Other than Knock Out, what could possibly hide my teammates dying aura for the entire match?

This has happened 3 times in the past 24 hours.
A Killer will slug someone and they are not using Knock Out and the slugged survivors are not in the void and you can't see the aura of the slugged Survivor!
This is the match I just played below. Does anyone see anything that would hide Ace's aura for literally the entire trial?
He went down at 5 generators and the Killer didn't bother anyone else, I could not see his aura at all! The map was Dead Dawg Saloon.
I was playing as Sable.
Yep, that's a cheater, as there is nothing in that ones kit that explains the situation.
That aside, the are a couple of popular parts of slugging builds.
Besides the ever present Knockout, Hex: Third Seal is quite popular. It hides all auras from survivors who are just hit once with a melee attack and unless the totem is cleansed, it stays up all game.
Ultimate Weapon, the erstwhile meta perk that fell from grace quickly after its nerf, is still a potential tool to inflict survivors over a wide radius with the blind condition. It's not as good as in its glory days, but it's still good and no one expects it these days
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r you sure they didnt slug your teammates in the void?
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Yeah because if Ace was in the Void there would be a turquoise icon indicating that he's in there
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survivors do not see that icon
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You can’t see that as survivor. He would however have the broken symbol beside his name if he was slugged in the void.
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Oh I don't remember if he was broken or not. I forgot only the Killer sees the icon.
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more than likely he was in the void then
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I played so much Killer that I got used to seeing the little Void icon. I feel bad, he brought a 5 year anniversary cake and just got bled out.
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Dayum! Yeah, the void seems to be the most likely culprit then. Thats a shame that be bleed out like that, it probably wasn't intentionally be the killer, who left Ace there for pressure and pickup, but thats indeed an unfortunate situation. I got quite confused a couple of times when I heared a down and couldn't see the survivors aura anywhere … and then saw no bubbel and hook and was all "huh?!? Whats going on here?" Classical void-induced madness :D
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event rift
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I think Sadako can eith a TV addon but alas it's a gf..