I know what will happen. They will have a big brother runner, or two, likely a full color or two of rank above me, they will get super immersed by broadcasting my location so they're hard to find, and they will coordinate like hell to make sure I get stomped.

    In short, I'd like a lot of fair games. I play casually, not sweaty. SWF is often not fair. This proposal is deciding I get punished if I dodge unfair/SWF games.

    I've started to suspect that most of the SWF squads that are left are the most toxic ones, I know our swf group is dying. None of us have the time to spend 15 mins in queue only for someone like you who think we are a toxic sabo squad dodge us and we spend another 15 mins in queue, just hoping that the next killer won't dodge.

    The whole dodging thing, is making the SWF squads you meet, more sweaty. Because only sweaty people are willing to spend 15 minutes in queue for the off chance they get into a game or another 15 min queue. I also want to play casually, both survivor and killer. But these swf queues are making me not want to play the game at all, killer, solo, duo, whatever.

    That being said, I was beyond extremely disappointed and sad that they did not fix the queue with yesterday's patch. Either they didn't fix it, or it is simply too late because most people stopped playing already. I'm not playing this game until they fix the queues and I know I'm not the only one. I've stopped purchasing anything in the game, I bought Legion and Jeff with shards just to save a pretty penny. I refuse to support this game when it will not let me play it with my friends.

    Believe me when I say I feel for you. It does suck when you can't play with friends. 
    I recognize the necessity in SWF, and don't want it gone.

    I can definitely see your point in SWFs getting sweatier because of the long wait times, but I feel like they put themselves in that position to begin with by being sweaty, toxic, etc.
    If I didn't constantly run into squads looking for easy games I wouldn't have a problem with SWF. 
    I do recognize that not all SWF are like that, but at the same time, I don't see enough that aren't.
    It's not fun to vs them, and it isn't worth the low blood points after. Basically kills my 2 motives for playing.

    15 minutes is awful generous. 
    Most SWFs just want to gen rush, and get to the exit so they can teabag me until I chase them out.
    And they get salty if I do anything that offends them like camp when the gens are done.
    They're shooting for easy games, and if it isn't easy mode, they get upset. 
    Too few actually want the game to last.

    I'm in a similar boat. I play killer and survivor. The queue time for survivors are rough. And I only solo which is weird.
    The killer games are full of SWFs looking for quick easy games.

    I don't look forward to spending more auric shards either. 
  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583
    edited April 2019

    I'm playing as a solo right now. I've entered 16 lobbies so far, and killers keep dodging...

    @not_Queen @Patricia @Peanits @Shelby Is there, in the new matchmaking, any protection from being matched with the same killer many times in a row?