We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

My take on a tier list on how noob friendly each killer is.

In no particular order with a short bit about em. NOT taking their perks into account. Some killers are slower having a %110 move speed when most others are at %115.

Licensed killers will have this text format.

  • Wraith: Takes the #1 spot with stealth, easy to ambush and also great for farming blood points.
  • Clown: Just throw the bottles fairly sized AoE inflicts a hefty slow or speed yourself up
  • Wesker: Prob the best licensed killer in DBD most fun for both sides grab a Dweeb and yeet him across the room.

  • Huntress:(%110) Tad slower than others and can throw hatches at the survivors. Very straight forward.
  • Legion: Power lets you very easily chase down and injure, but downing them is just M1
  • Demo: M2 to launch yourself forward and instantly break pallets, place portals to map travel
  • DeathSlinger:(%110) Has a harpoon gun with a chain to reel in his victims. For those that enjoy FPS games, but he is slow when aiming down sights compared to other FPS games
  • Chucky:(%110) Tiny, 3rd person view, stealth with dash and talks a lot of #### to make this game rated M.
  • GhostFace: Has stealth able to crouch and peek around corners to expose survivors just don't get spotted yourself.
  • Plague: She throws up on everything and everyone shutting down healing and breaking survivors. Fountains can cleanse them, but can also give you red vomit which instant hurts them.

  • Myers: Primarily a M1 killer, stalk survivors them for a time to expose them. Unique add-ons changing how he plays can be a slow, but true stealth ambush killer with wall hacks or just instantly kill them.
  • Bubba: Has a chainsaw that can instant down survivors, make the most of it's duration will take attention from you while you learn it and be careful to not bump into anything.
  • HillBilly: Also has a chainsaw, but mastering his will be harder than Bubba. Has insane map mobility use the add-ons that reduce stun duration when you bump into things when you still learning him.
  • Freddy: Primarily a M1 killer, can teleport to gens and place small pools to slow survivors when they run over them ONLY when they are asleep.
  • Pig: Primarily a M1 killer, can crouch similar to Ghostface, with a dash takes time to learn at loops and most will just run off. Beartraps gives her the strongest built in slowdown in the game as they can't be ignored.
  • Oni: Starts off game as a M1 only killer and is very snowball like. Early game will be the hardest part get them injured to get the blood orbs for your power and you can snowball from there or you'll struggle.
  • Pyramid Head: Placing down his trail is the easy part, but learning his M2 range atk will take time getting used to.
  • Trickster: Like Huntress his power is straight forward just throw those knives, BUT you have to land 6-8(?) knifes to injure them.
  • Blight: Smash your face into a wall and become a pinball. Has great mobility and does need practice with loops.
  • Dracula: Vamp form (Easy) shoot fire straight line like Pyramidhead M2. Wolf form (Mid) has dashes best for long straight paths or sudden turns like killer shack. Bat form (Hard) your blind and can't see them so you have to rely on sound and scratch marks.
  • Unknown: Has somewhat fakes can place with a bit of control mostly random for instant map teleport and has grenade launcher like power that MUST bounce first then explode to weaken them then again to injure.
  • Xenomorph: Has tunnels for fast map travel to gens, can see foot steps of survivors and has a range tail attack with a narrow hitbox. Watch for flame turrets and they will hinder you.
  • Dredge: Primarily a M1 killer, can teleport to to lockers anywhere or leave a little shadow behind to instantly teleport yourself back to. Causes the realm to be ingulf in darkness making you stronger and survivors almost blind.
  • Ringu Girl: Primarily a M1 killer, she's very short with a stealth, phasing in and out of visibility. Can teleport to TVs that's at a gen to mark survivors. With 7 marks you can instantly kill.

  • Doctor: Primarily a M1 killer. Has a massive AoE shock to easily locate survivors. Can shock them to make it so they can't vault or throw down pallets. It does slow you down a bit when charging to and small loops are bad for Doc. Inflicts madness on survivors making them see fakes of Doc and make skill checks random.
  • Artist: Her birds when firing them go in a straight line. Send the birds out once to mark them then hit them with a second pair of birds to injure them. Aiming and predicting is very important.
  • Spirit:(%110) Has the least counter play in the game for survivors with only little directional audio. Leave your husk behind and go zooming while invisible. During this time your blind and can't see so like Dracula bat form you have to relay on scratch marks and audio ques to locate them.
  • Twins: A very weird one. The sister is only M1. She can send out Victor the tiny parasitic brother to zoom around the map and pounce on survivors. A rather slug heavy killer that just isn't fun for both sides.
  • Nemesis: He's huge with 2 brain dead zombies that can either help you out or get stuck. Has a mid range attack with his tentacle that grows in power. Only reason I don't like or recommend him is he's the only killer requires you to hit them 3 times. 1st hit to infect them, 2nd hit to injure, 3rd hit to down. Survivors can also cleanse themselves so you have to infect them before you can even hurt them.
  • PinHead: Primarily a M1 killer,. You can fire out a chain to slow down a survivor for a bit is rather tricky to aim and his box gives off constant map pressure to someone or all of them if the chain event is triggered.
  • Knight: Sends out one of 3 guards to assist him to chase a survivor, but does have a lot of restriction when using them making him rather hard to play as. When making a patrol path it's a copy/paste of Spirits power (literally) if your good with her you'll do fine with Knight. Best use of his power in making the game into a 2v4 not a 2v1.
  • Vecna: Has 4 different spells with their own twist. Deny or lift pallets, send out spirits that takes time learning how they work, a fly spell that's for map mobility and send a large orb to locate survivors and shut down their items. Survivors do have access to magic chest with items to give survivors information and 2 or them are unique giving them a power when they jump in to a locker either teleport them away or become invisible to you.
  • Singularity: The most micro demanding killer in the game. Shoot out pods that act as cameras to infect survivors letting you teleport right on top of them. They do have access to EMPs that can shutdown your cameras and cleanse themselves.
  • Hag:(%110) Can place traps that can be hard to see. When triggered a fake pops up in front of the victim letting you teleport right on top of them for a easy injure. Placement of traps are key since she is NOT a chase killer.

  • Nurse:(%98) The only killer in the game that ignores most rules of DBD like pallets and even walls with her blink skill. She's also the slowest in the game at almost %98 so you must learn to blink to land your M1 hits or even move around the map. Has potential to be the strongest killer, but NOT recommended for new players.
  • Skull Merchant: The only sexy female killer of the roster. Really she's closer to average. Drones aren't too hard to use place for stealth and mark survivors giving yourself haste, while slowing and breaking survivors. Only reason she's down here is that she's the most hated killer in the game causing most games to have someone baby rage, give up and either D/C or quit. With her changes and losing a beam on drone makes her harder. It's best to just wait until her rework some time next year.
  • Trapper: Trust me just…… don't. Despite being the face of DBD. Too much time sink with using traps and placement of them is key. Don't place them at obvious spots like at pallets, but in tall grass along the walls of loops. Trapper is extremely easy to bully and shut down when survivors are watchful which is easy for them.


  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,151

    Any 110% is going to be average at best for new players. Also doctor, legion, and bubba are pretty easy to learn killers, wesker is probably a tier or 2 too high. I wouldn't put nurse in the bottom tier, probably complicated as if you learn her you'll just win. Blight also would probably be in the complicated tier.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,541

    IDK Wesker in the easiest tier seems wrong imo, it is incredibly easy to miss with his power. Meanwhile Myers is literally hold M2

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,470

    that what i was going to say. i think Myer's → Pig → Wraith → Trapper →Legion are easiest mechanical killers. it is hard to mess up their ability. clown and wesker…. are not easy. not on low level nor at high-level.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,159

    I can't even discern how this list is properly ranked because there is so many things going on. My focal point being Trapper to be considered the least noob friendly killer compared to killers like Wesker and Blight which is just objectively untrue.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    Wesker should not be in the easiest tier. You have a high potential of outplaying yourself as Wesker and he requires quite a bit of map knowledge to play effectively.

    Legion and Freddy on the other hand are quite straight forward and don't have any skill components that other killers don't have.

    The only thing hard about Freddy is playing around his lack of strength.

    Trapper in the highest tier is very weird. His power is very straight forward and the only skill expression unique to him is knowing trap placements but many of them are quite obvious. So you're stuck with a killer that only has to play around their own lack of strength, similar to Freddy.

    Myers should be in the second easiest category. The only thing about him that might resemble difficulty is knowing when to stalk but that's a basic skill that applies to most other killers as well.

    Oni similar to Wesker has a high potential to counter himself, he needs to play around the blood orbs and he has to get creative with his power or the survivors will just vault / drop pallets to counter him.

  • A_T_E
    A_T_E Member Posts: 112

    Wesker noob friendly?

    Huntress just needs a bit to learn?

    Doctor is more difficult than Huntress?

    Trapper is suffering? wat

    That's the most glaring of your choices that stands out to me. It doesn't really seem to make sense.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,716
    edited October 8

    I disagree with a good chunk of your ranking. Let's say "D C B A S"

    Wesker is way more difficult than that. He isn't easy to control: B or A.

    Huntress is harder than that: B or A, like any non-115% killer.

    Chucky is B or A too. His power requires some finesse.

    Billy, Oni, Trickster, … Blight???

    Doctor is easy: D

    Trapper is easy: D

    It'd be easier to make my own tier than do every comment I'd like.

    Basically all mechanical killers should be either in A or in S. (Nurse, Blight, …)

  • MasterShrimp14
    MasterShrimp14 Member Posts: 1

    I didn’t really read through most of the list because I don’t play most of the killers, but I do have a few gripes with the few I do play ranked on this list. Maybe it’s just me, but some of these feel wrong. I know the list wasn’t put in with perks in mind, but I feel like perks are make or break for some killers over others.

    Ghostface - I personally think he should be in the average difficulty rather than simple. Yes, the power itself is simple, but the killer’s playstyle can make it harder. He’s more focused on disrupting one survivor at a time rather than multiple. You stalk the survivor, come at them once they’re exposed, slash em, hook em, and then you’ve realized the survivors have half their gens done at that point. A good group of survivors can decimate a Ghostface if he’s not really good at killer (like myself). But against groups who do poorly, he’s much easier to do well with. He relies on his perks to keep people busy enough. He takes skill to get right, but it mostly depends on your survivors.

    Pig - Definitely one of the better killers in my opinion if played right. In some ways, she’s a much better Ghostface (which I hate to say since I love the guy, but it’s true). The crouching into that fantastic lunge is chef’s kiss, you really can’t go wrong with that. Half the time the survivor has no idea you’re there, then you get them with that lunge that most don’t escape. Afterwards, you get a trap on their head, hook them up, then go on. Those traps give Pig an edge over Ghostface because it often times slows the team down. Half the time survivors don’t want to activate a gen to start the trap, other times they do it and the survivor is panicked trying to get out before they die. Granted, most times they get out of it, but it greatly slows them down. One certain add-on will hide the auras of boxes and add more traps, meaning they actually have to look for the boxes and do it more often, which can be an added bonus. But assuming you don’t use add-ons, the rest of Pig’s kit is fairly noob friendly. The beginning of the match is the worst part. But after you’ve trapped a few survivors, now the game is more in your favor.

    Nemesis - my sweet summer child, the glint in my eye. How he could be put in ‘difficult power’ is beyond me. You don’t even have to utilize his infection most of the time! (though it definitely helps with pallet loops). The best part of the kit has to go to the zombies. They’re like having two bloodhounds sniffing out the survivors and keeping them distracted while you search. If you see their arms outstretched, you know someone is near. And they’re just slow enough to be a problem for gens with few escape points. Yes, you can take them out with pallets or flashlights, but that can take necessary time away from gens. If they get a survivor, it’s either infection time or a free health state while you do anything else. You can punch them to move them yourself to patrol other parts of the map. They’re nuisances and I love them. Now on to the tentacle, aka the loop ender. It can be finicky since the hitbox is a bit thin, but it provides you with a means to end those loops. Yes, it only infects instead of harming them on the first hit, but that in turn makes the tentacle longer and do damage to them until they cure themselves (limited cures on the map, btw). So eventually, they can’t do anything about it if you’re good with the whip, as I call it. This reaches across pesky spaces to hit an annoying survivor who knows how to loop. And another thing about the infection — it covers the survivor in BRIGHT BLUE spots! It’s really hard to miss a survivor hiding when infected because they stand out like a sore thumb. Mix all this stuff together and you’ve got one of, in my opinion, the best killers out there. You’ve got so much going for you. And I saw the review — you said you’ve gotta hit them three times to down them. What if — and I know this might sound crazy — you just smack them regularly? The whip shouldn’t be used all the time. Yes, it’s useful and has range if you’ve hit others with it. But Nemesis also has a bit of range with his lunge. Not amazing like Pig, but more than decent. It slows you down when you pull it out, so only use it if you know you’re close enough to hit. Otherwise it’s a waste of time. After typing all this, yes, I can see how it might be a lot, but it’s not that bad. Seems like a difficult kit, but that doesn’t mean the killer is. All you’ve gotta do is look to the zombies for info (hit them when not in chase to get more map coverage), use the whip when necessary, and be a big hulking terror of the Fog.

    Also, I’m gonna pretend like I didn’t see the first part of your Skull Merchant listing. Sorry for all the yapping that was done, I was bored with nothing to do and this was fun for me. Obviously not everyone is going to agree with what I say, but as a low tier killer myself, I feel like these killers aren’t as hard as people say they are. Thanks for coming to my DED Talk.