Shoulder the Burden is a crazy park that enhances SWF
DEEPL translation is used
Killers have to keep track of the number of hangings in their head, and changing that makes it even harder for them to play.
It seems that the number of hangs is displayed when you use a perk, but it still makes it difficult to keep track of the number of hangs.
Also, it seems to grant 20 seconds of unprotectedness, has the management ever played this game?
It is almost impossible to get to the location and find the target survivor within 20 seconds of hearing the screams, e.g. while patrolling the map with a regular foot killer.
And most dangerous of all, this perk is probably never used solo, but in SWF it is used frequently and can be game breaking.
For example, you can decide on one person to be the hangman, and that person will use the call perk.
The killer hangs that person on the hook, but that person has “blood + hand reveal”, which allows for chases and generator repairs while constantly checking the killer's movements within 32m.
Then, the person who is not the hanged person takes “sense of security” and uses the sense of security individually to extend the hook time by up to 90 seconds, making it possible to constantly see the killer's aura for nearly 160 seconds per hang.
Then, “Shoulder the Burden” can be used by a survivor other than the hanged to repeat 5 times until the hanged survivor is executed.
This may be the worst possible situation, but it is clear that there will be a large number of matches similar to this one.
Who can beat this kind of SFW?
The management proved they have never played this game when they adjusted the previous “corrective measures”.
And they further proved that they don't even understand what this game is about by coming up with this perk effect.
Please completely change the effect of this perk and at the same time at least understand what this game is about.
Interesting enough, this perk PUNISHES killers who DON'T hook camp. The "downside" is being exposed for a very short amount of time, but only killers who are near the hook can actually capitalize on it. With this perk existing, we're going to be STRONGLY encouraging killers who camp near hooks because this perk alone is enough to essentially break the game.
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Hadn't considered the scenario you outline and I also think it won't be that popular because it would require ine player effectively not playing the match. This would also lock in a number of perk slots for the entire team, because it's quite hard to make the killer hook a specific survivor. Deliverance players know how hard it can be to not get hooked first.
That being said, I agree with the previous poster why it is terrible anyway: it absolutely incentivises camping for, effectively, a free trade. - And, as per usual, does so especially on already strong killers (that can pretty reliably get a hit within 20 seconds)
The only balanced scenario is where someone uses it for a last second hook exchange.Bottom line: if it's a hook exchange, rather bring reassurance and for an absolutely last second trade. That way you gain more time and save a perk slot.
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Camping is dead because of 70 seconds hook stages and the anti-camp mechanic
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You would need the stars to align for such a scenario to happen without failing.
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Sorry what? Not even close.
And since this comes up every time it's mentioned as too weak: there is no anti camp mechanic. It's anti-FACE camping.
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There's no anti camp feature currently in the game. Maybe you're getting confused with anti face camp which is an entirely different subject.
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Interesting enough, this perk PUNISHES
You go from 2 hooks to 2 hooks, it doesn't punish anything.
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The exposed duration is so short that a killer is unlikely to be able to hit the survivor while they are exposed, unless the killer was proxy camping the hook, and was immediately running back to the hook to chase after the exposed survivor. In comparison, if a killer is proxy camping, they might be able to 1 shot the exposed survivor, place them on a hook, and that survivor is now down at least 2 hook states.
Also, shoulder the Burden should only work on a survivor once per game. It's fine if someone wants to give a survivor 1 extra health state. But SWFs can currently use this on the same survivor 3 times in the same game, which is way too much. This suggested change is fine, because it doesn't really affect normal games, and only really affects SWFs that are purposely stacking this perk to use on the same survivor.
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I don't think there's a reason to. A swiffer using a perk is not sufficient reason to nerf it. We shouldn't risk the anti-tunnel perk getting a 'just tunnel through it' solution, like with DS.
This perk isn't useful if the killer does not tunnel anyway, so it's once again, entirely avoidable.
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Yes it does. The survivors can even out the hooks to keep their teammates alive longer, even when the killer isn't tunneling. This will help survivors a lot.
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If the killer isn't tunnelling, they didn't need this perk to begin with, since someone with fewer hooks can just take the next chase.
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When any survivor goes into struggle, another survivor can extend their life with this perk. Next time the killer chases a person that SHOULD be dead after a down, there's another hook stage. It's about extending the time of all 4 survivors being alive, this perk is able to do that far too well. Also the counter to this perk is camping, so that alone is stupid. It will make camping even more common.
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Limiting the perk so that it can only be used on the same survivor once per game, doesn't affect solo q games where only 1 person has the perk. Multiple people can still bring this perk, but they can't just stack it on the same survivor to give them a total of 6 hook states.
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Yeah, but if someone is on death hook, any other player can just cover for them physically, drawing the killer's attention off of that target, by bodyblocking for example.
Doesn't affect solo q games where only 1 person has the perk.
But it would affect solo queue games where more than 1 person has the perk.
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It's too many hook states for one survivor.
Besides, the game needs to be consistent, and Reassurance was nerfed because using it too many times on the same survivor could be considered griefing. Similarly, using Shoulder the Burden three times on the same person should also be considered potential greifing.
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It's too many hook states for one survivor.
Why? Everything gained on that one survivor is lost on the others. It doesn't extend the game at all.
Besides, the game needs to be consistent, and Reassurance was nerfed because using it too many times on the same survivor could be considered griefing. Similarly, using Shoulder the Burden three times on the same person should also be considered potential greifing.
Perma-reassurance required cooperation between two survivors not on the hook AND the killer, and the real reason it got nerfed was because killers got their knickers in a twist over a camping counter.
But at least perma-reassurance did mean one player was just left AFK on hook, which isn't the case with Shoulder the Burden, since that involves actual gameplay, because the survivor has to get pulled off the hook and actually be able to play, so that same argument won't work here.
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I agree with this and also, it should not work in endgame. Other perks like DS and some strong perks meant to be used midgame do not, I don't think a Perk that shifts hook stages this way should either. Otherwise we might get standoffs in the end with people coordinating a Shoulder save while the Killer tries to hover around defending the hook, which isn't that much fun.
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You are forgetting that survivor don't share hook stages at all. In a general view Killers must do 12 hook stages to win a game killing all the 4 survivors, but to achieve that its easier when the game goes down from 1v4 to 1v3 or 1v2. This don't happen only when you tunnel, but happens naturally when a survivor cannot afford to be hooked again because he/she is in death hook and lost the chase.
This extends the game because a survivor who otherwise could be dead can have his hook stages with someone who hide the whole match and haven't been hooked yet, erasing most of the killer pressure in the match. There are so many scenarios where this is punishes killers who are not actively tunneling that it makes me wonder if they tested this perk before the PTB.
Imagine if killers had a perk where it could damage a completed generator, turn into a 50% gen and spread its progress to every other generator unfinished - survivor would still have the same amount of charges "completed" through all the generators, but would have to risk themselves again to complete a probably vital gen in a map - like the RPD Trigen. And if you consider it could be regressed even further with Ruin/Pain Ress/Pop/Dry kicks you start to see the problem - as the unburned survivor could still use his anti-tunnel perks and be healed after being rescued.
Anyway, devs should take care on how they implement this, to be a smart counter against a true tunneling scenario - making it EXTREMELY RISKY to use, as a last resource to save a hard tunneled friend, not a perk used to change the match balance.
For me i think the current anti-tunnel perks - OTR, DS, Blood Rush - are good enough to counter tunnel. They should just implement a system where we could see other survivor perks in lobby and during the match so we could coordinate better.
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You are forgetting that survivor don't share hook stages at all. In a general view Killers must do 12 hook stages to win a game killing all the 4 survivors, but to achieve that its easier when the game goes down from 1v4 to 1v3 or 1v2. This don't happen only when you tunnel, but happens naturally when a survivor cannot afford to be hooked again because he/she is in death hook and lost the chase.
I fully understand the implications, I just disagree with them being somehow unfair to the killer.
This perk can't be used to keep someone off death hook if the wielder of the perk has a hook state, because it'll just put the user on death hook. Someone that gets hooked cannot effectively use this perk anymore for the purpose indicated. If the killer distributes their hooks, this perk therefor has zero value. If the killer isn't tunnelling, the natural spread of hooks means this ability to postpone death hooks is effectively undermined. And if the killer isn't tunnelling, the survivors won't need a perk to accomplish the same result.
It's really only against tunnellers where this perk has a meaningful impact.
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I disagree. It can be used to punishing killers who are not actively tunneling.
I think first we need to address what we see as tunneling. I personally understand tunneling as hard tunneling: in the moment someone is off the hook the killer goes back to it and tries to hook the same person again. This is bad for the game and completly destroys someone experience. The current anti-tunnel perks like Off the Record, Decisive Strike or even Blood Rush already punishes a tunneling killer since he will need 2 to 3 hits to get a down, face 2x exhaustions and probably be stunned and get to chase the same person again.
There is scenarios where you are not actively tunneling, but one or two people will have more hook than others. If you completely spread hooks, doing 8 hooks before you start to sacrifice people, you will lose the game, even if you play Nurse with a meta build. Experienced killers now that you need to swap between two to three survivors to win a game or else you won't have enough pressure to stop the gens. The issue is that this perk of Burden functions better in this scenario than in any other, even better than the hard tunnel scenario.
Because of all of this, i think this perk can be more used as an offensive tool than a defensive tool - even if its design intent is good at first.
As i've said before, tunneling needs to be address now more with team info and coordination for SoloQ than any other thing.
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The issue is that this perk of Burden functions better in this scenario than in any other, even better than the hard tunnel scenario.
That is definitely not true. If you bounce between two, then neither of them will be able to use the perk to any benefit, leaving only the other two to take up to two extra hook states before they would put themselves on death hook, versus three survivors being able to take extra hook states if the killer tries to just go for one.
The singular hard-tunnel scene is the one where the perk has the most effect. In any other situation, it drops off, down to being unusable if you get everyone on one hook state before advancing to second hooks.
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anti face camp does not go up only if you are sitting 2cm away from survivor
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That's not remotely true. 2.54 centimeters is only an inch.