Shoulder The Burden is incredibly broken and will be abused
Survivors will just use this perk to delay the time of the killer getting the first kill. This is incredibly strong for the survivors. The counter to this perk is camping, and downing the survivor that used the perk fast enough. If you don't do this, the survivors can just freely extend the life of their teammates with no punishment, because there will still be 4 survivors in the game. So they want camping to become meta, or even more meta than it us now, is that it? I'd say this perk going live is a bad idea.
I mean it doesn't give a hook state for free, it only transfers one. It'll be good against tunnelling.
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Dont worry, the best survivors will do with it is waste the hook state by giving it to the survivor giving up.
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I'm afraid that this perk has emerged due to killers tunneling out 1 person at 4-5 gens left. I am not sure whether this perk is a good idea, either. It could be abused by SWFs even when the killer is not hardcore tunneling anyone. But also it's too situational in solo queue.
I'd rather the first hooked survivor get invulnerability after unhooked 2 times in a row (before anyone else got hooked), until someone else is hooked. (basekit)
It would be just in this >hardcore tunneling at the start< instance, and wouldn't harm the killer unless they were playing extremely dirty from the get-go.
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I'm really disliking that every solution to tunneling is a perk, like it's incredibly awful design.
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It doesn't delete the hook state, just transfers it.
This perk will only remain meta as long as tunneling remains meta.
And we've been in need of stronger ways to fight against tunneling for a while now.
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This perk will be used to prolong the life of survivors even if the killer isn't tunneling, and if the killer isn't there to camp to kill the person who uses the perk, this perk will be a big problem for killers.
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Survivors will be able to "optimize" or "even out" the hookstages with this perk. This will buy a lot of time for the survivors, unless the killer would be there to quickly down the person who used the perk.
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It'll only be super effective if there's a big imbalance in hook stages, I think. If the killer spreads hooks then it won't be a huge issue at all.
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Usable /=/ abusable
Yes, delaying the kill on a survivor is the entire purpose of the perk. Which is fine.
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But if the killer isn't tunneling then this perk loses most of its effectiveness.
It will be useful if someone is on death hook and you're able to help them, but if the killers is already spreading hooks then it doesn't really matter that much.
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I personally don't like this perk because it will be that type of perk thatyou will never see in SoloQ but will be insanity strong in SWF. The Perk also takes away alot of pressure a killer can get with a death-on-hook survivor.
Another issue is that this perk will be extremely strong against weaker killers but strong killers like Nurse, Blight, or Billy don't mind it too much. This is already an issue and this perk will increase it that playing a weaker killer punishes you more than playing a stronger killer.
Yes, a solution for hard tunnling would be great because getting tunneld at 5gens feels bad, but we need a different solution than one that punishes weaker killers and uncommon or difficult to pull of in SoloQ.
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Being able to deny someone from going down with their next hook 4 times in a match is a big deal, and I'm sure you will notice it too.
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just one more oppresive perk to SWF and useless when u run SoloQ. Its just one more motive how today is unplayable as solo, all changes since 2023 always increase the distance between how strong is swf comparing than solo instead they need make soloq more strong comparing to swf and they just release changes and make perks do the opposite.
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I don't like this perk, but for a different reason than probably everyone else.
As a killer that goes out of my way to 2-hook everyone before I start killing (or at least tries to), this is going to make that WAAAAAAAAY harder to do. Transferring a hook state means that, since killers can't see individual hook counts, the count cannot be trusted and that could lead to accidentally killing a survivor early. The flood of suicide on first hook people have already made keeping track of it a pain.
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You can really only effectively use it 3 times. No point on using it on the first hook as you'll be exposed for free. then a hookstate for each remaining survivor IF THEY ALL HAVE THE PERK. Realistically only coordinated teams can use this to that level and you could end up getting no value if a different teammate runs to get unhook without the perk
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I don't dislike the perk but I really don't feel like the answer to fixing tunneling is to create more anti-tunneling perks that won't even be brought to the match by the people that need it most (solo queue and players with low hour counts).
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They already gave basekit BT. Sometimes as killer, you have to tunnel. Sorry. You can't balance the entire game around new players, because they are not new players forever.
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I love adding "anti tunnel/camp" as perks instead of making basekit changes to both killer/surv mechanics! You'll have the games where people have 4 of these perks vs the ones where new players who don't have DLC have 0.
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That's one of the problems. Playing nice guy killer who spreads out hooks evenly usually just leads to a loss. Now, swfs will all be running this and force the killer to spread out hooks. This will be abused even if tunneling isn't happening. ANY time someone is on deathhook, someone with this perk can entirely erase that pressure instantly.
I'm not a fan of tunneling as a killer, so ill usually focus on two survivors to take turns on hooking...leaving the other 2 survivors last. It's a good middle point between tunneling and just surrendering the match by playing "too generously". Now, survivors can force a killer to always play "too generously". This will effectively be the death of the weaker m1 killers. They cannot ever afford to evenly spreadh hooks out.
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I do not like that it works endgame, I really fear we'll get endgame hook standoffs between SWF and M1s just trying to secure a final kill before the end of the game. Or, have it deactivate for everyone after a few hookstages, I don't know if it's OK to have this activate up to four times a round with a SWF. Could cause headaches for later, nip it in the bud now.
The exposed is a bit unnecessary, maybe make it 20 seconds of Broken?
This is a nice idea, and a solution to tunnelling, but I can see huge headaches for SoloQ, weaker M1s, and some really nasty playstyles for Survs develop here. Killers can't eliminate gens for a gen elsewhere, or anything like that. Killers can't remove boons entirely, Killers can't defile invocations which are for the rest of the trial.
Why can Survivors forever tilt the trial in their favor but Killers aren't allowed to counter that?0 -
The exposed part is silly. The fact that you have to give up a hook state and can only use it once is more than enough downside. Even Otz was talking about how this will just encourage more camping and slugging which is the last thing this game needs right now. Tunneling killers already stay by the hook so you are pretty much guaranteed to go down in addition to losing a hook state unless there is a strong pallet nearby.
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Well, exposed part is reason why I don't have an issue with it… Would be kinda annoying if you couldn't even punish it, if they do it in front of you.
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This thing is so ridiculously broken if everyone runs it. It's so broken, that the downside should be you becoming broken until getting unhooked. You can literally have a survivor have so many hook states, lol.
It also throws any strategy out the window for killers since they have no idea who has how many hook states. The killer knows that throughout the whole match, he's been hooking multiple people, but it's the end of the line with the exit games powered. He doesn't have any kills yet, so he knows he MUST go after someone he knows he hooked twice already. He'll chase and chase and get looped and finally down that survivor to at least get one kill out of the match only to find out they have ZERO hook states. It's just silly.
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But it creates new issues. A killer cannot know if one of the survivors have this perk and when hooking a survivor second state, there is this lose-lose-situation where you either leave the hook and risk the perk or stay close to the hook to prevent the perk or to down the survivor.
20 sec is also not that much because if you have the average killer that goes for different survivors, the killer gets punished for no reasons and there will be no drawback because they don't make it in time, especially if its one of the weaker or average killers. Avoiding a hit within 20sec against a weak killer is so easy, especially when the unhooked survivor helps you with OTR or basekit BT.
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If it didn't have the exposed part this perk would have absolutely no counter and would be even more busted.
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Idk. Personally killers struggle against good survivors enough. There’s a reason why in competitive tunneling is needed in every single match to actually have a chance.
Also mmm, makes “Make your choice” completely useless no?
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I am not saying it's a weak perk, I think it will be very strong, especially for SWF. I will probably use it, because I tend to abuse strong loops and prerun, so most killers don't like to chase me. I will probably use it instead of Babysitter in my build.
But without screaming and exposed it would be definitely broken. So I am glad it is there, so there is at least some risk to it.
Only issue I see with it is basically good luck to killers tracking who has how many hook stages left.0 -
This is insanely strong. Should be broken until unhooked.
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They should really show the killer hook states in full now if they're going to allow a perk like this to exist. Because while you can see that yeah, someone used the perk, it gets reallllllly muddy and hard to track if multiple burdens are used in a match. Imagine a new player going against this perk…