New Killer: The Great Deceiver, aka "Sauron"

Sauron, the evil with many names, as he enters the battle ready for triumph he then is sent to the Entity's realm. Lord Sauron would be near or a little taller than nemesis, he would also be voiceless, his main weapon is his Battle mace and his special power would be his ring.
Special power: One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, all survivors have a ring of power, they all have different effects that can help progress the match, but it can also work in Lord Sauron's favor as well. Sauron can use his ring to deceive the survivors by many ways, he can see their auras for 6 seconds, he can make shadows that corrupt a random generator and he can slightly increase his movement speed.
Map Add-ons: a couple orcs roam the map at random similar to the zombies when nemesis is present as the killer, the orcs can't run but if too close they can attack, a missed attack from an orc will then sound off a battle horn to alert Sauron.
I'm not that good when it comes to specifics on perks, I thought that Lord Sauron could be a really cool addition to the fog, let me know what you think, I'm good with criticism.
Perk names:
There is no life in the void
Folly in their hearts.