Character ideas for Mystery Incorporated. #1 Fred Jones

IzofinChoyzei Member Posts: 28
edited November 2024 in Creations

Note: For those that don't know, mystery incorporated is the name for Scooby-doo and the gang. By the way if someone has better names/ideas for the perks, I'm all ears.

Fred Jones perks.

  1. let's make a trap
    1. Every time a generator is completed you get 1/2/3 tokens.
    2. You spend 1 token on a locker to change the locker into a safety locker.
    3. All survivors can see the aura of safety lockers. The killer can't tell the difference between a safety locker and a normal locker.
    4. when a survivor enters a safety locker, they cannot exit the locker without the help of another survivor unless they have the perk equipped. The killer cannot open a safety locker if there is a survivor in it.
    5. all survivors share the tokens, but can only use them if they have the perk equipped.
  2. let's split up gang
    1. If you are within 12/14/16 meters of another survivor this perk activates.
    2. when the survivor leaves the 12/14/16 meters, they can see the killer's aura for 5 seconds.
  3. Trapper's Passion.
    1. If you are in the killer's terror radius, you can block the first vault you use for 30 seconds.
    2. It only blocks the vault for the killer.

Here is the next one

#2 Daphne Blake

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