Need advice on the game

So I just did something recently that I regret deeply aka I just broke my tv and have to buy a new one because no idea how to fix it. I kinda realized I need to have a way to basically remain calm or at least not pull that move again. I know there's the usually oh just turn the game off or oh it's just a game but dbd just for some reasons brings out that rage in me mostly due to matchmaking and well toxicity no other game I've played does that. So I need advice on how to just keep my cool properly when playing dbd since I stopped trying to see it as a competitive game but well that competive feel just lingers in me still.
Just me, but I used to destroy controllers, a couple TVs and even an old PlayStation when I'd get mad. I figured out that outside the game I would catch myself punching a corner of a wall or headbutting something as well (I'm not proud of my anger issues when I was younger). What I wound up doing was getting an old arm rest from a office chair and rigging it up beside me so when I got mad at the game, I'd headbutt that as hard as I could. Eventually I got tired of the wasted energy that the rage caused. Now I'm not saying go headbutt the neighbors dog or anything but find an outlet you can incorporate to channel the aggression away from the valuables and of course other people. Just an idea.
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Play anti-tunnel and chase perks, and improve at looping. Forget the meme builds, but you can try 1-2 unusual perks that matches your playstyle. Probably you rage because you make mistakes, poor choices or rely on the mercy of the killer too much. They also want to win, so most of them won't let you finish your glyph challenge, it's stupid to expect.
Set realistic goals and try to focus only on them, and not escaping. I know it sounds bad and meaningless but it actually takes off the pressure.
I don't know how you play and how many hours you have, but let's say you make your first goal to last 15 or 20 seconds in a chase. If you succeed constantly, you can make it 5-10 secs longer.
If certain aspects of the game irritates you, change your thinking, because they won't improve it in the near future:
- Killer is tunneling me -> good, I can practice and win games for my team/go to another match faster + I can use my anti-tunnel perks to screw up the killer's game
- Killer is slugging me -> good, I can continue to watch the video I paused when the match started
When I'm on hook or being slugged as the last 2, I read articles or watch streams on Twitch and talking with people on the chat. It's bad, but you can't control that, so it's pointless to waste energy.
ALWAYS end the match on a positive vibe, think back what you did well and focus on that (you helped your teammate, finished an important gen, had a good loop, funny moment, etc). If you really can't find any positives, just think about the next one will be better.
Also try to end your game session positively. Even if you couldn't escape but had a fun match or a good play, let it be your last game. Don't wait until you get tired and a Nurse slugs all of you at 5 gens.
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This is serious advice for anything that frustrates you in case you actually need it:
- Turn the game off
- Close your eyes and imagine a relaxing place.
- Take deep breathes, slowly in and out.
- RELEASE. Try to relax the rage/tension
- More deep breathes
- Cry if you need to
- Listen to music that lowers your defenses
- Put into perspective that it is just a game.
- Be the change you want to see.
Take care and practice. It isn’t easy but with enough practice you can deal with many frustrating things in a way that is healthy for you and for others.
Edit: I would also stay away from solutions that direct your physical urges elsewhere. I think the goal is to remove the physical urges completely during your frustration. If you act physically in anger even if you’re directing it towards a pillow, the physical act of acting out these feelings is super addictive. The goal is to remove the physical urges by never acting on them.
Post edited by HerInfernalMajesty on5 -
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It’s really cruel to belittle someone in a moment of vulnerability. OP is admitting to behavior they are trying to reform. Do you really think kicking somebody while they are down who is asking for help is the best way of handling the situation?
It’s easier to tear things down than it is to build them up.
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No offense but you should never get that frustrated with a game. Period.
I fully understand that DBD can be frustrating, though not to that extend. Something you can do is recognise patterns. Are you having a rough day with DBD and all matches seem to be horrible? Step away as soon as you realise it.
For anger management there is no one size fits all approach. People have different ways to do it and you will need to find one that works for you. Some people scream, others get physical (which we are trying to avoid) and others again try to do something productive instead. One thing that might help is to do push ups. Define a rule for yourself like: "Anytime I would get angry and do X thing, I will do Y amount of push ups." The amount of push ups you do should be high enough to leave you too exhausted to do whatever you would do otherwise.
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Yeah I kinda realized afterwards that my matches weren't going well and I should have just put the controller down for a second. I paid the price for my foolishness and regret it. Reason why I'm trying to just let myself learn of ways to enjoy the game and cool down for two seconds and maybe not get so into the heat of the moment
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Neither did your parents care enough to teach you manners.
Post edited by Shroompy on4 -
Most would just say dont play this game if you get enraged like that.
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When I play Killer (or myself) for example I've learned to compliment my opponents on their moves instead of getting frustrated over them. If I'm losing they're obviously making good plays. Give them kudos.
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I used to get fairly angry myself when I was younger, and the way I learned to manage is to not blame the game or just something else, rather think what I could of done/be done better.
Your mind begins to create possible solutions to the problem your currently dealing with. Even if you end up losing, still think of things you could of done better and go into the next game. Not only will you go into a game with a fresher mind but youll also keep in mind the mistakes you made from last game and focus on avoiding them in the next games to come.
Now if you realize that even this isnt working, just log off and give yourself time to cool down. There is absolutely 0 reason to spend that kind of energy on something so little, and keep that in mind also when playing.
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Yeah I really just need to get rid of those last bits of competive spirit in me and relax. Screw it if I don't get a 4k if I get a hook I should be happy.
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I get that. I think pretty much all of us have experienced something similar. I know I have. You're trying your hardest to find enjoyment but it just doesn't work.
From my experience, the only thing you can do in these situations is to stop playing. Take a break from the game and come back later. If you still can't enjoy it, take another break.
If you're just feeling bored you can of course try to do some meme-y stuff but once your getting frustrated that will no longer work.
Either way, it's good that you are trying to adopt some better habits.
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I'm going to be 100% real, DBD can be very frustrating. There's certain things in the game that will just mess you up and you have to be able to handle it. I know you didn't want to hear it BUT if the game it's making you that frustrated you do need to switch it off. There are many times I'm just having a rough night and I play a few and then log off. Maybe take a 10 minute break and go walk or something that will help release tension then come back to it.
I tend to have a bad match and sit and have a little groan and that help with frustration 😅
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This is something you need to take up with a therapist. That sort of anger generally goes deeper than just gaming frustrations.
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From a killer main perspective:
The longer you play the less you worry about matches I find (It’s not like the monthly bloodpoint rewards for rank are particularly amazing) and if you are having that bad a time to the point you are getting angry just DC and eat the penalty and take a break from the game.One thing I find useful is don’t worry about the meta and if something in particular is annoying you if possible just take a perk to hard counter it, like Lightborn for flashlights or Agitation for Boil Over/sabotage hook builds.
But the game is weird in that if you keep getting 4K’s and keep raising your MMR the sweatier and arguably less fun matches will become so it’s not too bad to occasionally get some 0ks or even intentionally let survivors escape.1 -
That’s a good strategy, I am doing that too.
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I knew there was something I forgot to mention in my post and its this right here! ^^
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I agree with most of what others have said.
I'd personally consider also playing killer and choosing to meme around a bit. When I spend some time getting people to boop the snoot and farm as Pig, I tend not to care as much in later games if I don't do well even if I'm trying.
I also find taking a walk when I'm getting frustrated helps. Like if a match seems frustrating, that can be a good moment to relax and grab a glass of water or something before the next one.
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If it cheers you up, I tend to scream and curse into my monitor like Gordon Ramsay anytime I see one of my teammates do anything stupid.
I don't know, but that's kind of my personal way of "relaxing". Poor neighbours.
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My honest advice is to play dbd in waves; i used to rage at dbd but that was also when I played 8 hours a day.
2v8 is coming up...are you excited for that or dreading the q times? Either way, now is the perfect time for a break.
Personally, I had to stop playing dbd sober; if I'm not actively fighting off a panic attack while I'm killing then I'm not in the zone yet. Speaking of self imposed limitations, may I recommend wolf only Dracula?
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I am allways for talking stuff out, but I would be reluctant to do too much armchair psychology here, some peeps just got that rage in them and DBD is very good at pushing the trigger buttons. I am pretty chill and levelheaded, but sometimes DBD gets me so extremely riled up that I cuss at the screen! But all urges to throw something at it or punsh my equipment fade a splitsecond after they form, because I think that would be just dumb.
But of course, if OP has other anger issues that creep up in other aspects of their live, then it might be good advice to think about therapie.