Residual Manifest Buff.

Boons123 Member Posts: 970

It is a perk that makes the killer suffer from the effect of blindness for 30 seconds after blinding the killer by any means, and prevents the killer from seeing any aura (except the aura of the killer's power such as traps or portals, etc.)

It may look powerful on paper, however after a few uses, 30 seconds doesn't do much even if the killer leaves you immediately after blinding the killer as if it was just a minor inconvenience.

This perk is very unique for survivors and I think it needs some love.

I think the duration of the blindness effect should be increased to 45 seconds or 60 seconds.

What do you think?

Residual Manifest Buff. 24 votes

Must be more than 60 seconds.
joybonru22 1 vote
60 seconds is good
LinkdoukenBoons123SleepyHSoGo 4 votes
45 seconds is good
ad19970ValikEEPBlightedTrapperangrychuckTheSingularity 6 votes
No, it should stay the same.
GibberishBlueberryAtoTimberPuddleOfBluddsaneesCrossTheSholfnodforkissAstelSiachigofuekillaGardhomeDriveRusherHri15 13 votes


  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 970
    60 seconds is good

    I highly doubt that anyone who chose the last option has encountered this perk twice in the past 2 months.

  • BlightedTrapper
    BlightedTrapper Member Posts: 361
    45 seconds is good

    45 sounds like a good middle ground. The killer having blindness for a full minute sounds a little excessive.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2024
    No, it should stay the same.

    This is one of those perks, similar to Boil Over, that can never be very good for game health. It can be extremely annoying to play against. Also, even if in its current state I think it's already better than people give it credit for.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294
    45 seconds is good

    Maybe, but honestly - it's not the duration, it's the debuff and cooldown.

    Make it last for 16/24/32 seconds and reveal the Killer's aura to all survivors for 4 seconds.

    Buff the Blindness effect. Idc, call it something different. "Charred" or something idk.

    If the perk not only removed the Killer's ability to see auras, but also to see the portrait of survivors and the HUD elements of their perk… that would be strong enough to make for some very potent plays, especially in coordination.