Character ideas for Mystery Incorporated. #1 Fred Jones

Member Posts: 28
Note: For those that don't know, mystery incorporated is the name for Scooby-doo and the gang. By the way if someone has better names/ideas for the perks, I'm all ears.
Fred Jones perks.
- let's make a trap
- Every time a generator is completed you get 1/2/3 tokens.
- You spend 1 token on a locker to change the locker into a safety locker.
- All survivors can see the aura of safety lockers. The killer can't tell the difference between a safety locker and a normal locker.
- when a survivor enters a safety locker, they cannot exit the locker without the help of another survivor unless they have the perk equipped. The killer cannot open a safety locker if there is a survivor in it.
- all survivors share the tokens, but can only use them if they have the perk equipped.
- let's split up gang
- If you are within 12/14/16 meters of another survivor this perk activates.
- when the survivor leaves the 12/14/16 meters, they can see the killer's aura for 5 seconds.
- Trapper's Passion.
- If you are in the killer's terror radius, you can block the first vault you use for 30 seconds.
- It only blocks the vault for the killer.
Here is the next one
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