All the people complaining about killers running full gens slowdown builds watch this please

This is a video of a Xeno (aka a killer with a very strong antiloop power) running a full chase build (supposed to make said antiloop even stronger) getting absolutely obliterated by survivors doing 5 gens in less than 3 minutes. And then people wonder why are killers inclined to run full slowdown builds even on top tier killers ?

Seriously, at this point only average survivor mains can claim that "good killers don't need gen slowdown perks" cause they want to have easier games against them, but the gaslighting has got to stop at some point.



  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    There are, frankly, FAR too many generator perks that tip the game in either sides' favor and they are ALL far too strong.

    But this is not evidence of much except for a cheating group. I don't think this gen speed can be or is legit.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,869

    This game DID look like hacks were in play. It was like people were teleporting to the next gen after finishing. I noticed someone started opening the gate immediately after last gen popped, which... is possible of course but DAMN were they time efficient.

  • Jock21
    Jock21 Member Posts: 88

    Wandering around at the start of the match in order to find survivors is what literally every single killer who doesn't run Lethal does, but I get it, you need to find a straw to grasp at considering that he hasn't even missed a single tail attack or had a chase longer than 30 seconds, the killers need to be blamed for not playing like literal AIs but not a single bashing towards the same survivors who were still killing themselves on hook or didn't even set up a single turret in order to improve their chase times.

  • Jock21
    Jock21 Member Posts: 88

    These were the builds the survivors were running, so no actual hacking needed when the game already gives the survivors all the necessary tools to create matches like this (and the survivors also get the courtesy for not getting shamed constantly for using such builds unlike the killers' builds counterpart).

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,660

    I personally dislike his ego. I agree with a lot of his opinions regarding the future of dbd.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    Understandable and 100% agreed, I do not like content creators with a massive ego.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,660

    My bad. I responded to the wrong comment. My cincerest apologies, I didn't want to confuse you.

    Regarding your statement. I do agree. Most Gen perks are too game changing. On both sides. However, some form of slowdown is required on most killers due to survivors having an efficiency advantage by default (which is not utilized in a majority of matches).

    I still think that it would he an interesting experiment to see, how the kill rates would look like in a week without any gen related perk.

  • Ilikechips
    Ilikechips Member Posts: 170

    Checks statistics

    Nope, Killer is still baby mode easy.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited November 2024

    the problem is that you can't run any other perks other than gen defence. The killer needs more leeway to not have to run gen defence every game. you can literally afk as killer and you'll lose at same rate as if you were playing the game without gen defence.

    this is what i mean by killer impact on playing the killer is like 0 at base-kit.

    no. the video is saying, killer should not run gen defence, run other variety perks. well here's issue. you run variety perks and you enter the game and lose. killer perks are suppose encourage certain play-style/empower the killer marginally but gen defence perks require you to run them to balance the base game.

    you can't even make a tier list of perks in dbd for killer because every perk is like F, C-tier or D-tier for killer and gen defence perk that do anything for gens are like S-tier. that is what tru3 is trying to say when he says. Not using gen defence makes the game harder for you as killer, intentionally. It is like using Weaving spiders and No mither on survivor every game as survivor for every killer perk. a killer perk has to be like Old starstruck nurse-level to be relevant over gen defence with current balance of the game otherwise your running variety for sake variety to make game harder for yourself.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 411

    My issue is that we don't know how this same match would've ended if he had run a gen defense or any other build. The killer he chose may also make a difference. Perhaps, if he had run something else, he may have gotten a higher number of kills. Then that might just mean the survivors felt they had to run these builds, in order to fight off all those killers and builds they go against. Playing against people trying to win with all they've got has to be fought with the same.

    In an ideal world all killers would be on equal levels and fun to play as and against. Sadly, I don't even know how that could be possible.

    People can run whatever builds they want. I still run the old ruin and BBQ builds because I enjoy them. But trying to play in fun ways and still wanting to win a lot, just doesn't go well together in this game.

  • CLHL
    CLHL Member Posts: 238

    The funniest part of all is that even with how strong the 3gen is on that map, the result would probably have been exactly the same with four gen slowdown perks.

    There are always complaints about the killer addons, but survivors have no same about using syringe, styptic agent and brandnew parts in every match. Even after all the nerfs, we still have absurd situations like this one.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,139

    I mean yeah nothing new. If survivors WANT to win they have all the tools necessary to do so and gen slowdown sometimes can only delay the inevitable with those builds. Worst part is you don't even need all that to reliably 3-4 out as long as you have some form of making the killer chase you for longer.

  • SuspiciousBrownie
    SuspiciousBrownie Member Posts: 266

    Survivors will continue to cope and act like gen speeds aren’t a problem but they very much are. I posted a video where we popped all 4 gens in 4 minutes flat. And I promise I can do it 9 times out of 10. It’s very easy honestly if you bring a Gen build.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    I'd disagree, I think the main issue is just flat out toolboxes.

    The amount of gen repair speed you can get stacking everything else without toolboxes is like, half as much as you get just from a basic toolbox. If toolboxes were ever nerfed to not be this powerful, genrushing builds would take such a gigantic hit in power that they'd practically no longer exist as we know them now.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    yeah, it's obviously a problem + just how bad the design of toolboxes is. But generally, it's a nonissue. It's just how far survivors can stack their capabilities. I myself ran into such squad, I think it was hens doing his WR and I barely won that and mostly because my build was a complete counter to theirs (they stacked no mither + deja&resi, I had thana and soma photo)

    Normally it doesnt happen and when it happens such survs have a decent chance of accidentally 3 genning themselves and then finding out.

  • Autharia
    Autharia Member Posts: 460
    edited November 2024

    Thing is they have been hard nerfed already. Before toolboxes lasted 2+ gens worth of charges base and wire spool added 30 charges.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Sure, but they're obviously still a problem anyway. Things can be nerfed and still not be okay.

    Also, wasn't the repair speed bonus way lower back then? That'd be more of a sidegrade, if so.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    they have been sidegraded to be burst gen speed instead of extended gen repair speed bonus.

    they did gave more value and were stronger in the long run, but current toolboxes are unmatched when you need to rapidly complete a generator which is invaluable.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    So gen defense is needed against a 4 man SWF running luck offerings and genrush builds. Okay, what exactly is your point? Do you see this every game or something? If your argument against people complaining about quad slowdown in public matches is "but what if they run into 4 man SWF running genrush builds", then you are not arguing in good faith, end of story. If these survivors had a normal spread of items and perks even this terrible start could be 4k'd since the survivors were not good at all in chase.

    This doesn't even matter to the actual argument, but he did not play that well that game to begin with, he ignores 2 survivors on main and tunnels to his spawnpoint only to walk back to main again, rather than tunneling to cactus side where survivors typically spawn or chasing at main. This is why it took him 72 seconds to get his first hook, which against these builds is game losing. And against the strongest survivor stuff, you may need the strongest killer stuff.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 745

    4-man SWF, all of them have Deja Vu and BNP. No wonder those gens flew so fast

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,150

    Do 4 man teams like this even have fun playing in this way?

    I mean yeah, once you are out of beginner Killer MMR of course you need to bring some kind of gen regression or slowdown to remain competitive. But other than that, I'm not sure what else this video is meant to prove. Except perhaps to demonstrate that DBD is obviously balanced around a mostly casual player base and the expectation that both sides probably won't be playing the game like they're competing in an esports tournament.

    Most of the time, I find full slowdown builds to be overkill and frankly, I don't see why anyone would want to be at an MMR where they are necessary.

  • Jock21
    Jock21 Member Posts: 88

    I said that cause I saw people suggesting to new killers in this forum whom were asking for advice on how to improve that they don't need to use any gen slowdown perks at all as long as they don't play a low tier killer, which is why I brought it up as an utter BS advice.

    Also in this specific match even 4 gen slowdown perks probably would've been enough considering how much they've nerfed it.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    So, again, to be clear:

    This streamer lost because real, actual genrush builds like the one in this video are extremely unbalanced.

    Separately, this streamer wouldn't have done well otherwise because his build was an extremely lopsided gimmick and he actively avoided pressuring survivors.

    The first part is the part the really matters, the second part is an important thing to keep in mind when thinking about what videos to use as evidence for a claim.

    This video illustrates absolutely nothing about gen defence or killer builds in general. It illustrates that genrush builds are broken. We can also use it as a springboard for discussion about what a good killer build looks like without gen defence, because what this streamer has is Not That At All, but that's separate to what the video itself actually shows.

  • Jock21
    Jock21 Member Posts: 88
    edited November 2024

    You can almost never win a slightly above average killer main with a team running full gen speed builds ? To me that sounds like an under average survivor main problem.

    Post edited by Jock21 on
  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Eh, while one toolbox isn't game breaking it's still overtuned. I've been the one person in a lobby with a toolbox build before, and the sheer amount of gen repair I can get done in that context just on my own is pretty questionable.

    I still think the problem is toolboxes, not general stacking. Survivors could stack every single source of non-toolbox gen speed in the game and still only have a fraction of what a toolbox could give them.

    Change toolboxes to not give gen speed and to give something else instead, and the problem disappears.

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 567

    He is streaming this game since the beginning & is probably in high top MMR.

    Yes, he is going to be paired with survivors with same MMR level, so when he had constant 4k's and suddenly bring "chill build" he is going to be stomped by sweaty survivors, because matchmaking takes your skill and ability to kill/escape, not if you have 4 slowdowns or "chill build" in game.