Anyone else feel like Survivor Emblems should be shared?
A common complaint that I and basically everyone that plays SoloQ survivor has is that you are not so much playing a 4v1, but rather a 1v1v1v1v1, this leads to a lot of frustration, as you have zero idea what your teammates are doing, however one problem with this that I don't see a lot of people talk about is how this effects Emblems.
Example, one survivor runs the killer for 5 gens without going down, because of the way that Emblems work they're going to get a Iri Evader and Iri Unbroken, however, because they never had a chance to do anything besides run, and because the killer never went for anyone else, they won't get anything in Benevolent or Lightbringer, hindering their ability to rank up and get the monthly BP reward, however, this also effects their teammates, as because the killer was focused on one person the entire match, they'll get almost nothing in Evader or Benevolent either
One of the most frequent things that happens to me is getting a good Evader emblem, while getting a Silver Unbroken and Lightbringer, and while almost always getting a Iri Benevolent, because, for whatever reason, Benevolent is the only emblem Survivor has that gets affected by the actions of the entire team rather then just one person, this really annoys me, because just like the BP gains, you as a solo survivor do not have a lot of control over these, or if the killer never chases you you won't get anything for Evader, if you never get the chance to do gens or totems you won't get anything for Lightbringer.
I don't really see a reason for why progress for Lightbringer or Evader isn't shared amongst the entire team, it would punish people less for either not wanting to or not getting to engage in all aspects of Survivor gameplay.
lightbringer is shared. if your in chase, you get partial points in the generator category. it's very little but it accounts for getting silver emblem most of the time. i see emblem system more as way to track progress for what you have done in the match.
survivor play-styles and emblem system for double pip/1 piping encourages player to choose two play-styles. one that revolves around looping killer which will lead to you scoring Silver/Gold/Iri/Iri or generators which will score Iri/Iri/iri/silver. Usually, i tend to either get one or other every game. if the team is losing, you might get mixture of both where you get iri chaser and gold generators. so you get something like gold/silver/gold/iri.