Ghostface appears to still have similar lean clunkiness and reveal glitchiness similar to on Live.
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Ghostface's lean has been slightly broken since Blight's hugtech removal patch, he now no longer can properly lean on objects or slide around them to hide himself while leaning. Unsure if that's the intended design.
In addition, his Reveal has been bugged in a way that makes it too easy to reveal him accidentally, including through walls again. This is exacerbated when bots are involved, as they can perfectly reveal from places like behind several distant walls and the basement hooks when he is nowhere near them (i.e. is 32 m away and not even in the basement). This has been broken since the most recent Singularity and Unknown update patch right around after Masquerade ended this year.
Both issues are currently on Live, and seem to still be here on the PTB. Now would be a great time to repair both the bugged Reveal and the bugged lean.
STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Play Ghostface. Notice being revealed when you shouldn't/not revealed when you should. Notice that leaning is unavailable around some structures.
PLAYER LOGS: You don't need player logs to see this and it's on all platforms.